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The CONTATTO system is DUEMMEGI’s proprietary bus architecture for building automation. HSYCO fully integrates with this system through the MCP control and gateway module, and its FXP-XT serial communication protocol.

A serial connection between the MCPXT and the HSYCO SERVER is required for the integration, either directly through the server’s RS-232 port or via the RS-232 port of a supported serial to IP gateway, including the WEBS module.

The MCP4 can be connected via the integrated serial to IP gateway.


The Contatto I/O Server requires MCP-XT firmware version 3.0 or later. The MCPIDE configuration tools pass-through support for secure access to the MCP via HSYCO requires MCPIDE version 3.2.3 or later.


Use a DE-9 (often called DB-9) male-female RS-232 straight cable to connect the RS-232 MCPXT port to the serial port on HSYCO SERVER or serial gateway. You can also connect the MCPXT using the RS-485 port. The MCP4 can also be connected via the integrated serial to IP gateway.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate9600, 38400, 57600 or 115200 bps (according to the MCP serial port setting)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

A speed of 115200 bps is recommended to achieve good performance, particularly when the number of devices connected to the bus is large.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.

HSYCO Configuration

You can define and connect to more than one CONTATTO bus using several MCP gateways.

The CONTATTO I/O Server also supports dual, redundant connections between HSYCO and MCP.

If the main connection fails, HSYCO automatically re-routes the communication with MCP through the fail-over connection.


startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
inputdiscoveryfalsetrueauto-detects CONTATTO’s input devices as configured in the MCP, and automatically creates the list of all detected devices and individual data points in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
falseauto-detect for input devices is disabled
outputdiscoverytruetrueauto-detects CONTATTO’s output devices as configured in the MCP, and automatically creates the list of all detected devices and individual data points in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
falseauto-detect for output devices is disabled
virtualdiscoveryfalsetrueauto-detects CONTATTO’s virtual points for input and output devices as configured in the MCP, and automatically creates the list of all detected virtual data points in the systemtopo.txt file. Should be enabled to allow the automatic update of (button) objects’ states
falseauto-detect for devices’ virtual data points is disabled
virtualpointsfalse1 ... 2032enables polling for the first n virtual points of the MCP. Enable this option only if you need to generate I/O events based on these virtual points
trueenables polling for all the 2032 virtual points of the MCP
falsepolling of the MCP virtual data points is disabled
registersfalse1 ... 1024enables polling for registers R0-Rn of the MCP. Enable this option only if you need to generate I/O events based on these registers
trueenables polling for registers R0-R127 of the MCP
falsepolling of the MCP registers is disabled
powerdisplayfalse≥ 0 (MODANA address)enables the automatic display in the GUI of the total real power measured by a MODANA or MODANAM module connected to this MCP. Note that, if you have more than one MCP gateway, you should enable this option for one gateway only
falsepower display disabled for this MCP
disablemodhtpulseresetfalsetruedisables automatic reset of MODHT pulse outputs (panic.reset, dnd.reset, service.reset, fan)
falseMODHT pulse outputs are automatically reset to 0 when found at level 1
powersensivity50≥ 0measured power changes are reported only if the difference from last reading is equal or greater than the power sensivity option, in Watts
detecteventsfalsetruegenerate forced events when a device is detected at start-up
falsedo not generate events when a device is detected at start-up
toolspasswordstringset this option with a long string (only letters and numbers) password to allow the remote connection of MCP-IDE and other configuration tools to the MCP gateways that are connected to HSYCO. For additional security, it is recommended to set this option only when required
languageenglishen it frlanguage for all messages from the CONTATTO system: English, Italian or French

Initialization and Connection Events

Event nameValueDescription
connectiononlineconnection established to the MCP module
offlineHSYCO can’t connect to the MCP module
detected.input.<n>.<s>model namean input device of the type passed as value has been detected at address <n>, using <s> addresses
detected.output.<n>.<s>model namean output device of the type passed as value has been detected at address <n>, using <s> addresses

The Device Configuration Database

The systemtopo.txt file contains the list of all devices and their individual input, output and virtual data points that could be directly associated to graphic object in the Web-based user interface. This file can be filled manually or automatically by HSYCO at start-up.

To enable automatic discovery and automatic generation of devices’ information in the systemtopo file, use the inputdiscovery, outputdiscovery and virtualdiscovery options in Settings. The default behavior is to only discover devices with output data points.

This is an example of an automatically generated systemtopo.txt file:

contatto.o10.1 : LIGHT ; LIGHT
contatto.o6.1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER
contatto.o7.2 : LIGHT ; LIGHT
contatto.o7.1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER
contatto.o9.2 : AUTOM ; VSHUT
contatto.o5.4 : LIGHT ; LIGHT
contatto.o9.1 : AUTOM ; VSHUT
contatto.o5.3 : LIGHT ; LIGHT
contatto.o5.2 : LIGHT ; LIGHT
contatto.o5.1 : LIGHT ; LIGHT

You should then manually add comments and other optional parameters:

contatto.o10.1 : LIGHT ; LIGHT; main entrance light
contatto.o6.1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER; lobby dimmer
contatto.o7.2 : LIGHT ; LIGHT; kitchen workbench
contatto.o7.1 : LIGHT ; DIMMER; kitchen main dimmer

MCP Data Points

The MCP implements 2032 virtual points for binary (on/off) data and 1024 registers and counters for positive scalar values (0-65535). All virtual points, registers and counters can optionally generate I/O events. You can also write to the virtual data points, registers and counters using the IO action in EVENTS or ioSet() method in Java.

You cannot directly control the MCP virtual data points, registers or counters using GUI objects.

To enable polling of the current state of the MCP’s virtual data points, enable the virtualpoints options in hsyco.ini.

To enable polling of the current state of the MCP’s registers, enable the registers options in hsyco.ini.

To enable polling of the current state of the MCP’s counters, enable the counters options in hsyco.ini.

If you only have to write to virtual points, registers or counters, enabling polling is not strictly required.

busfault0Rno bus fault detected
1Rbus fault detected
modulefault0Rno modules fault detected
1Rmodules fault detected
v0.<n>0RWvirtual data point <n> off (<n>: 1-2032)
1RWvirtual data point <n> on (<n>: 1-2032)
r0.<n><x>RWregister <n> (<n>: 0-1023) set to value <x> (<x>: 0-65535)
c0.<n><x>RWcounter <n> (<n>: 0-1023) set to value <x> (<x>: 0-65535)

MCP Internal Clock

The MCP module has an integrated real-time clock. You can use the clock datapoint to read the MCP date and time, and set the MCP clock to HSYCO’s current time.

clockyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssRthe MCP clock current time
readWread the MCP clock, and the delta with HSYCO’s time
syncWset the MCP clock to HSYCO’s current time
clock.deltainteger numberRthe delta time in seconds between the MCP and HSYCO clocks. A positive number means that the MCP clock is ahead of HSYCO

CONTATTO Modules Events and Control

Each CONTATTO module has its own set of read-only or read-write data points, mapping the specific set of features.

