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NuVo Grand Concerto and Essentia E6G are multi-source, multi-zone audio distribution systems that may be integrated to work with external control systems and servers. The central unit is called Main Processor Unit (MPU).

It provides power supply, source audio routing to the zones, amplified stereo audio output for each zone and centralized control and interface for all zones.


Employ a DE-9 (often called DB-9) male-female RS-232 straight cable to connect the RS-232 MPU port to the serial port on HSYCO SERVER.

You can also define and connect to more than one NUVO MPU to control multiple systems.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate57600
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

Nuvo Configuration

On the NUVO device, a number of contiguous sources starting from the source 1 must be configured.

One of the areas 17 to 20 must be reserved for communication with HSYCO.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a Nuvo I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
menuzone2017 ... 20defines which virtual zone will be used to access the menu system
menulines10the number of menu item lines


connectiononlineRconnection established to the MPU
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the MPU
system.version<firmware id>Rversion information of the firmware installed on the MPU
system.power1Rat least one zone is on
0Rthe ALLOFF command has been sent and all zones are off
Wturn the system off. An “off” value is equivalent to 0
system.mute1Rthe ALLOFF command has been sent and all zones are off
Wmute all zones. An on value is equivalent to 1
0Rsystem un-muted
Wreturn all zones to the volume level as set before the system mute command was sent. An off value is equivalent to 0
system.page1Rpage mode is on
Wenter page mode. An on value is equivalent to 1
0Rpage mode is off
Wturn page mode off. An off value is equivalent to 0
system.message<text>Wsend a text message to all Control Pads, up to 50 characters
z<n>.power1Rzone <n> is on
Wturn zone <n> on. An on value is equivalent to 1
0Rzone <n> is off
Wturn zone <n> off. An off value is equivalent to 0
z<n>.source<s&gtRzone <n> audio source is <s> (from 1 to 6)
Wset zone <n> to source <s>
nextWset zone <n> to the next source
z<n>.volumeoffRzone <n> volume is muted
Wmute zone <n>. A 0 value is also interpreted as mute
onWun-mute zone <n>
<x%>Rzone <n> volume level is 1% to 100%
Wset zone <n> volume level to X%
<x>Wset the zone <n> volume level. <x> is a number between 0 and 100. Decimal numbers are accepted and truncated
<x>/<y>Wset the zone <n> volume level. <x>/<y> is a fractional number between 0 and 100. Decimal numbers are accepted and truncated
upWincrease volume (by one step) for zone <n>
downWdecrease volume (by one step) for zone <n>
z<n>.mute1Rzone <n> volume is muted
0Wmute zone <n>. An on value is equivalent to 1
z<n>.dnd1RDo not disturb (DND) mode is on for zone <n>
Wenable do not disturb mode for zone <n>. An on value is equivalent to 1
0RDo not disturb (DND) mode is off for zone <n>
Wdisable do not disturb mode for zone <n>. An off value is equivalent to 0
z<n>.lock1Rzone <n> is locked
Wenable lock mode for zone <n>. An on value is equivalent to 1
0Rzone <n> is not locked
Wdisable lock mode for zone <n>. An off value is equivalent to 0
onWlock zone <n>
<xxxx>Wunlock zone <n>. <xxxx> is the four digit unlock code
z<n>.buttonprevRthe PREV [ << ] button has been pressed on the Control Pad for zone <n>
Wsimulate zone PREV [ << ] button on Control Pad
nextRthe NEXT [ >> ] button has been pressed on the Control Pad for zone <n>
Wsimulate zone NEXT [ >>] button on Control Pad
playpauseRthe PLAY/PAUSE [ << ] button has been pressed on the Control Pad for zone <n>
Wsimulate zone PLAY/PAUSE [ <<] button on Control Pad
z<n>.macro<m>Rthe IR macro number <m> is exectued
z<n>.party1Wmake zone <n> the party host
0Wrelease party host mode for zone <n>
z<n>.playlist<x>Wselect a favorite playlist for zone <n>. The <x> value should be 1 to 12
z<n>.bright<x>Wset the Control Pad display’s brightness for zone <n>. The <x> value should be 1 (min) to 7 (max)
s<n>.name<name>Rsource <n> name
s<n>.displine.1<text>Rthe display line 1 text for source <n>
s<n>.displine.2<text>Rthe display line 2 text for source <n>
s<n>.displine.3<text>Rthe display line 3 text for source <n>
s<n>.displine.4<text>Rthe display line 4 text for source <n>
s<n>.lenght<time>Rlength of the song in 10th seconds. Only updated when the song starts playing
s<n>.time<time>Rcurrent run time of the song in 10th seconds. Only updated when the song starts playing
s<n>.statusnormalRnormal mode for not NuVo Net sources
idleRidle mode for not NuVo Net sources
ffdRfast forward
playshuffleRplaying, shuffle mode
playrepeatRplaying, repeat mode
playshufflerepeatRplaying, shuffle/repeat mode

