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Guardall QX32i, PX80 and PX500 are multi-area security systems. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via direct control through the RS-232 port on the panel. The I/O Server supports QX32i, PX80 and PX500 Guardall units with software version 4.33.


Employ a female-female RS-232 crossed cable to connect the panel directly to HSYCO or to an Ethernet/RS-232 gateway. The cable must follow this pinout diagram:

2 ↔ 3
3 ↔ 2
5 ↔ 5
7 ↔ 8
8 ↔ 7

RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate9600
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

It is also possible to communicate with the Guardall control panel without a full RTS/CTS flow control, but simply asserting (+3 to +15V) the CTS line (pin 8) of the Guardall serial port, and ignoring its RTS line (pin 7).

Guardall Configuration

You must configure the unit to enable serial communication even if the system is armed. Digit the technician code on the keypad and select menu entry "99" (Total Configuration), then select entry "10" (Communication) and make sure that the serial connection is enabled when the system is armed (on).

Moreover, it is necessary to enable the required features to be available remotely. To this end, from the technician’s menu, select again menu entry "99", then "12". Here enter the number 1 and modify the settings accordingly to your requirements.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a Guardall I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
logsize20n ≥ 0the number of log lines to display in the UI object
armtruetrueallow groups arming
falsedeny groups arming
disarmtruetrueallow groups disarming
falsedeny groups disarming
fastpollingfalsetrueperform a faster polling, required for big installations
falsenormal polling performed
key00000000<auth_key>the 8-digits authentication key set in the panel's configuration


The guardall.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory. Here you can define the names of the groups so that they will be automatically added to the user interface. Add a new line for each group using this format:

<io_server_id>.group.<n> = <name>

For instance: = Kitchen = Living room


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
armed0Rall groups are disarmed
Wdisarm all groups
1Rthe system is (partially) armed
Warm all groups
alarm0Rthe system is not in a alarm state
1Rthe system is in a alarm state
tamper0Rthe system is not in a tamper state
1Rthe system is in a tamper state
panel.tamper0Rthe panel is not tampered
1Rthe panel is tampered
bell.tamper0Rthe bell is not tampered
1Rthe bell is tampered
low.volts0Rvoltage ok
1Rlow voltage detected
sounder0Rthe sounder is inactive
1Rthe sounder is active
audio0Rthe audio signal of the panel is inactive
1Rthe audio signal of the panel is active
strobe0Rthe strobe is inactive
1Rthe strobe is active
mains.fail0Rno mains fail
1Rmains fail
power.fail0Rno power fail
1Rpower fail
battery.fail0Rno battery fail
1Rbattery fail
fuse.1.fault0Rfuse 1 is working
1Rfuse 1 in fault
fuse.2.fault0Rfuse 2 is working
1Rfuse 2 in fault
fuse.3.fault0Rfuse 3 is working
1Rfuse 3 in fault
line.fault0Rcommunication line is working
1Rcommunication line in fault
c<n>.name<text>Rthe name of circuit <n> is set to <text>
g<n>.name<text>Rthe name of group <n> is set to <text>
g<n>.armed0Rgroup <n> is disarmed
Wdisarm group <n>
1Rgroup <n> is armed
Warm group <n>
c<n>.alarm0Rcircuit <n> is not in alarm state
1Rcircuit <n> is in alarm state
c<n>.tamper.alarm0Rcircuit <n> is not in tamper alarm
1Rcircuit <n> is in tamper alarm
c<n>.open0Rcircuit <n> is closed
1Rcircuit <n> is open
c<n>.tamper0Rcircuit <n> is not tampered
1Rcircuit <n> is tampered
c<n>.fault0Rcircuit <n> is working properly
1Rcircuit <n> is faulty
c<n>.bypassed0Rcircuit <n> is not bypassed
Wunbypass circuit <n>
1Rcircuit <n> is bypassed
Wbypass circuit <n>
c<n>.isolated0Rcircuit <n> is not isolated
Wun-isolate circuit <n>
1Rcircuit <n> is isolated
Wisolate circuit <n>
c<n>.soaked0Rcircuit <n> is not soaked
Wun-soak circuit <n>
1Rcircuit <n> is soaked
Wsoak circuit <n>
c<n>.status(1)<status-values>Rthe status of circuit <n> is set to the reported values
c<n>.attributes(1)<attributes-values>Rthe attributes of circuit <n> are set to the reported values
c<n>.resistance(1)<value>Rthe measured resistance on circuit <n> is <value> ohm
>20kRthe measured resistance on circuit <n> is greater than 20 K-ohm
k<n>.tamper0Rkeypad <n> is not tampered
1Rkeypad <n> is tampered
k<n>.fault0Rkeypad <n> is working properly
1Rkeypad <n> is faulty
logon.<n><user_num>Ruser with number <user_num> logged in from keypad <n>
errorRwrong pin entered in keypad <n>
systemresetWreset alarms