All modules also have a read-only "fault" data point, set to 1 if the MCP has detected a module fault condition, or 0 if the module is working normally.

i<address>.fault0Rinput module working normally
1Rinput module fault detected
o<address>.fault0Routput module working normally
1Routput module fault detected
Module CodeDescription
MOD8I/A8 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing
MOD32I/A32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing
MOD32IL32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing
MOD32IN32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing
MOD8INP2/A8 digital input module for NO contacts
MOD8INP2/C8 digital input module for NC contacts
MOAN/I0÷10V analog input module
MOAN/I4quad 0÷10V analog input module
MI4204÷20mA analog input module
MI420-X4quad 4÷20mA analog input module
MOD4AM12/V/I4-channel 0÷10V or 4÷20mA (0÷21mA) analog input module
MOD2PTinput module for two PT100 temperature probes
MODCNT4-channel counter module in modular housing
MODNTCinput module for ambient temperature sensors and potentiometers
MOD4I/A4-digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing
MOD4I/S4-digital input module for NO contacts in 2M modular housing
MODLUXambient light measurement module with sensor for ceiling mounting
MODMETEOmeteorological data detection module for Contatto bus
MOD8R8 power relay output module
MODPNP8 positive logic (PNP) open collector digital output module
MODREL8 relay output compact module in DIN 3M housing
MOAN/U0÷10V analog output module
MO4204÷20mA analog output module
MODLC, MODLC-Pambient light regulator module with integrated sensor
MOD4-4S4 digital input and 4 power relay output multifunction module
MOD2-2R2 digital input and 2 power relay output module
MOD4-44 digital input and 4 digital output module
MOD2DM2x300W dimmer module
MOD2DVdual 1-10V output for electronic ballast driving
MOD8IL8 digital input – 8 LED output module for wall box
MOD4DVquad 0-10V output module for generic applications or for external dimmers control
MODDALI4-channel DALI gateway
MODDALI88-channel broadcast DALI gateway
CLIMA2module for the regulation of the ambient temperature
MODANAnetwork analyzer module
MODANAMnetwork analyzer module
MODPQ5tags proximity reader and programmer
MODHThotel room controller
MODCAaccess control module
MODKBkeypad access control module
MODDI500W IGBT dimmer module
MODCLtemperature control module
MOD4TP/I8 digital input and 4 roller shutters or blinds with detection of travel time
MODRHTTemperature, relative humidity and dew point sensor
MODAM2Multi-function, 2 inputs analog module
MODIGLASS, MODIGLASS36 button touch keypad
MODSENSE-CO2Environmental monitor, with CO2, temperature, humidity, dew point, light level and sound level sensors


8 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing.

It uses one input address in the CONTATTO bus.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on


32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing.

It uses four addresses of the Contatto bus, one for each group of 8 inputs.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on
i<address+1>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+1>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address+1>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address+1>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address+1>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address+1>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address+1>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address+1>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on
i<address+2>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+2>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address+2>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address+2>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address+2>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address+2>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address+2>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address+2>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on
i<address+3>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+3>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address+3>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address+3>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address+3>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address+3>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address+3>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address+3>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on


32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing.

It uses one addresses of the Contatto bus and four channels, one for each group of 8 inputs.

0Rinput pin N off
1Rinput pin N on


32 digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing.

It uses one addresses of the Contatto bus and four channels, one for each group of 8 inputs.

0Rinput pin N off
1Rinput pin N on


8 digital input module for NO contacts.

It uses one input address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on


8 digital input module for NC contacts.

It uses one input address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on


0÷10V analog input module.

It uses one input address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10 ... 255Rvoltage value divided in 255 steps


Quad 0÷10V analog input module.

It uses four consecutive addresses of the Contatto bus, one for each input.

i<address>.10 ... 255Rvoltage value divided in 255 steps
i<address+1>.10 ... 255Rvoltage value divided in 255 steps
i<address+2>.10 ... 255Rvoltage value divided in 255 steps
i<address+3>.10 ... 255Rvoltage value divided in 255 steps


4÷20mA analog input module.

It uses one input address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10 ... 255Rcurrent value divided in 255 steps


Quad 4÷20mA analog input module.

It uses four consecutive addresses of the Contatto bus, one for each input.

i<address>.10 ... 255Rcurrent value divided in 255 steps
i<address+1>.10 ... 255Rcurrent value divided in 255 steps
i<address+2>.10 ... 255Rcurrent value divided in 255 steps
i<address+3>.10 ... 255Rcurrent value divided in 255 steps


4-channel 0÷10V or 4÷20mA (0÷21mA) analog input module.

It uses one input address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10 ... 4095Rmeasurement range divided in 4095 steps
i<address>.20 ... 4095Rmeasurement range divided in 4095 steps
i<address>.30 ... 4095Rmeasurement range divided in 4095 steps
i<address>.40 ... 4095Rmeasurement range divided in 4095 steps


Input module for two PT100 temperature probes.

It uses one or two addresses according to how the dip-switch is set.

If both channels are enabled (IN1 and IN2), setting the n base address through the FXPRO programmer, the input address and address+1 (consecutive) will be automatically assigned to the module.

i<address>.10 ... 255Rrange –40 ÷ +87.5°C: code 0 corresponds to –40°C and code 255 corresponds to +87.5°C
i<address+1>.10 ... 255Rrange –40 ÷ +87.5°C: code 0 corresponds to –40°C and code 255 corresponds to +87.5°C


4-channel counter module in modular housing.

It uses one input address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10 ... 65535Rnumber of pulses
i<address>.20 ... 65535Rnumber of pulses
i<address>.30 ... 65535Rnumber of pulses
i<address>.40 ... 65535Rnumber of pulses


Input module for ambient temperature sensors and potentiometers.

It uses one input address of the Contatto bus.

The temperature values measured by MODNTC module are reported as Kelvin degrees multiplied by 10; in other words, 0°C will be reported as 2730, 0.1°C will be reported as 2731 and so on.

Concerning the potentiometer channels, the values read from the module will be 0 with the potentiometer at its minimum position and it will be 1000 with the potentiometer at its maximum position.

i<address>.10 ... 4095Rtemperature value
i<address>.20 ... 4095Rtemperature value
i<address>.30 ... 4095Rtemperature value
i<address>.40 ... 4095Rtemperature value


4-digital input module for NO contacts in modular housing.

It uses one input address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

i<address>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+1>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+2>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+3>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on


4-digital input module for NO contacts in 2M modular housing.

It uses one address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+1>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+2>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address+3>0Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on


Ambient light measurement module with sensor for ceiling mounting.

It uses one address of the Contatto bus.

i<address>.10 ... 1023Rambient brightness value


Meteorological data detection module for Contatto bus.