User Interface

UISET Actions

z<n>.zonedisplayvisibletrue when the menu display for the zone is not active, false otherwise
z<n>.namevaluethe zone name, retrieved from the MPU configuration
z<n>.sourcevaluethe source number followed by the source name, as set in the MPU
z<n>.volume.statusvalueinvisible: zone off:::note muted; <x%>: volume level, 1% to 100% :::
z<n>.displine.1valuethe line 1 of the source display, for the source currently in use by this zone
z<n>.displine.2valuethe line 2 of the source display, for the source currently in use by this zone
z<n>.displine.3valuethe line 3 of the source display, for the source currently in use by this zone
z<n>.displine.4valuethe line 4 of the source display, for the source currently in use by this zone
z<n>.statusvalueON: generic on for not NuVo Net sources OFF: off; PAUSE: paused; PLAY: playing; PLAY [SH]: playing, shuffle mode; PLAY [REP]: playing, repeat mode; PLAY [SH][REP]: playing, shuffle repeat mode; FAST FORWARD: fast forward mode; REWIND: rewind mode
z<n>.menudisplayvisibletrue when the menu display for the zone is active
menu.waitvisibletrue when the NuVo MPU takes some time to retrieve a menu (this can happen when retrieving long lists of songs from the iPod, for example)
menu.namevaluemenu title
menu.line.<n>valuethe menu items’ text lines. <n> starts from 1, up to the number of menu display lines as set in the options (default is 10)
menu.line.headervaluethis object shows a few dots (....) when you can scroll up the menu. Place this object above the first menu line
menu.line.footervaluethis object shows a few dots (....) when you can scroll down the menu. Place this object below the last menu line
z<n>.volumevalue0: mute or zone off, <X> volume level, 1% to 100%

USER Commands

z<n>powerzone power on/off button
z<n>menusimulate MENU button on Control Pad
z<n>upsimulate UP button on Control Pad (increment volume level in approx. 5% steps, or move up one line in the menu)
z<n>downsimulate DOWN button on Control Pad (decrement volume level in approx. 5% steps, or move down one line in the menu)
z<n>playpausesimulate zone PLAY/PAUSE button on Control Pad
z<n>oksimulate zone OK button on Control Pad
z<n>prevsimulate zone PREV [ << ] button on Control Pad
z<n>nextsimulate zone NEXT [ >> ] button on Control Pad
z<n>sourcecycle zone sources
z<n>source.<s>select source <s> (1 to 6) for this zone

NUVO UI Object

The user interface for the Nuvo multi-room system:

NUVO UI Object 1

The NuvoMini object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Nuvo I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • zone number: zone number of the Nuvo multi-room system.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Release Notes


  • log more verbose in case of failure of initial reading


  • various bug fixes
  • adds support for z<n>.volume.status text field
  • adds support for z<n>.volume.up and <ioserver_id>.z<n>.volume.down (user) buttons


  • full integration in HSYCO 3.0.0

NuVo is a registered trademark of NuVo Technologies Inc.