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Arteco Everywhere is a general purpose digital input-output Ethernet controller.

It is available in two versions, a 4 inputs, 4 outputs module, and an 8 inputs 8 outputs module.

Arteco Boards

The ARTECOIO I/O Server in HSYCO creates a data point representation that you can use in the EVENTS language and Java to read the input pins and control the outputs. It also automatically allows you to create control objects for the Web user interface.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an ARTECOIO I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: host name or IP address of the Arteco module (the default address is
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port to use, leave blank to use default port 80
  • User: username, leave blank to use default username "admin"
  • Password: password, leave blank to use default password "arteco".

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
inputdiscoveryfalsetrueautomatically creates the list of all inputs in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
falseauto-detect for input devices is disabled
outputdiscoveryfalsetrueautomatically creates the list of all outputs in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
falseauto-detect for output devices is disabled
inputs80 ... 8use input pins from 0 to the specified value
outputs80 ... 8use output pins from 0 to the specified value


The data points associated to the input pins are named i0 to i7. The data points associated to the output pins are named o0 to o7.

The I/O Server generates asynchronous events based on the status of the Arteco module’s input and output pins. The output data points can be written to control the output pins.

connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the device
i<n>0Rinput <n> is low
1Rinput <n> is high
o<n>0Routput <n> is low
Wset output <n> to off
1Routput <n> is high
Wset output <n> to on
flipWinvert the status of output <n>
blinkWcontinuously blink output <n>
pulseWset output <n> to on, then off after 1 sec.

User Interface

When using the default settings of the Arteco I/O Server, all output pins are available in the Project Editor and can be easily associated to any control button of the Web interface.

You can also set the inputdiscovery option in order to associate control buttons to the module’s inputs: the control buttons will show the input status, and have no effect when pressed.

Release Notes


  • initial release

ARTECO is a registered trademark of Arteco Srl.