It uses one input address and, if enabled by the configuration panel of MCP IDE, one output address with the same value.

i<address>.temp<temp>Rtemperature value (in C/10)
i<address>.lux<lux*10>Rdaylight value in tens of LUX
i<address>.wind1 m/s / 10Rwind speed value
i<address>.rain0Rno rain
i<address>.temp.limit0Rmeasured temperature < threshold
1Rmeasured temperature > threshold
i<address>.lux.limit0Rmeasured daylight < threshold
1Rmeasured daylight > threshold
i<address>.wind.limit0Rmeasured wind speed < threshold
1Rmeasured wind speed > threshold
i<address>.light.south0Rlight not from South
1Rlight from South
i<address>.light.west0Rlight not from West
1Rlight from West
i<address>.light.east0Rlight not from East
1Rlight from East
i<address>.fault0Rsensor works correctly
1Rsensor failure
o<address>.temp<temp>RWtemperature threshold (in C/10)
offRWtemperature threshold off
o<address>.lux<lux*10>RWdaylight threshold
offRWdaylight threshold off
o<address>.wind1 m/s / 10RWwind speed threshold
offRWwind speed threshold off


8 power relay output module.

It uses one output address of the Contatto bus.

o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on
o<address>.50RWoutput pin 5 off
1RWoutput pin 5 on
o<address>.60RWoutput pin 6 off
1RWoutput pin 6 on
o<address>.70RWoutput pin 7 off
1RWoutput pin 7 on
o<address>.80RWoutput pin 8 off
1RWoutput pin 8 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


8 positive logic (PNP) open collector digital output module.

It uses one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on
o<address>.50RWoutput pin 5 off
1RWoutput pin 5 on
o<address>.60RWoutput pin 6 off
1RWoutput pin 6 on
o<address>.70RWoutput pin 7 off
1RWoutput pin 7 on
o<address>.80RWoutput pin 8 off
1RWoutput pin 8 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


8 relay output compact module in DIN 3M housing.

It uses one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on
o<address>.50RWoutput pin 5 off
1RWoutput pin 5 on
o<address>.60RWoutput pin 6 off
1RWoutput pin 6 on
o<address>.70RWoutput pin 7 off
1RWoutput pin 7 on
o<address>.80RWoutput pin 8 off
1RWoutput pin 8 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


0÷10V analog output module.

It uses one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

o<address>x/255Rvalue in fractional format, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 255
o<address><x%>Wthe percentage of signal (0÷100%) applied to the output
0...255Wconvert the 8 bits digital code received through the bus in the proper analog level.
x/yWfractional format, formatted as x/y, where 0 ≤ x ≤ y


4÷20mA analog output module.

It uses one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

o<address><x%>RWthe percentage of signal (0÷100%) applied to the output
0...255RWconvert the 8 bits digital code received through the bus in the proper analog level
x/yRWfractional format, formatted as x/y, where 0 ≤ x ≤ y


Ambient light regulator module with integrated sensor.

It uses one input address and, if enabled by the configuration panel of MCP IDE, one output address with the same value.

i<address>.luxvalue equivalent to three times the brightness in lux detected by the sensorRthe brightness value in lux detected by the MODLC
i<address>.levelcalculated value for the automatic brightness regulationRthe value to be sent to the dimmer in order to execute the automatic regulation
i<address>.modeautoRautomatic regulation
manRmanual regulation
i<address>.in0Rdigital input 2 (including presence delay) OFF
1Rdigital input 2 (including presence delay) ON
i<address>.in10Rdigital input 1 OFF
1Rdigital input 1 ON
i<address>.in20Rdigital input 2 OFF
1Rdigital input 2 ON
o<address>.setpointsetpoint valueRWset the setpoint for the automatic brightness regulation
o<address>.presetsetpoint valueRWset the preset dimmer value (SMART mode only)
o<address>.delaysetpoint valueRWset the presence detector delay in seconds
o<address>.modeautoRWset automatic control
manRWset manual control
o<address>.in.reset0Rnot active
1RWforce the expiring of the deactivation delay time of the digital input
o<address>.mode.reset0RWnot active
1RWdisable automatic control
o<address>.full.reset0RWnot active
1RWperform a full reset
o<address>.v0RWvirtual point off
1RWvirtual point on
o<address>.in.disable0RWnormal presence detector operation (SMART mode)
1RWdisable light ON control from presence detector (SMART mode)
o<address>.presence0RWnot active
1RWpresence forced


4 digital input and 4 power relay output multifunction module.

HSYCO supports two configurations only: four independent outputs, or two shutters.

When set as four independent outputs, the module must be configured with the same base address for input and output.

For example:

(I20, O20)

The input address must be enabled. Configuration switches must be set as SW1=OFF, SW2=OFF and SW5=ON.

When set as two shutters, the module must be configured with the same base address for input and output.

For example:

(I20, O20, O21)

The input address must be enabled. Configuration switches must be set as SW1=ON, SW2=ON and SW5=ON.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
o<address>.1upRWshutter up command
downRWshutter down command
stopRWshutter stop command
unknownRunknown state
offupRshutter off, up position
offdownRshutter off, down position
o<address+1>.1upRWshutter up command
downRWshutter down command
stopRWshutter stop command
unknownRunknown state
offupRshutter off, up position
offdownRshutter off, down position
o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


2 digital input and 2 power relay output module.

It uses one input address and one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

The input and the output addresses may be the same or they can be different each one to the other.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


4 digital input and 4 digital output module.

It uses one input address and one output address in the range 1 to 127 of the Contatto bus.

The input and the output addresses may be the same or they can be different each one to the other.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on


2x300W dimmer module.

It uses 2 output addresses (one for each dimmer channel) and 2 input addresses.

HSYCO supports this module only when its dip-switches are set as SW1=ON, SW2=ON, SW3=ON, SW4=ON.

i<address>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
i<address+1>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
o<address>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD2DM commands table)
o<address+1>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD2DM commands table)

The dimmer level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as n/m, where 0 <= n <= m.


Dual 1-10V output for electronic ballast driving.

It uses 2 output addresses (one for each dimmer channel) and 2 input addresses.

HSYCO supports this module only when its dip-switches are set as SW1=ON, SW2=ON, SW3=ON, SW4=ON.

i<address>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
i<address+1>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
o<address>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD2DV commands table)
o<address+1>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD2DV commands table)

The dimmer level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as n/m, where 0 <= n <= m.


8 digital input – 8 LED output module for wall box.

It uses 1 input address and 1 output address.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.30Rinput pin 3 off
1Rinput pin 3 on
i<address>.40Rinput pin 4 off
1Rinput pin 4 on
i<address>.50Rinput pin 5 off
1Rinput pin 5 on
i<address>.60Rinput pin 6 off
1Rinput pin 6 on
i<address>.70Rinput pin 7 off
1Rinput pin 7 on
i<address>.80Rinput pin 8 off
1Rinput pin 8 on
o<address>.10RWoutput pin 1 off
1RWoutput pin 1 on
o<address>.20RWoutput pin 2 off
1RWoutput pin 2 on
o<address>.30RWoutput pin 3 off
1RWoutput pin 3 on
o<address>.40RWoutput pin 4 off
1RWoutput pin 4 on
o<address>.50RWoutput pin 5 off
1RWoutput pin 5 on
o<address>.60RWoutput pin 6 off
1RWoutput pin 6 on
o<address>.70RWoutput pin 7 off
1RWoutput pin 7 on
o<address>.80RWoutput pin 8 off
1RWoutput pin 8 on

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


Quad 0-10V output module for generic applications or for external dimmers control.

