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This I/O Server control SEIKO EPSON projectors which include a wide range of multi-source projectors remotely controllable via Ethernet, serial port, and USB connection. HSYCO SERVER integrates these devices through Ethernet connection.

The used protocol is compliant with the ESC/VP21 protocol specifications.

Projector Configuration

Use an Ethernet straight cable to connect the device to the HSYCO SERVER network.

In order to be able to control the device with HSYCO some initial configuration of the SEIKO EPSON device is needed.

In the Network section of the main menu, assign a suitable fixed IP address to the device and set the DHCP option to off.

Further, in the Extended section, make sure the option Standby mode is set to communication on.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an ESC/VP I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: IP address of the device
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port to use, leave blank to use default port 3629.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
pollinterval3n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
serialfalsetruethe projector is connected using its serial port
falsethe projector is connected using its Ethernet port


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the device
power1Rthe projector is on and ready
Wturn on the projector
0Rthe projector is off or not ready
Wturn off the projector
statusonRthe projector is on and ready
offthe projector is off
warmingthe projector is warming up
coolingthe projector is cooling down
errorthe projector is in a standby error state
lamp0 ... 65535Rthe lamp hours
luminancelowRthe luminance is set to low
Wset luminance to low
middleRthe luminance is set to middle
Wset luminance to middle
highRthe luminance is set to high
Wset luminance to high
mute1Rthe A/V mute is on
Wset A/V mute to on
0Rthe A/V mute is off
Wset A/V mute to off
mselblackRthe mute screen is set to black
Wset the mute screen to black
blueRthe mute screen is set to blue
Wset the mute screen to blue
logoRthe mute screen is set to show the user logo
Wset the mute screen to show the user logo
source<src>Rthe current source is <src>
Wset the source to <src>
command<cmd>Wsend <cmd> as command to the projector. The command must be compliant with the ESC/VP21 protocol

The source value <src> consists of a two-characters code which variates depending on the model of the projector. For instance, for the model G5000, the code 21 corresponds to the RGB input and the code 45 to the BNC video source. Refer to the ESC/VP21 Command User’s Guide for a complete list of source codes for the different models.

User Interface

UISET Actions

connectionvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
powervalueONwhen the projector is on and ready
OFFwhen the projector is off or not ready
visibletruewhen the projector is on
falsewhen the projector is off
luminancevalueHIGHwhen the luminance is set to high
MIDDLEwhen the luminance is set to middle
LOWwhen the luminance is set to low
visibletruewhen the projector is on
falsewhen the projector is off
mutevalueONwhen the A/V mute function is on
OFFwhen the A/V mute function is off
mselvalueBLACKwhen the mute screen is set to black
BLUEwhen the mute screen is set to blue
LOGOwhen the mute screen is set to show the user logo

USER Commands

poweronturn on the projector
offturn off the projector
luminancelowset the luminance to low
middleset the luminance to middle
highset the luminance to high
muteonturn on the A/V mute
offturn off the A/V mute
source<src>set the source to <src>
mselblackset the A/V mute screen to black
blueset the A/V mute screen to blue
logoset the A/V mute screen to show the user logo

Release Notes


  • improved protocol compatibility
  • added support for "middle" luminance level


  • improved communication reliability


  • added "serial" option


  • minor fixes to the I/O Server


  • initial release

SEIKO EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON Corporation.