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Sigfox is a global network operator founded that builds wireless networks to connect low-power objects such as electricity meters and smartwatches, which need to be continuously on and emitting small amounts of data. This driver allows you to communicate with Sigfox Cloud in order to retrieve messages and status updates collected from devices. As reported in the Sigfox backend, each device is grouped into a device type.

HSYCO Configuration

Add the SIGFOX I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • User: optional API username
  • Password: optional API password

Devices list file

At the first run of SIGFOX driver a file named sigfox-devices_<I/O_Server_name>.ini will be created . This file can contain a series of line, each line represents informations of a single device and can have the following format:




Device id must be present in each line while name and model are optional. Device identifiers are considered as case insensitive by the SIGFOX I/O Server, so there can't be two identifiers with the same sequence of characters in upper/lower case, e.g. "BE1234" and "be1234" are considered the same.


startupeventstruetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
acceptunknownfalsetrueaccept incoming messages from devices whose id isn't specified in sigfox-devices.ini
falsedoesn't accept incoming messages from devices whose id isn't specified in sigfox-devices.ini
callbackport4445<portNumber>internal port used to receive incoming callback messages from Sigfox Cloud
callbackkey<text>key used in Sigfox URL callbacks to receive incoming callback messages
callbackiprange<text>Trusted nets that can be accepted as callbacks, if you dont set up this field the callback feature will be NOT active
pollinterval150001000<n<30000interval (in milliseconds) between two consecutive HTTP calls to Sigfox Cloud (only for API)

Device Messages

To retrieve device messages from Sigfox Cloud you can use API and/or callbacks. API are easier to set up but they require to wait for an interval to expire (max 30 seconds) to get every new message sent by devices to Sigfox Cloud. Callbacks are a little bit tricky to set up but they allow to retrieve every new message sent by devices as soon as Sigfox Cloud receives it.


In order to use Sigfox API you have to create an API user in Sigfox backend (unless you already have an existing one), then use the newly API user credentials to set User and Password in SIGFOX I/O Server configuration.


In order to use Sigfox callback services you must have a public IP address, have the Sigfox api ipaddress in the callbackiprange you can find the static IP of Sigfox here (as of 28/09/2022 the Sigfox ip range is to so in the callbackiprange you should have and you also need to configure your router ports to let outside traffic to get into your network to your Hsyco. You also have to set callbackkey option and callbackport option (if the default 4445 is already in use or if you are using more instances of SIGFOX driver) in SIGFOX I/O Server options.

Every time Sigfox Cloud receive a message from a device it immediately propagates it to your SIGFOX driver, filling all message informations into an URL. Callback messages must be configured in Sigfox backend (you can configure callbacks for each device type associated to your account) choosing channel "URL" and composing the URL in the following format:


<port> is the public port opened on your router, <callbackkey> corresponds to callbackkey option of SIGFOX I/O Server. The URL fields "key" and "id" must be always present. The URL fields "field1", "field2", "field3", etc.. are optionals and can be set accordingly to the type of callback you are configuring in Sigfox backend; fields order is irrelevant. URL fields must be separated with '&' character.


Below are reported all URL fields that SIGFOX driver can process:

iddevice ID
timetimestamp (in Epoch time) of the message
datamessage content
seqNumbersequential number of the message
battdevice battery voltage
tempdevice temperature (C˚)
lqilink quality indicator (as reported in Datapoints section)
deviceTypeIdthe ID of the device type in which this device is grouped

Device Models

You can assign a model to each of your devices by modifying directly the file sigfox-devices_<I/O_Server_name>.ini (as described above) or using the Sigfox Utility. By assigning a model to a device the SIGFOX driver can decode raw messages coming from that device accordingly to its communication protocol, this will generate more informations and relatives datapoints.

Actually the only device model supported by SIGFOX driver is the sequent:

AlarmHubBaseEcco Switch protocol firmware V2
AlarmHubStatusEcco Switch protocol firmware V3

SIGFOX Utility

Use the Sigfox Utility to automatically discover new devices or configure existing ones.


connectiononlineRthe driver is ready to accept incoming messages from Sigfox Cloud
offlineRinitialization of the driver failed or loop cycle failed
devicetype.<devicetypeId>.name<text>Rthe name of the device type corresponding to devicetypeId (only obtainable with API)
device.<deviceId>.devicetype<text>Rthe ID of the device type in which deviceId is grouped
device.<deviceId>.name<text>Rthe name of deviceId (only obtainable with API)
device.<deviceId>.lastseen<ts>Rtimestamp (in Epoch time) of the last message sent by deviceId
device.<deviceId>.msg<text>Rcontent of the last message sent by deviceId
device.<deviceId>.token.end<ts>RdeviceId token end date (in Epoch time) (only obtainable with API)
device.<deviceId>.lqi0Rlink quality indicator (computed from the last message received by Sigfox Cloud). 0=limit, 1=average, 2=good, 3=excellent, 4=not available
device.<deviceId>.batt.tx<val>Rbattery voltage (during transmission) of deviceId
device.<deviceId>.batt.idle<val>Rbattery voltage (in idle state) of deviceId
device.<deviceId>.temp<val>Rinternal temperature (C˚) of deviceId


Below are reported all datapoints generated from incoming messages from AlarmHubBase model devices. Those datapoints are in addition to SIGFOX I/O Server standard datapoints.

device.<deviceId>.msg.test1Rstatus change on button "test" of deviceId
0Rno status change on button "test" of deviceId
device.<deviceId><n>1Rstatus change on input <n> of deviceId
0Rno status change on input <n> of deviceId
device.<deviceId>.batt.idle<val>Rbattery voltage (in idle state) of deviceId


Below are reported all datapoints generated from incoming messages from AlarmHubStatus model devices. Those datapoints are in addition to SIGFOX I/O Server standard datapoints.

device.<deviceId>.msg.test1Rstatus change on button "test" of deviceId
0Rno status change on button "test" of deviceId
device.<deviceId><n>1Rstatus change on input <n> of deviceId
0Rno status change on input <n> of deviceId
device.<deviceId>.batt.idle<val>Rbattery voltage (in idle state) of deviceId
device.<deviceId>.in.<n>.status1Rinput <n> of deviceId is active
0Rinput <n> of deviceId is not active

Release Notes


  • initial release

Sigfox is a registered trademark of Sigfox S.A.