It uses 4 consecutive output addresses (one for each dimmer channel) and 4 input addresses.

HSYCO supports this module only when its dip-switches are set as SW1=ON, SW2=ON, SW3=ON, SW4=ON, SW5=OFF.

i<address>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
i<address+1>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
i<address+2>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
i<address+3>0...100Rbrightness level according to current ramp
offRdimmer off
o<address>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD4DV commands table)
o<address+1>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD4DV commands table)
o<address+2>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD4DV commands table)
o<address+3>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...255Wcommand (see MOD4DV commands table)

The dimmer level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as x/y, where 0 <= x <= y
  • values in the range 101÷255. Values and commands are described in the MOD4DV Programming Handbook (Operation from the bus, page 3).


ModDMX module allows to handle, through the Contatto bus, up to 32 DMX devices. ModDMX module makes possible the communication on the first 64 of 512 DMX channels allowed by this protocol.

It uses 1 output address, 1-channel 16-bit.

o<address>.<DMX address>0...100RWValues and commands are described in the MODDMX Programming Handbook


The ModDALI module supports 4 DALI lines, with up to 32 devices for each line. The ModDALI module with firmware version 6.x supports 2 DALI lines (channels 1 and 2), with up to 64 devices for each line.

It uses 1 output address and, if enabled, 1 input address with the same value.

o<address>.<line>refreshRWqueries the ModDALI module to update the current status of all DALI devices. This command requires a considerable amount of bus time and blocks all other commands until completed
offRWswitch off all available DALI devices
<level>RWset a level for all available devices
o<address>.<line>.group.<DALI group>offRWswitch off all DALI devices on that group
<level>RWset a level for all DALI devices in that group
o<address>.<line>.<DALI address>offRWswitch off a single DALI device
<level>RWset a level for a single DALI device
faultRDALI device fault
unknownRDALI device unknown state (or connection lost)
>100RWspecial functions: possible values are described in the MODDALI Programming Handbook
i<address>.<line>.pollingoffRpolling disabled
onRpolling enabled
i<address>.<line>.test0Rtest button not pressed
1Rtest button pressed
i<address>.<line>.dalinopowerRDALI bus power supply failure
openRDALI line broken
shortRDALI line short circuit
onRon DALI line
i<address>.<line>.1offRballast 1 off
<level>Rballast 1 level
faultRballast 1 lamp failure
unknownRballast 1 lamp unknown state (or connection lost)

The DALI device level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as x/y, where 0 <= x <= y
  • values in the range 101÷255. Values and commands are described in the MODDALI Programming Handbook.


The ModDALI8 module allows the management of 8 DALI lines, with up to 16 devices for each line (or channel).

It uses 2 consecutive input addresses and 1 input address with the same base value.

o<address>.<line>offRWoff broadcast command
<level>RWlevel broadcast command
i<address>.<line>.pollingoffRWpolling disabled
onRWpolling enabled
i<address>.<line>.test0RWtest button not pressed
1RWtest button pressed
i<address>.<line>.dalifaultRWlamp failure
openRWno DALI device connected to this line
shortRWDALI line short circuit
onRWDALI line working correctly

<line> can be set from 1 to 8 to address a single line, or 0 to send commands to all DALI lines.

The line level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as x/y, where 0 <= x <= y
  • values in the range 101÷255. Values and commands are described in the MODDALI8 Programming Handbook.


Module for the regulation of the ambient temperature.

It uses 1 input and 1 output address that are equal each one to the other, so only a base address is needed.

i<address>onRzone on
offRzone off
i<address>.modesummerRsummer mode
winterRwinter mode
i<address>.statusoffRoff status
heatingRheating request
coolingRcooling request
i<address>.fanoffRfan off
minRmin speed
medRmed speed
maxRmax speed
i<address>.tempfaultRNTC probe fault
<temp>Rambient temperature value, in C/10
i<address>.setpoint.temp<temp>Rreal setpoint value, in C/10
i<address>.knob0 ... 1000Rposition of rotary knob
o<address>.modesummerRWset summer
winterRWset winter
o<address>onRWzone on
offRWzone off
o<address>.setpoint.temp0...400RWset and read the value of central setpoint (temp in C/10)
o<address><temp>RWset and read the MAX negative delta
o<address><temp>RWset and read the MAX positive delta
RWLED 1 red
RWLED 1 green
RWLED 1 yellow
offRWset off
RWLED 2 red
RWLED 2 green
RWLED 2 yellow
offRWset off
RWLED 3 red
RWLED 3 green
RWLED 3 yellow
offRWset off
RWLED 4 red
RWLED 4 green
RWLED 4 yellow
offRWset off

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


Network analyzer module for Contatto bus.

It uses, in dynamic mode, up to a maximum of 5 consecutive input addresses and, if enabled, 1 output address equal to the base address.


The module's firmware should be version 1.5 or later to support negative values for active power readings.


The module must be configured with the same base address for input and output.}}

For example:

(I7, O7)
i<address>.v12[V]Rchained voltage phase 1-2
i<address>.v23[V]Rchained voltage phase 2-3
i<address>.v31[V]Rchained voltage phase 3-1
i<address>.vtm[V]Raverage chained voltage
i<address>.i1[A]Rcurrent phase 1
i<address>.i2[A]Rcurrent phase 2
i<address>.i3[A]Rcurrent phase 3
i<address>.itm[A]Raverage current
i<address>.ptot[W]Rtotal active power
i<address>.ptotk[kW]Rtotal active power
i<address>.qtot[W]Rtotal reactive power
i<address>.qtotk[kW]Rtotal reactive power
i<address>.pf[pf]Rtotal power factor
i<address>.v1n[V]Rvoltage phase 1
i<address>.v2n[V]Rvoltage phase 2
i<address>.v3n[V]Rvoltage phase 3
i<address>.p1[W]Ractive power phase 1
i<address>.p1k[kW]Ractive power phase 1
i<address>.p2[W]Ractive power phase 2
i<address>.p2k[kW]Ractive power phase 2
i<address>.p3[W]Ractive power phase 3
i<address>.p3k[kW]Ractive power phase 3
i<address>.q1[W]Rreactive power phase 1
i<address>.q1k[kW]Rreactive power phase 1
i<address>.q2[W]Rreactive power phase 2
i<address>.q2k[kW]Rreactive power phase 2
i<address>.q3[W]Rreactive power phase 3
i<address>.q3k[kW]Rreactive power phase 3
i<address>.pf1[pf]Rpower factor phase 1
i<address>.pf2[pf]Rpower factor phase 2
i<address>.pf3[pf]Rpower factor phase 3
i<address>.s1[VA]Rapparent power phase 1
i<address>.s1k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 1
i<address>.s2[VA]Rapparent power phase 2
i<address>.s2k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 2
i<address>.s3[VA]Rapparent power phase 3
i<address>.s3k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 3
i<address>.stot[VA]Rtotal apparent power
i<address>.temperature[°C]Rcabinet temperature
i<address>[KWh]Rpositive active energy
i<address>.energy.activeneg[KWh]Rnegative active energy
i<address>.energy.reactive[KVARh]Rpositive reactive energy
i<address>.energy.reactiveneg[KVARh]Rnegative reactive energy
i<address>.pm[W]Raverage positive active power
i<address>.qm[VAR]Raverage positive reactive power
o<address>.reset.energy1RWreset energies
o<address>.reset.hours1RWreset hour-meter


Network analyzer module for Contatto bus.

