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The Mitsubishi I/O Server can control air-conditioning devices connected to a Mitsubishi M-NET bus via a centralized controller and the Ethernet LAN.

The following models of Mitsubishi M-NET controllers, with support for the XML API, are supported:

  • EB-50
  • EW-50
  • G-50
  • GB-50
  • AG-150
  • AE-200
  • AE-200E

This I/O Server complies with the XML API for the Mitsubishi M-NET proprietary protocol.

M-NET Architecture

All the devices comprising the M-NET architecture are assigned an address ranging from 0 to 250.

Conditioners and lossnay modules can be associated to 50 different groups (indexed from 1 to 50). The control of these modules is thus performed addressing the group they belong to.

Further, it is possible to expand the system using up to three ECs which allow to replicate a full M-NET architecture under each EC. In this case, modules are addressed specifying both the EC and the group they belong to.

The following image shows a possible configuration of a simple system:

Mitsubishi bus architecture

The Mitsubishi controller replies on the port 80 (10 sockets) or 1025 (4 sockets) of its IP address.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an MNET I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: IP address of the controller
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port to use, can be set to 80 or 1025, leave blank to use default port 80.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval20n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
ec00 - 3specifies the number of ECs connected to the main controller. A value of 0 indicates that no EC is used


In the following tables, replace <target> with "system" for sending the command to all the defined groups. If ECs are used (i.e. the option ec is set to a value greater than 0), you can specify ec<s> (with <s> ranging from 1 to the specified value of ECs) as target to address a single sub-system.

Further, replace <n> in g<n> with a group number ranging from 1 to 50 and replace <m> in a<m> with an address from 0 to 250.

If ECs are used, it is necessary to specify the EC number we are addressing too. To this end, prepend the string ec<s>. to the group or the address.

For instance, when an EC is used, the following datapoint ID is not correct:


The correct one to be used is the following:

connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
<target>.power1Rat least one group is on
Wturn all the groups on
0Rthe whole system is off
Wturn the whole system off
Wset the mode of all the groups to the specified value (Air conditioner modes)
Wset the mode of all the groups to the specified value (LOSSNAY modes)
<target>.temp17 - 30Wset the temperature of all the groups to the specified value (if compliant with the allowed ranges(1))
Wset the air direction of all the groups to the specified value
Wset the speed of the fan of all the groups to the specified value
Wset the operation status of the interlocked LOSSNAY or OA processing unit present in the whole system to the specified value
<target>.prohibit.drive1Wprohibit power switching by remote control to all the groups
0Wallow power switching by remote control to all the groups
<target>.prohibit.mode1Wprohibit mode setting by remote control to all the groups
0Wallow mode setting by remote control to all the groups
<target>.prohibit.settemp1Wprohibit temperature setting by remote control to all the groups
0Wallow temperature setting by remote control to all the groups
<target>.prohibit.filter1Wprohibit filter signal reset by remote control to all the groups
0Wallow filter signal reset by remote control to all the groups
<target>.reseterrorWreset the error signal of all the groups
filterWreset the filter signal of all the groups
g<n>.power1Rthis group is on
Wturn this group on
0Rthis group is off
Wturn this group off
Rthe mode of this group is set to the reported value (Air conditioner modes)
Wset the mode of this group to the specified value (Air conditioner modes)
Rthe mode of this group is set to the reported value (Air conditioner modes)
Rthe mode of this group is set to the reported value (LOSSNAY modes)
Wset the mode of this group to the specified value (LOSSNAY modes)
g<n>.temp17 - 30Rthe set temperature for this group correspond to the reported value (in °C)
Wset the temperature of this group to the specified value (if compliant with the allowed ranges(1))
g<n>.inlettemp0 - 999Rthe inlet measured temperature for this group (in tenth of °C)
Rthe air direction for this group is set to the reported value
Wset the air direction of this group to the specified value
Rthe fan speed for this group is set to the reported value
Wset the speed of the fan of this group to the specified value
Rthe operation status of the interlocked LOSSNAY or OA processing unit present in this group is set to the reported value
Wset the operation status of the interlocked LOSSNAY or OA processing unit present in this group to the specified value
g<n>.prohibit.drive1Rthe power switching by remote control is prohibited to this group
Wprohibit power switching by remote control to this group
0Rthe power switching by remote control is allowed to this group
Wallow power switching by remote control to this group
g<n>.prohibit.mode1Rthe mode setting by remote control is prohibited to this group
Wprohibit mode setting by remote control to this group
0Rthe mode setting by remote control is allowed to this group
Wallow mode setting by remote control to this group
g<n>.prohibit.settemp1Rthe temperature setting by remote control is prohibited to this group
Wprohibit temperature setting by remote control to this group
0Rthe temperature setting by remote control is allowed to this group
Wallow temperature setting by remote control to this group
g<n>.prohibit.filter1Rthe filter signal reset by remote control is prohibited to this group
Wprohibit filter signal reset by remote control to this group
0Rthe filter signal reset by remote control is allowed to this group
Wallow filter signal reset by remote control to this group
g<n>.filter1Rthe filter signal of this group is on
0Rthe filter signal of this group is off
g<n>.error1Rthe error signal of this group is on
0Rthe error signal of this group is off
g<n>.resetfilterWreset the filter signal of this group
errorWreset the error signal of this group
a<m>.error0Rno error is reported for this address
<xxxx>Rthe error with code <xxxx> is reported for this address
system.error1Ran error is detected on some address
0Rno error detected on any address

