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The Vaisala WXT520 is a small and lightweight transmitter that offers six weather parameters in one compact package. WXT520 measures wind speed and direction, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity.

The HSYCO WXT520 driver supports the RS-232 and RS-485 serial interface version, with the ASCII automatic protocol on the WXT520.

WXT520 Device


Connect the WXT520 to HSYCO through a direct serial connection or a supporter TCP/IP to serial gateway.

The default RS-232 parameters are:

Baud rate19200
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

WXT520 configuration

The WXT520 must be configured to automatically send all relevant measured data to the serial port using its proprietary ASCII protocol.

Select the ASCII protocol and uncheck the "Polling only" option, so that automatic transmission is enabled. If the "Response with CRC" option is enabled, the WXT520 driver will check the CRC in received messages and discard messages with CRC errors.

The composite message transmission interval should be set to no more than 30 seconds, otherwise the driver could be occasionally restarted due to the intervention of the keep-alive watch-dog.

WXT520 Device

HSYCO Configuration

Add a WXT520 I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the device.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


|ID |Default|Values |Description | | | | |--------|-------|--------------|---------------------------------------------------------| |gui |false |true |enable support for the UISET actions | | | | | | |false |disable UI support | | | | |altitude|0 |integer number|the station's installation altitude above mean sea level.
This optional parameter is used to convert the measured local atmospheric pressure to mean sea level pressure (MSLP).
The conversion function takes into account the altitude and local temperature.
If this parameter is not set or set to 0, the measured pressure value will be returned unmodified.|


All measured values returned as datapoints use the units as set in the WXT520. The unit is not returned in the datapoint value.

statusonlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can’t connect to the WXT520
sn<value>Rwind speed minimum (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
sm<value>Rwind speed average (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
sx<value>Rwind speed maximum (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
dn<value>Rwind direction minimum (deg)
dm<value>Rwind direction average (deg)
dx<value>Rwind direction maximum (deg)
pa<value>Rair pressure (hPa, Pa, bar, mmHg, inHg), converted to mean sea level pressure if the altitude option is set
ta<value>Rair temperature (C, F)
tp<value>Rinternal temperature (C, F)
ua<value>Rrelative humidity (%RH)
rc<value>Rrain accumulation (mm, in)
rd<value>Rrain duration (s)
ri<value>Rrain intensity (mm/h, in/h)
rp<value>Rrain peak intensity (mm/h, in/h)
hc<value>Rhail accumulation (hits/cm2, hits/in2, hits)
hd<value>Rhail duration (s)
hi<value>Rhail intensity (hits/cm2h, hits/in2h, hits/ h)
hp<value>Rhail peak intensity (hits/cm2h, hits/in2h, hits/ h)
th<value>Rheating temperature (C, F)
vh<value>Rheating voltage (V)
vs<value>Rsupply voltage (V)
vr<value>R3.5 V ref. voltage (V)
id<value>Rinformation field

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet toDescription
snvalue<value> <unit>wind speed minimum (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
smvalue<value> <unit>wind speed average (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
sxvalue<value> <unit>wind speed maximum (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
dnvalue<value> <unit>wind direction minimum (deg)
dmvalue<value> <unit>wind direction average (deg)
dnvalue<value> <unit>wind direction minimum (deg)
dxvalue<value> <unit>wind direction maximum (deg)
pavalue<value> <unit>air pressure (hPa, Pa, bar, mmHg, inHg), converted to mean sea level pressure if the altitude option is set
tavalue<value> <unit>air temperature (C, F)
tpvalue<value> <unit>internal temperature (C, F)
uavalue<value> <unit>relative humidity (%RH)
rcvalue<value> <unit>rain accumulation (mm, in)
rdvalue<value> <unit>rain duration (s)
rivalue<value> <unit>rain intensity (mm/h, in/h)
rpvalue<value> <unit>rain peak intensity (mm/h, in/h)
hcvalue<value> <unit>hail accumulation (hits/cm2, hits/in2, hits)
hdvalue<value> <unit>hail duration (s)
hivalue<value> <unit>hail intensity (hits/cm2h, hits/in2h, hits/ h)
hpvalue<value> <unit>hail peak intensity (hits/cm2h, hits/in2h, hits/ h)
thvalue<value> <unit>heating temperature (C, F)
vhvalue<value> <unit>heating voltage (V)
vsvalue<value> <unit>supply voltage (V)
vrvalue<value> <unit>3.5 V ref. voltage (V)
idvalue<value> <unit>information field

Release Notes


  • initial version release

Vaisala is a registered trademarks of Vaisala Oyj.