It uses, in dynamic mode, up to a maximum of 5 consecutive input addresses and, if enabled, 1 output address equal to the base address.


The module must be configured with the same base address for input and output.}}

For example:

(I7, O7)
i<address>.v12[V]Rchained voltage phase 1-2
i<address>.v23[V]Rchained voltage phase 2-3
i<address>.v31[V]Rchained voltage phase 3-1
i<address>.vtm[V]Raverage chained voltage
i<address>.i1[A]Rcurrent phase 1
i<address>.i2[A]Rcurrent phase 2
i<address>.i3[A]Rcurrent phase 3
i<address>.itm[A]Raverage current
i<address>.ptot[W]Rtotal active power
i<address>.ptotk[kW]Rtotal active power
i<address>.qtot[W]Rtotal reactive power
i<address>.qtotk[kW]Rtotal reactive power
i<address>.pf[pf]Rtotal power factor
i<address>.v1n[V]Rvoltage phase 1
i<address>.v2n[V]Rvoltage phase 2
i<address>.v3n[V]Rvoltage phase 3
i<address>.p1[W]Ractive power phase 1
i<address>.p1k[kW]Ractive power phase 1
i<address>.p2[W]Ractive power phase 2
i<address>.p2k[kW]Ractive power phase 2
i<address>.p3[W]Ractive power phase 3
i<address>.p3k[kW]Ractive power phase 3
i<address>.q1[W]Rreactive power phase 1
i<address>.q1k[kW]Rreactive power phase 1
i<address>.q2[W]Rreactive power phase 2
i<address>.q2k[kW]Rreactive power phase 2
i<address>.q3[W]Rreactive power phase 3
i<address>.q3k[kW]Rreactive power phase 3
i<address>.pf1[pf]Rpower factor phase 1
i<address>.pf2[pf]Rpower factor phase 2
i<address>.pf3[pf]Rpower factor phase 3
i<address>.s1[VA]Rapparent power phase 1
i<address>.s1k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 1
i<address>.s2[VA]Rapparent power phase 2
i<address>.s2k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 2
i<address>.s3[VA]Rapparent power phase 3
i<address>.s3k[kVA]Rapparent power phase 3
i<address>.stot[VA]Rtotal apparent power
i<address>.temperature[°C]Rcabinet temperature
i<address>[KWh]Rpositive active energy
i<address>.energy.activeneg[KWh]Rnegative active energy
i<address>.energy.reactive[KVARh]Rpositive reactive energy
i<address>.energy.reactiveneg[KVARh]Rnegative reactive energy
o<address>.reset.energy1RWreset energies
o<address>.reset.hours1RWreset hour-meter


Q5 tags proximity reader and programmer module.

Uses 1 input address on the Contatto bus. Write operations are performed through direct writes to the module’s RAM.

<tag data>
R30 characters hexadecimal representation of the 15 bytes of tag data; 0 if the module is not seeing any tag
i<address>.data.write0Rthe tag has been removed from the programmer after writing, or the module is not seeing any tag
1Rthe tag write operation was successful
i<address>.reader.error0Rreader/writer normal status
1Rreader/writer module error (normally occurs when the reader is not connected to the MODPQ5 module)
i<address>.tag.error0Rthe tag is valid
1Rthe tag is not valid
i<address>.request.error0Rno request or handshake errors detected
1Rhandshake error
i<address>.data.error0Rtag data ok
1Rtag data errors detected
i<address>.unknown.error0Rno unknown errors
1Runknown error detected
i<address>.write<tag data>Rtag data write successful
errorRtag data write error
o<address>.write<tag data>W30 characters hexadecimal representation of the 15 bytes data to be written on the tag


MODHT is the hotel room controller module.

It uses 1 input and 1 output address.

Tags configuration data are written to the module’s EEPROM (persistent internal memory).

i<address>.door0Rdoor closed
1Rdoor open
i<address>.window0Rwindow closed
1Rwindow open
i<address>.panic0Rpanic request not active
1Rpanic request
i<address>.busy0Rroom is free
1Rroom is occupied
i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.ev0REV output off
1REV output on
i<address>.aux0RAUX output off
1RAUX output on
i<address>.dnd0Rdo not disturb not active
1Rdo not disturb
i<address>.service0Rroom service request not active
1Rroom service request
i<address>.booked0Rroom is not booked
1Rroom is booked
i<address>.modesummerRsummer mode
winterRwinter mode
i<address>.fanoffRfan set to off
autoRfan speed set to auto
minRfan speed set to minimum
medRfan speed set to medium
maxRfan speed set to max
i<address>.fan.status0Rfan is off
1Rfan is on (cooling or heating)
i<address>.temp<temp>Rambient temperature value (in C/10)
i<address>.setpoint.temp<temp>Rsetpoint value (in C/10)
i<address>.tag.door1...5Rtype of tag that is opening the door (1 to 4 are service tags; 5 is a customer tag). After 5 seconds the value is reset to 0
i<address>.tag.room0Rno tag present in room’s reader
1...5Rtype of tag inserted in the room’s reader (1 to 4 are service tags; 5 is a customer tag)
i<address>.tag.<n><tag data>R24 characters hexadecimal representation of the 12 bytes data matching service N tags (N from 1 to 5) stored in module’s EEPROM. Updated on o<address>.tag.<n>=read command
i<address>.pcam.error0RPCAM module ok
1RPCAM module error
i<address>.tpr.error0RTPR/H module ok
1RTPR/H module error
i<address>.mask<mask data>R24 characters hexadecimal representation of the 12 bytes tag mask stored in module’s EEPROM. Updated on o<address>.mask=read command
<tag data>
R30 characters hexadecimal representation of the 15 bytes of tag data being read from the door reader; 0 if the module is not seeing any tag (this data point is available with MODHT firmware 5.3 or newer)
<tag data>
R30 characters hexadecimal representation of the 15 bytes of tag data being read from the room reader; 0 if the module is not seeing any tag (this data point is available with MODHT firmware 5.3 or newer)
<temp>Rwinter/summer setpoint <n> (1...3) current value (in C/10). Updated on o<address>.setpoint.summer.<n>=read and o<address>.setpoint.winter.<n>=read commands
<temp delta limit>
Rthe current temperature setpoint low/high limits for winter and summer modes (in C). Updated on o<address> command
o<address>.tag.<n><tag data>Rtag data write successful
errorRtag data write error
o<address>.mask<mask data>Rmask data write successful
errorRmask data write error
<temp>Rwinter/summer setpoint N (1-3) write successful (in C/10)
errorRsetpoint write error
<temp delta limit>
Rsetpoint min/max limit for winter/summer write successful (in C)
errorRsetpoint limit write error
o<address>.ev.enable0WEV output disabled
1WEV output enabled
o<address>.aux.enable0WAUX output disabled
1WAUX output enabled
o<address>.panic.reset0Wpanic request reset off
1Wpanic request reset (pulse command)
o<address>.busy0Wset room status to free
1Wset room status to occupied
o<address>.ev0WEV output off
1WEV output on
o<address>.aux0WAUX output off
1WAUX output on
o<address>.dnd.reset0Wdo not disturb reset off
1Wdo not disturb reset (pulse command)
o<address>.service.reset0Wservice reset off
1Wservice reset (pulse command)
o<address>.booked0Wset room as not booked
1Wset room as booked
o<address>.modesummerWset room to summer mode
winterWset room to winter mode
o<address>.fanoffWset fan off (pulse command)
autoWset fan to auto mode (pulse command)
o<address>.comfort0Wforce comfort set-point off
1Wforce comfort set-point on
o<address>.30Woutput pin 3 off
1Woutput pin 3 on
o<address>.fan.heating.min0Wreset heating speed limit
1Wlimit heating speed to min
o<address>.fan.cooling.min0Wreset cooling speed limit
1Wlimit cooling speed to min
o<address>.tag.<n>readWread the 12 bytes stored in module’s EEPROM for service N tags (<n> from 1 to 5)
<tag data>W24 characters hexadecimal representation of the 12 bytes data matching service N tags (N from 1 to 5), to be stored in module’s EEPROM. After writing data, you should wait approximately 150ms before sending a read command
o<address>.maskreadWread the 12 bytes mask stored in module’s EEPROM
<mask data>W24 characters hexadecimal representation of the 12 bytes tag mask, to be stored in module’s EEPROM. After writing data, you should wait approximately 150ms before sending a read command
readWread winter/summer setpoint <n> (1-3)
<temp>Wset winter/summer setpoint <n> (1-3)
o<address>.setpoint.deltareadWread winter and summer, low and high setpoint limits
<temp delta limit>Wset winter/summer, low/high setpoint limit (in C)