Note 1

For some modes the temperature must be set following these ranges:

  • modes cool or dry: 19 - 30
  • mode heat: 17 - 28
  • mode auto: 19 - 28 If <target> is set to system or ec<s> and the specified temperature parameter doesn’t respect the above mentioned ranges for a group belonging to the target, then the temperature is not changed for that group and an error message is logged.

User Interface

UISET Actions

connectionvisibletrue when the device appears offline, false otherwise
system.powervaluethe status of the system: ON: at least one group is on:::note all the system is off
ec<s>&lt.powervaluethe status of the sub-system connected to this EC: ON: at least one group is on all the sub-system is off. Valid if the option ec is set to a value greater that 0.
g<n>.powervaluethe status of the specified group: ON, OFF
g<n>.modevaluethe set mode for this group: COOL, DRY, FAN, HEAT, AUTO, AUTOHEAT, AUTOCOOL, HEATRECOVERY, LCAUTO, BYPASS
g<n>.tempvaluethe set temperature for this group: 17 - 30 °C
g<n>.inlettempvaluethe inlet measured temperature for the specified group: 0.0 - 99.9 °C
g<n>.airdirectionvaluethe air direction setting for this group: HORIZONTAL, MID1, MID2, VERTICAL, SWING
g<n>.fanspeedvaluethe speed of the fan for this group: HIGH, MID1, MID2, LOW
g<n>.ventilationvalueoperation status of the interlocked LOSSNAY or OA processing unit: HIGH, LOW, OFF
g<n>.prohibit.drivevaluepower switching by remote control prohibition: ON, OFF
g<n>.prohibit.modevaluemode changing by remote control prohibition: ON, OFF
g<n>.prohibit.settempvaluetemperature setting by remote control prohibition: ON, OFF
g<n>.prohibit.filtervaluefilter signal reset by remote control prohibition: ON, OFF
g<n>.errorvisibletrue if the error state for this group is set, false otherwise
g<n>.filtervisibletrue if the filter signal state for this group is set, false otherwise
a<m>.errorvisibletrue if an error is detected for the specified address, false if no error is signaled
a<m>.errorvalueerror code for the specified address
system.errorvisibletrue if an error is detected on any address, false otherwise

USER Commands

<target>.poweronturn the target on
offturn the target off
air conditioner modes
<target>.temp17 - 30set the target temperature(1)
upincrease the target temperature by 1°C (if the upper limit is not reached)(1)
downdecrease the target temperature by 1°C (if the lower limit is not reached)(1)
set the air direction of the target to the specified mode
g<n>.airdirectionupchange the air direction of this group according to the sequence: vertical - mid2 - mid1 - horizontal. If the current direction is set to swing, sets it to horizontal
downchange the air direction of this group according to the sequence: horizontal - mid1 - mid2 - vertical. If the current direction is set to swing, set it to vertical
set the fan speed of the target
g<n>.fanspeedupchange the fan speed of this group according to the sequence: low - mid2 - mid1 - high
downchange the fan speed of this group according to the sequence: low - mid2 - mid1 - high
set the operation status of the interlocked LOSSNAY or OA processing unit
<target>.reseterrorreset the error signal of the terget
filterreset the filter signal of the target
<target>.prohibit.driveonprohibit power switching by remote control
offallow power switching by remote control
<target>.prohibit.modeonprohibit mode setting by remote control
offallow mode setting by remote control
<target>.prohibit.settemponprohibit temperature setting by remote control
offallow temperature setting by remote control
<target>.prohibit.filteronprohibit filter signal reset by remote control
offallow filter signal reset by remote control
g<n>.prohibitdriveswitch the state (on/off) of the drive prohibition for this group
modeswitch the state (on/off) of the mode prohibition for this group
settempswitch the state (on/off) of the temperature setting prohibition for this group
filterswitch the state (on/off) of the filter reset prohibition for this group

Release Notes


  • response timeout increased


  • bug fix: inlet temperature not working with decimal values


  • initial release version

Mitsubishi and M-NET are registered trademarks of MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC, Inc.