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Iono is a general-purpose, professional input/output module based on a standard Arduino microcontroller.

Sfera Labs Iono Ethernet

This driver provides support for iono Ethernet employing the HTTP API provided by the IonoWeb library.

The default sketch installed in iono Ethernet exposes this API.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a IONO I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


Note that the IONO I/O Server doesn't count in the I/O servers license total, so you don't need an extra I/O Server license to use IONO with HSYCO.


  • IP Address: the IP address assigned to iono;
  • Port: the TCP port (defaults to 80)

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


startupeventstruetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval00the driver will use the push notifications sent by iono to monitor its changes
int > 0the driver will poll iono's state with the specified time interval (in seconds). Push notifications won't be enabled
input<1..4>digitaldigitalthe specified multi-mode input will be read as digital signal (DI<n>)
voltagethe specified multi-mode input will be read as analog voltage (AV<n>)
currentthe specified multi-mode input will be read as analog current (AI<n>)
stabletime100int > 0number of milliseconds an input must be stable before a push notification is sent by iono to HSYCO
minvariation0.1float > 0minimun value variation (for analog inputs) to trigger an event
subscribehost<host_name>hostname or IP address to be used by iono to send push notifications. Leave blank to let the driver discover the local address


For inputs 1 to 4, depending on the 'input1' ... 'input4' options, only the corresponding datapoint will be created, i.e. di<n> (if digital), av<n> (if voltage) or ai<n> (if curent).

connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the device
do<n>0Rrelay <n> (digital output) is off
Wswitch off relay <n>
1Rrelay <n> (digital output) is on
Wswitch on relay <n>
di<n>0Rdigital input <n> is low
1Rdigital input <n> is high
av<n><val>Ranalog input <n> is reading a voltage equal to <val> (in Volts)
ai<n><val>Ranalog input <n> is reading a current equal to <val> (in mA)
ao1<val>Wset the analog output to <val> Volts

User Interface

To control a digital output (DO1 ... DO6), add a button or object to your project page and set its address field to the corresponding datapoint:

Sfera Labs Iono Ethernet

Release Notes


  • the IONO I/O Server is now "free". Using it doesn't decrease the number of available I/O servers
  • "minvariation" option now also applies to polling mode
  • bug fix for I/O Server port option


  • initial release

iono is a registered trademark of Sfera Labs Srl