MODCA is the access control module.

It uses 1 input and 1 output address.

Tags configuration data are written to the module’s EEPROM (persistent external memory).

Site codes and the tags mask are written to the internal EEPROM.

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
i<address>.blocked0Raccess control enabled
1Raccess blocked
i<address>.tpr.error0RTPR module ok
1RTPR module error
i<address>.access.granted.10Rno tag present at antenna 1
1Raccess granted to tag at antenna 1
i<address>.access.granted.20Rno tag present at antenna 2
1Raccess granted to tag at antenna 2
i<address>.access.denied0Raccess denied flags reset
siteRaccess denied due to site code error
codeRaccess denied due to user code error
total.limitRaccess denied due to exceeded total number of access grants
daily.limitRaccess denied due to exceeded daily number of access grants
timeRaccess denied due to time range violation
dayRaccess denied due to weekday violation
expiredRaccess denied due expired tag
i<address>.denied.code<tag code>Rthe tag code (decimal value of selected two bytes of the tag data) that was denied access
i<address>.granted.1.code<tag code>Rthe tag code (decimal value of selected two bytes of the tag data) that was granted access at antenna 1
i<address>.granted.2.code<tag code>Rthe tag code (decimal value of selected two bytes of the tag data) that was granted access at antenna 2
i<address>.site.<n><site data>R16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes data representing the Nth site code (N from 1 to 4) stored in module’s EEPROM
i<address>.mask<mask data>R16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes site code mask stored in module’s EEPROM
i<address>.mask<mask data>R16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes site code mask stored in module’s EEPROM
i<address>.user.<n><user data>R32 characters hexadecimal representation of the 16 bytes data for user <n> (N from 1 to 2000) stored in module’s EEPROM
o<address>.site.<n><site data>Rsite data write successful
errorRsite data write error
o<address>.mask<mask data>Rmask data write successful
errorRmask data write error
o<address>.user.<n><user data>Ruser data write successful
errorRuser data write error
o<address>.relay0Wrelay output off
1Wrelay output pulse on, with pulse length according to the MODCA configuration (with firmware versions before 1.3 this data point remains at 1 and should be reset to 0 with an explicit command; with firmware 1.3 the data point value follows the relay state, and is automatically reset to 0 at the end of the pulse period)
o<address>.relay.forced0Wforced relay mode not set (default behaviour)
1Wforced relay mode set: the relay remains closed until the relay.forced command is reset (available with MODCA firmware version 2.0 or later)
o<address>.block0Wenable access control
1Wblock access control
1Wallow access even when site code is not valid
1Wallow access even when the total limit of access grants has been exceeded
1Wallow access even when the daily limit of access grants has been exceeded
1Wallow access even outside of the allowed timeframe
1Wallow access even outside of the allowed weekdays
1Wallow access even when the tag is expired
o<address>.site.<n>readWread the 8 bytes stored in module’s EEPROM for site N code (<n> from 1 to 4)
<site data>W16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes data of site N code (N from 1 to 4), to be stored in module’s EEPROM. After writing data, you should wait approximately 100ms before sending a read command
o<address>.maskreadWread the 8 bytes mask stored in module’s EEPROM
<mask data>W16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes site code mask, to be stored in module’s EEPROM. After writing data, you should wait approximately 100ms before sending a read command
o<address>.user.<n>readWread the 16 bytes stored in module’s EEPROM for user N (<n> from 1 to 2000)
<user data>W16 characters hexadecimal representation of the first 8 bytes of access control data for user N (N from 1 to 2000) , to be stored in module’s EEPROM
<reset>Wreset to 0 the total and daily counters for user <n>
o<address>.userseraseWdeletes all users data. This action requires up to about 27 seconds to be completed. It also deletes all i<address>.user.<n> and o<address>.user.<n> data points


MODKB is the keypad access control module.

It uses 1 input and 1 output address.

PIN configuration data are written to the module’s EEPROM (persistent memory).

i<address>.10Rinput pin 1 off
1Rinput pin 1 on
i<address>.20Rinput pin 2 off
1Rinput pin 2 on
1Raccess granted to PIN <n> (<n> from 1 to 30)
i<address>.pin<pin code>Rthe last pin code entered on the keypad (from 1 to 65535). Reset to 0 after programmed code persistence time
i<address>.access.granted.<n>0Raccess denied flags reset
siteRaccess denied due to site code error
codeRaccess denied due to user code error
timeRaccess denied due to time range violation
dayRaccess denied due to weekday violation
i<address>.pin.<n><pin data>R16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes data for PIN <n> (<n> from 1 to 30) stored in module’s EEPROM
o<address>.pin.<n><pin data>Rpin data write successful
errorRpin data write error
o<address>.relay0Wrelay output off
1Wrelay output on (pulse output, resets to 0 immediately after the relay is closed, usually before the relay closure time)
1Wdisables access to all PINs
1Wdisables access to PIN <n> (<n> from 1 to 30)
o<address>.pin.<n>readWread the 8 bytes stored in module’s EEPROM for PIN <n> (<n> from 1 to 30)
<pin data>W16 characters hexadecimal representation of the 8 bytes data for PIN <n> (<n> from 1 to 30), to be stored in module’s EEPROM


500W IGBT dimmer module.