Note 1

These datapoint are available if the option fastpolling is not set to true

Balarm/open and tamper
Elatched alarm and tamper
Mmarginal clear
mmarginal alarm
Llatched alarm
Ffault/no answer
XAuxiliary alarm
Bbypassed circuit
Iisolated circuit
Ssoak failed
Tsoaked circuit
Ytemporarily bypassed circuit
Qtemporarily isolated circuit
Hcircuit in shunt
Aexisting circuit
Fbank reset failed/door forced

Attributes can be combined together, for instance if a circuit is both isolated and bypassed, the attribute value will be BI.

User Interface

UISET Actions

connection.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
<datapoint_id>.1.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
<datapoint_id>.0.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'

USER Commands

armed0disarm all groups
1arm all groups
g<n>.armed0disarm group <n>
1arm group <n>
c<n>.bypassed0unbypass zone <n>
1bypass zone <n>
c<n>.isolated0un-isolate zone <n>
1isolate zone <n>
c<n>.soaked0un-soak zone <n>
1soak zone <n>
systemresetreset alarms
input.bypassed0unbypass circuit
1bypass circuit
input.isolated0un-isolate circuit
1isolate circuit
input.soaked0un-soak circuit
1soak circuit

Guardall UI Object

The user interface for the Guardall multi-area intrusion detection system:

Bentel UI Object 1 Bentel UI Object 1 Bentel UI Object 1

The Guardall object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Guardall I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Log Files

If a Guardall anti-intrusion unit is connected to HSYCO, the security.log file will be written in the same directories as the daily log files.

This file is never overwritten or deleted from HSYCO SERVER.

2014.02.22 11:23:08.118 - guard - 2116 2000.1.4 22:50:16  Area disinserita - Utente: 0, Area: 1
2014.02.22 11:23:08.120 - guard - 2117 2000.1.4 22:50:16 Area disinserita - Utente: 0, Area: 2
2014.02.22 11:23:13.204 - guard - 2118 2000.1.4 22:50:22 Gruppo inserito - Utente: 0, Gruppo: 2
2014.02.22 11:23:13.205 - guard - 2119 2000.1.4 22:50:22 Area inserita - Utente: 0, Area: 1
2014.02.22 11:23:13.222 - guard - 2120 2000.1.4 22:50:22 Area inserita - Utente: 0, Area: 2
2014.02.22 11:23:16.449 - guard - 2121 2000.1.4 22:50:24 Gruppo disinserito - Utente: 0, Gruppo: 2
2014.02.22 11:23:16.450 - guard - 2122 2000.1.4 22:50:24 Area disinserita - Utente: 0, Area: 1
2014.02.22 11:23:16.451 - guard - 2123 2000.1.4 22:50:24 Area disinserita - Utente: 0, Area: 2

Other information about the Guardall driver are stored in the message.log daily file.

Release Notes


  • stability improvements


  • added "key" server option
  • improved communication error handling


  • fixed a timeout issue that could prevent proper startup with very large number of zones
  • added "fastpolling" server option


  • added logsize server option
  • object modified
  • added guardall.ini configuration file


  • added support for the PX80 panel
  • modified log messages


  • added the ID.logon.N = error event


  • initial version release

Guardall is a registered trademark of UTC Fire & Security.