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The KSENIA lares 4.0 is a multi-area security system. The I/O Server has been tested on unit with firmware version 1.72.2. Actually this driver runs only in HTTP mode (port 80 is set by default).

Configuration from Ksenia cloud

You must firstly configure your panel in the web app at the following address https://<panel_ip_address> (the panel starts in DHCP mode so you have to find the relative IP address assigned). In the web app, select your panel and log into it with installer privileges, then go to settings. In network settings, disable DHCP mode and set a static ip address, then disable HTTPS connection (you must unflag protocol TLS in "Web Server" section and select port 80). When you have finished save your configuration. In alternative, you can configure your panel passing by Ksenia SecureWeb cloud.

ATTENTION: this driver works only with Lares4 firmware version 1.72.2 or higher. You can download the latest firmware version from in the reserved area.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a LARES4 I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: host name or IP address of the panel
  • IP Port: leave it blank


  • Password: pin to access the web server with user privileges (NOT installer!)

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval1000n > 1000the data acquisition interval, in milliseconds
logsize300n ≥ 0the number of log lines to display in the UI object
guitruetrueenable the UISET "visible" field for all partition zones
falsedisable the UISET "visible" field for all partition zones
maxpartitions31≤n≤30number of partitions that are configured in the security panel


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
armed1Warm all partitions in the system
0Wdisarm all partitions in the system
p<n>.desc<text>Rdescription of partition <n>
p<n>.armed0Rpartition <n> is disarmed
Wdisarm partition <n>
1Rpartition <n> is armed
Warm partition <n>
p<n>.alarm0Rpartition <n> not in alarm
1Rpartition <n> in alarm
memRpartition <n> in alarm memory state
p<n>.tamper0Rpartition <n> not in tamper
1Rpartition <n> in tamper
memRpartition <n> in tamper memory state
z<n>.desc<text>Rdescription of zone <n>
z<n>.alarm0Rzone <n> not in alarm
1Rzone <n> in alarm
z<n>.mask0Rzone <n> not masked
1Rzone <n> masked
z<n>.tamper0Rzone <n> not in tamper
1Rzone <n> in tamper
z<n>.error0Rzone <n> not in error
1Rzone <n> in error
z<n>.bypass0Rzone <n> is not bypassed
Wunbypass zone <n>
1Rzone <n> is bypassed
Wbypass zone <n>
o<n>.desc<text>Rdescription of output <n>
o<n>0Routput <n> is off
Wturn off output <n>
1Routput n <n> is on
Wturn on output <n>
voltage.low0Rsystem voltage is ok
1Rsystem voltage is low
batt.low0Rbattery is ok
1Rbattery is low
batt.fault0Rbattery is ok
1Rbattery fault
pstn.fault0Rpstn is ok
1Rpstn fault
credit.low0Rcredit is ok
1Rcredit is low
system.fault0Rsystem is ok
1Rsystem fault
mobile.fault0Rmobile is ok
1Rmobile fault
s<n>.desc<text>Rdescription of scenario <n>
s<n>1Wtrigger scenario <n>

User Interface

UISET Actions

z<n>.tampervisiblefalsezone n not in tampering
truezone n in tampering
z<n>.bypassvisiblefalsezone n not bypassed
truezone n bypassed
z<n>.alarmvisiblefalsezone n not in alarm
truezone n in alarm
z<n>.errorvisiblefalsezone n not in error state
truezone n in error state
z<n>.maskvisiblefalsezone n not masked
truezone n masked

Lares4 UI Object

The user interface for the Ksenia Lares4 multi-area intrusion detection system:

Lares4 UI Object 1 Lares4 UI Object 2 Lares4 UI Object 3 Lares4 UI Object 3

The (lares4) object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Lares4 I/O Server is defined


  • server id: the server ID. Supports
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Log Files

If a Ksenia anti-intrusion unit is connected to HSYCO, the security.log file will be written in the same directories as the daily log files.

This file is never overwritten or deleted from HSYCO SERVER.

2018.02.20 16:59:28.516 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:56:36 - Disinserimento - Part 1 - U1
2018.02.20 17:00:24.527 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:57:36 - Inserimento - Part 1 - U1
2018.02.20 17:00:44.318 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:57:57 - Allarme - Zone 1
2018.02.20 17:00:49.241 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:57:58 - Ripristino - Zone 1
2018.02.20 17:00:54.043 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:58:06 - Disinserimento - Part 1 - U1
2018.02.20 17:01:18.905 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:58:29 - Fallita Comunicazione - Leonardo - Vocale GSM
2018.02.20 17:01:29.053 - lares - 20/02/2018 16:58:40 - Fallita Comunicazione - Leonardo - SMS

Other information about the Ksenia driver are stored in the message.log daily file.

Release Notes


  • communication with panel now based on asynchronous protocol
  • polling discontinued, pollinterval attribute will be ignored
  • changed default log size to 50 lines, max 300 lines
  • minor bug fixes and optimization


  • initial version release

Ksenia is a registered trademark of Ksenia Security s.r.l.