It uses 1 output address.

o<address>0...100RWbrightness level according to current ramp
offRWdimmer off
101...173Wcommand (see MODDI commands table)
o<address>.noline0RAC line detected
1RAC line fault
1Rovercurrent protection
1Rovervoltage protection
1Rovertemperature protection

The dimmer level can be set using additional formats besides the standard percent values:

  • absolute positive integer number between 0 and 100
  • percent number, formatted as x%
  • fractional format, formatted as n/m, where 0 <= n <= m.


Temperature control module.

It uses 1 input and one output address.

i<address>onRzone on
offRzone off
i<address>.modewinterRwinter mode
summerRsummer mode
i<address>.fanminRmin fan speed
medRmedium fan speed
maxRmax fan speed
offRfan off
i<address>.fan.modemanRmanual fan mode
autoRauto fan mode
i<address>.setpoint1Rsetpoint 1
2Rsetpoint 2
3Rsetpoint 3
manRmanual setpoint
i<address>.setpoint.modemanRmanual setpoint mode
autoRauto setpoint mode
i<address>.temp<temp>Rtemperature value (in C/10)
faultRtemperature sensor fault
coolingRcooling status mode
heatingRheating status mode
o<address>onRWzone on (writing on to this datapoint doesn't turn the zone on, it simply resets the off command)
offRWzone off
o<address>.modewinterRWwinter mode
summerRWsummer mode
o<address>.setpoint.modemanRWmanual mode
autoRWauto mode
offRWzone off
o<address>.setpoint1RWsetpoint 1
2RWsetpoint 2
3RWsetpoint 3
0RWsetpoint off
manRWmanual setpoint
o<address>.setpoint.temp.1<temp>RWtemperature setpoint 1 value (in C/10)
o<address>.setpoint.temp.2<temp>RWtemperature setpoint 2 value (in C/10)
o<address>.setpoint.temp.3<temp>RWtemperature setpoint 3 value (in C/10)
o<address><temp>RWtemperature manual setpoint value (in C/10)


8 digital input and 4 roller shutters or blinds with detection of travel time.

i<address>.<N>0Rinput pin N off
1Rinput pin N on
o<address>.<N>upRWshutter N up command
downRWshutter N down command
stopWshutter N stop command
up1Wshutter N up one step command
down1Wshutter N down one step command
unknownRshutter N unknown state
offupRshutter N off, up position
offdownRshutter N off, down position
0-100Rshutter N current position
o<address>.calibration.<N>0Rshutter N normal operations
1RWshutter N calibration command
o<address>.position.<N>0-100RWshutter N position command
o<address>.slats.<N>0-100Wshutter N slats position command (no feedback available)


Temperature, relative humidity and dew point sensor.

It uses one input address and, if enabled by the configuration panel of MCP IDE, one output address.

i<address>.temp<temp>Rtemperature value (in C/10)
i<address>.rh<%RH>Rrelative humidity percentage (0-100)
i<address>.dewpoint<temp>Rdew point (in C/10)
i<address>.dewpoint.10Rdew point lower than dew point threshold 1
1Rdew point equal or greater than dew point threshold 1
i<address>.dewpoint.20Rdew point lower than dew point threshold 2
1Rdew point equal or greater than dew point threshold 2
o<address>.dewpoint.1<temp>RWdew point threshold 1 (in C/10)
o<address>.dewpoint.2<temp>RWdew point threshold 2 (in C/10)


Multi-function, 2 inputs analog module.

Uses one input address.

i<address>.1<value>Rinput 1 value (-32768 to +32767)
i<address>.2<value>Rinput 2 value (-32768 to +32767)


MODIGLASS is an input/output module with 6 touch buttons with addressable LEDs and a buzzer for audio feedback.

It uses 1 input and 1 output address.

i<address>.10Rbutton 1 off
1Rbutton 1 on
i<address>.20Rbutton 2 off
1Rbutton 2 on
i<address>.30Rbutton 3 off
1Rbutton 3 on
i<address>.40Rbutton 4 off
1Rbutton 4 on
i<address>.50Rbutton 5 off
1Rbutton 5 on
i<address>.60Rbutton 6 off
1Rbutton 6 on
i<address>.led.10Rled 1 off
1Rled 1 on
i<address>.led.20Rled 2 off
1Rled 2 on
i<address>.led.30Rled 3 off
1Rled 3 on
i<address>.led.40Rled 4 off
1Rled 4 on
i<address>.led.50Rled 5 off
1Rled 5 on
i<address>.led.60Rled 6 off
1Rled 6 on
i<address>.proximity0Rno proximity detected
1Rproximity detected
o<address>.led.10Wled 1 off
1Wled 1 on
o<address>.led.20Wled 2 off
1Wled 2 on
o<address>.led.30Wled 3 off
1Wled 3 on
o<address>.led.40Wled 4 off
1Wled 4 on
o<address>.led.50Wled 5 off
1Wled 5 on
o<address>.led.60Wled 6 off
1Wled 6 on
o<address>.disable0RWnot disabled (normal mode)
1RWdisabled (cleaning mode)
o<address>.dim0RWhigh intensity backlight
1RWlow intensity backlight
o<address>.proximity0RWdisable proximity backlight
1RWenable proximity backlight
o<address>.backlight0RWbacklight off
1RWbacklight on
o<address>.buzzer0RWbuzzer disabled
1RWbuzzer enabled

You can also set the value to on or off, that is equivalent to 1 and 0.


Environmental monitor, with CO2, temperature, humidity, dew point, light level and sound level sensors.

It uses one input address.

i<address>.co2<ppm>RCO2 value (resolution: 1 ppm)
i<address>.temp<C*10>Rtemperature value (resolution: 0.1 C)
i<address>.rh<%RH>Rrelative humidity percentage (0-100)
i<address>.dewpoint<C*10>Rdew point value (resolution: 0.1 C)
i<address>.lux<lux*10>Rlight value (resolution: 0.1 lux)
i<address>.sound<dB>Rambient sound value (resolution: 1 dB)

User Interface

All CONTATTO devices data points that have been defined in the systemtopo.txt database are automatically listed in the Project Editor. Adding a button to control a device output point requires just a few clicks and no additional EVENTS logic.

Contatto configuration

Besides the direct association of control buttons and data points, the CONTATTO driver also automatically updates graphical objects that represent values or states of complex devices, like the CLIMA2 temperature control unit. It will also automatically intercept buttons to manually set operation modes and temperature set-points.


You can use the temp and tempmini objects to control CLIMA2 devices.

Contatto configuration

The fan button, in the bottom right-hand corner, is not enabled because the manual control of the fan speed is not available. The M button, in the top right-hand corner, allows to switch the module on or off.

