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The Honeywell Galaxy Dimension panels are multi-area intrusion detection systems.

The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via RS-232 serial connection and has been tested with firmware version 6.80.


Employ a RS-232 straight cable to connect the panel directly to HSYCO or to an Ethernet/RS-232 gateway.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate9600 (default) or 57600 (faster)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

Galaxy Configuration

It is required to configure the panel for HSYCO to be able to communicate with it. Follow these instructions:

  • Enable the engineer access
  • : Menu 48.1.1 - set to 1 (Enabled)
  • Enable engineer mode
  • : Enter engineer PIN, followed by ENT
  • Enable remote access and events reporting
  • : Menu 56.6.2 - set to 1 (SIA)
  • : Set SIA level to 4
  • : Enable (set to ON) all the events to be sent to HSYCO
  • : Menu 56.6.3 - set an account number (e.g. 0001)

HSYCO Configuration

Add a Galaxy I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


pin<code>PIN code assigned to the remote user. This option is mandatory
maxzone41580 ... 4158highest zone number among the zones used on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances
maxgroup320 ... 32highest index among the groups used on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances
maxoutput2560 ... 256highest index among the outputs used on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances
guiobjecttruetrueenable support for the galaxy UI object
falsedisable support for the galaxy UI object
guizonesfalsetrueenable the zones-related UISET actions
falsedisable the zones-related UISET actions
guioutputsfalsetrueenable the outputs-related UISET actions
falsedisable the outputs-related UISET actions
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval5n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
logsize20n ≥ 0the number of log lines to display in the UI object
showallfalsetruein the zones list of the galaxy UI object show all the zones up to the number specified in the 'maxzone' option
falsein the zones list of the galaxy UI object show only the zones for which a name has been defined in galaxy.ini
dumpfalsetruewrite in the logs the dump of the communication between the driver and the panel
falsethe communication is not dumped in the logs


The galaxy.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory. Here you can define the names of the zones so that they will be automatically added to the user interface. Add a new line for each zone using this format:

<io_server_id>.z<n> = <name>

For instance:

gxy.z1001 = Entrance
gxy.z1002 = Corridor
gxy.z2001 = Room 1


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
g<n>.armed0Rgroup <n> is disarmed
Wdisarm group <n>
totRgroup <n> is armed in away mode
Warm group <n> in away mode
partRgroup <n> is armed in stay mode
Warm group <n> in stay mode
abortWabort group <n> arming
forceWforce group <n> arming
g<n>.alarm0Rno active alarm on group <n>
1Ralarm on group <n>
resetRalarms reset required on group <n>
g<n>.ready0Rgroup <n> is not ready to be armed
1Rgroup <n> is ready to be armed
g<n>.reset1Wreset alarms on group <n>
z<n>.name<text>Rname/description of zone <n>
z<n>.open0Rzone <n> is closed
1Rzone <n> is open
z<n>.alarm0Rzone <n> is not in alarm
1Rzone <n> is in alarm
z<n>.bypassed0Rzone <n> is not bypassed
Wunbypass zone <n>
1Rzone <n> is bypassed
Wbypass zone <n>
z<n>.tamper0Rzone <n> is not tampered
1Rzone <n> is tampered
z<n>.fault0Rzone <n> is not in fault
1Rzone <n> is in fault
z<n>.masked0Rzone <n> is not masked
1Rzone <n> is masked
z<n>.resistance0Rzone <n> has normal resistance status
1Rzone <n> has high or low resistance
warning0Rall zones are working properly
1Rat least one zone is in fault or is masked or has high or low resistance
o<n>.active0Routput <n> is not active
Wdeactivate output <n>
1Routput <n> is active
Wactivate output <n>
log0<text>Rlatest line of the security log when a new entry is added, set back to blank after a short period

User Interface

UISET Actions

connection.label.onlinevisibletruewhen datapoint connection = online
falsewhen datapoint connection = offline
connection.label.offlinevisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
<datapoint_id>.label.1visibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
<datapoint_id>.label.0visibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'

USER Commands

g<n>.armed0disarm group <n>
totarm group <n> in away mode
partarm group <n> in stay mode
abortabort group <n> arming
forceforce group <n> arming
g<n>.reset1reset alarms on group <n>
z<n>.bypassed0unbypass zone <n>
1bypass zone <n>
o<n>.active0deactivate output <n>
1activate output <n>

Galaxy UI Object

The user interface for the Galaxy multi-area intrusion detection system:

Galaxy UI Object 1 Galaxy UI Object 1 Galaxy UI Object 1

The Galaxy object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Galaxy I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • group number: group number.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Log Files

A permanent detailed record of all the Galaxy log messages is saved in a file called security.log in the logs/YYYY directory for the current year. This file is never overwritten or deleted by HSYCO.

Other information related to the Galaxy I/O Server are saved in the daily message.log files.

Release Notes


  • added datapoints log0 and z<n>.name


  • minor fixes


  • added "dump" option


  • initial version release

Honeywell and Galaxy Dimension are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.