You can also easily create customized controls for the CLIMA2, using standard graphic objects that are automatically set to show the device’s status and intercepted to send user commands.

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet toDescription
<address>.modevalueSUMMERsummer mode (cooling)
valueWINTERwinter mode (heating)
<address>.mode.label.summervisibletrueif CLIMA2 is in summer mode
<address>.mode.label.wintervisibletrueif CLIMA2 is in winter mode
<address>.statusvalueOFFzone off
valueONzone on
<address>.status.label.offvisibletrueif the zone is not cooling or heating
<address>.status.label.coolingvisibletrueif the zone is cooling
<address>.status.label.heatingvisibletrueif the zone is heating
<address>.fanvalueOFFfan off
valueMINminimum fan speed
valueMEDmedium fan speed
valueMAXmaximum fan speed
<address>.fan.label.minvisibletrueminimum fan speed
<address>.fan.label.medvisibletruemedium fan speed
<address>.fan.label.maxvisibletruemaximum fan speed
<address>.setpoint.label.onvisibletruezone is on
<address>.setpoint.label.offvisibletruezone is off
<address>.setpoint.modevalueONzone is on
valueOFFzone is off
<address>.setpoint.tempvalue<value>the active setpoint temperature, in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by " °C"
<address>.tempvalue<temp>the measured temperature, in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by " °C"
FAULTfault/error condition

USER Commands

<address>onmodule on
offmodule off
mode.summerset summer mode (cooling)
mode.winterset winter mode (heating)
<address>.setpointtemp.upincrease setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
temp.downdecrease setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
0...400set the setpoint to the defined value (in C/10)
modecycle through on and off modes
mode.onmodule on
mode.offmodule off


You can use the temp and tempmini objects to control MODCL devices.

The fan button, in the bottom right-hand corner, is not enabled because the manual control of the fan speed is not available. The M button, in the top right-hand corner, allows to switch the module to auto or manual mode, or off.

You can also easily create customized controls for the MODCL, using standard graphic objects that are automatically set to show the device’s status and intercepted to send user commands.

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet toDescription
<address>.modevalueSUMMERsummer mode (cooling)
WINTERwinter mode (heating)
<address>.mode.label.summervisibletrueif MODCL is in summer mode
<address>.mode.label.wintervisibletrueif MODCL is in winter mode
<address>.statusvalueOFFzone off
ONzone on
<address>.status.label.offvisibletrueif the zone is not cooling or heating
<address>.status.label.coolingvisibletrueif the zone is cooling
<address>.status.label.heatingvisibletrueif the zone is heating
<address>.fanvalueOFFfan off
MINminimum fan speed
MEDmedium fan speed
MAXmaximum fan speed
<address>.fan.label.minvisibletrueminimum fan speed
<address>.fan.label.medvisibletruemedium fan speed
<address>.fan.label.maxvisibletruemaximum fan speed
<address>.setpointvalue1, 2, 3setpoint N is active
MANmanual setpoint is active
OFFzone is off
<address>.setpoint.label.1visibletruesetpoint 1 is active
<address>.setpoint.label.2visibletruesetpoint 3 is active
<address>.setpoint.label.3visibletruesetpoint 3 is active
<address>.setpoint.label.manvisibletruemanual setpoint is active
<address>.setpoint.label.offvisibletruezone is off
<address>.setpoint.modevalueAUTOautomatic mode
MANmanual mode
OFFzone is off
<address>.setpoint.tempvalue<value>the active setpoint temperature, in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by " °C"
<address>.tempvalue<temp>the measured temperature, in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by " °C"
FAULTfault/error condition

USER Commands

<address>modecycle summer/winter modes
<address>.modemode.summerset summer mode (cooling)
mode.winterset winter mode (heating)
<address>.setpoint.tempupincrease current setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
downdecrease current setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
<address>.setpoint.temp.Nupincrease setpoint N temperature in 0.5C steps
downdecrease setpoint N temperature in 0.5C steps
0...400set setpoint N to the given value (in C/10)
<address>.setpoint.temp.manupincrease manual setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
downdecrease manual setpoint temperature in 0.5C steps
0...400set manual setpoint to the given value (in C/10)
<address>.setpointmodecycle through auto, manual and off modes
<address>.setpoint.modeautoset auto mode
manset manual mode
offzone off


Using slider objects for MOD4TP/I shutter's position

You can use the slider objects, slider|sliderv and slider|sliderh, to display and control the position. Set both the slider's ID and address to <server_name>.<address>.<N>, with N from 1 to 4.


Note that you can set the inverse attribute of the slider|sliderv object to true, in order to have the cursor at the top instead of bottom of the slider when the position is 0.

Release Notes


  • support of MODSENSE-CO2


  • new option "disablemodhtpulsereset", disables automatic reset of MODHT pulse outputs (panic.reset, dnd.reset, service.reset, fan)
  • improved support for MCP firmware upload
  • fixes to MODANA and MODANAM: energy data points not updated when energy not changing on all three phases
  • fixes to MODPQ5 write commands, that failed when another device on the bus had the same output address of MODPQ5 input address


  • support of MODRHT
  • support of MODAM2
  • support of MODIGLASS, MODIGLASS3
  • support of MODLC firmware version 3.2
  • support of MODDALI firmware version 6.x
  • support of MCP counters
  • bus and modules fault detection
  • fixes to the MODDALI ballast 1 status data point


  • added support for MOD32IL
  • added support for MOD4TP/I
  • added support for MODDALI8
  • added support for MODANAM
  • fixed a bug that could cause erroneous readings of MODANA's ptotk datapoint when total active power is negative


  • MODANA updated to support negative active energy values (fw. 1.5 or later)


  • added support for MCP4
  • added support for MODCA firmware version 2.0, with new "relay.forced" datapoint
  • added support for MOD32IN
  • MODPQ5 is now identified with its unique ID. Use MCPIDE 3.2.3 or later to program the MCPXT/MCP4 to allow HSYCO to correctly identify this module


  • improved communication error logging
  • improved support of tools remote access
  • events generated during startup if startupevents=true are now executed sequentially
  • support for MODDI
  • support for MODCL


bug fixes:

  • the toolspassword optional parameter was incorrectly converted to lower case
  • fixed a bug that prevented reading the last 3 addresses of MOAN/I4 and MI420-X4 modules


  • added support for MODHT set-point delta limits read and write
  • the lux datapoint name was incorrectly set to ID.i<addr>.1 instead of ID.i<addr>.lux


  • support for MODCA, MODHT, MODKB, MODPQ5
  • new "detectevents" option, generates forced events when a device is detected at start-up
  • support for the toolspassword option, to allow MCP-IDE and other tools secure remote access to the MCP via HSYCO
  • new clock datapoint to read the MXP-XT internal clock and set it to HSYCO's time


  • optimized performance of MCP’s registers status polling
  • the server failed to initialized when an unsupported device was configured in the MCP


  • you can now limit the number of virtual points and registers read and written by HSYCO, and have access to all of the 1024 registers; defaults are unchanged


  • initial release

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