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Aton AH66T is a multi-zone audio system. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via direct control through the RS232 port on the module.

The Aton I/O Server in HSYCO supports the integration of more than one unit within the same HSYCO interface.


Employ a DE-9 (often called DB-9) female-male RS-232 straight cable to connect the AH66T COM1 port to the serial port on HSYCO SERVER (female DB9 to RJ45 adaptor is included in AH66T packaging).

RS-232 parameters:

Baud ratesame as set on the module (115200/57600/38400/19200/9600)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

ATON Configuration

The ATON module must be configured to enable the communication with HSYCO.

Use the ATON SystemWorx tool to modify the configuration:


Make sure to specify ExtControl as Driver Type of COM Port 1, set the serial communication parameters, and transfer the configuration to the module.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an ATON I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval1n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
modules11 or 2number of modules included in the connected system


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
power1Rthe system is on
0Rthe system is off
z<n>.power1Rzone <n> is on
Wturn zone <n> on
0Rzone <n> is off
Wturn zone <n> off
flipWtoggle the power status of zone N
z<n>.source0Rzone <n> is off
1...6Rthe audio source of zone <n> is set to the reported source number
Wset the audio source of zone <n> to the specified source number
r1Rthe audio source of zone <n> is set to the radio of module 1
Wset the audio source of zone <n> to the radio of module 1
r2Rthe audio source of zone <n> is set to the radio of module 2
Wset the audio source of zone <n> to the radio of module 2
z<n>.volumeoffRzone <n> is muted
Wmute zone <n>
onWun-mute zone <n>
0...100%Rthe volume level of zone <n> is set to the specified value
Wset the volume level of zone <n> to the specified value
upWincrease the volume level of zone <n>
downWdecrease the volume level of zone <n>
z<n>.mute1Rzone <n> is muted
Wmute zone <n>
0Rzone <n> is un-muted
Wun-mute zone <n>
flipWtoggle the mute status of zone <n>
z<n>.bass<val>Rthe bass level of zone <n> is set to the specified value (between -12 and +12)
Wset the bass level of zone <n> to the specified value (between -12 and +12)
upWincreases the bass level of zone <n>
downWdecreases the bass level of zone <n>
z<n>.treble<val>Rthe treble level of zone <n> is set to the specified value (between -12 and +12)
Wset the treble level of zone <n> to the specified value (between -12 and +12)
upWincreases the treble level of zone <n>
downWdecreases the treble level of zone <n>
z<n>.dnd1Rdo not disturb mode is enabled on zone <n>
Wenable do not disturb mode on zone <n>
0Rdo not disturb mode is disabled on zone <n>
Wdisable do not disturb mode on zone <n>
flipWtoggles the do not disturb mode on zone <n>
z<n>.loud1Rthe loudness EQ setting is enabled on zone <n>
Wenable the loudness EQ setting on zone <n>
0Rthe loudness EQ setting is disabled on zone <n>
Wdisable the loudness EQ setting on zone <n>
flipWtoggle the loudness EQ setting on zone <n>
z<n>.preampfixRthe pre-amp output of zone <n> is set to fixed
Wset the pre-amp output of zone <n> to fixed
varRthe pre-amp output of zone <n> is set to variable
Wset the pre-amp output of zone <n> to variable
flipWtoggle the status of the pre-amp output of zone <n>
Wset the audio mode of zone <n> to mono
0Rthe audio mode of zone <n> is set to stereo
Wset the audio mode of zone <n> to stereo
flipWtoggle the audio mode of zone <n>
z<n>.whm1Rwhole house music mode is active on zone <n>
Wactivate whole house music mode on zone <n>
0Rwhole house music mode is not active on zone <n>
Wdeactivate whole house music mode on zone <n>
flipWtoggle the whole house music mode on zone <n>
m<n>.sti<m>1Rsense trigger input <m> on module <n> is present
0Rsense trigger input <m> on module <n> is absent
m<n>.asi<m>1Raudio source input <m> on module <n> is present
0Raudio source input <m> on module <n> is absent
m<n>.tuner.bandamRthe tuner of module <n> is set on the AM radio band
Wset the tuner of module <n> on the AM radio band
fmRthe tuner of module <n> is set on the FM radio band
Wset the tuner of module <n> on the FM radio band
m<n>.tuner.tune<xxxx>Rthe tuner of module <n> is tuned on the reported frequency
Wtune the frequency of the tuner of module <n> on the specified value
upWincrease the frequency of the tuner of module <n>
downWdecrease the frequency of the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.seekupWtune module <n> on the next valid station with higher frequency
downWtune module <n> on the next valid station with lower frequency
m<n><group>Rthe selected group of preset radio stations for the tuner of module <n> is set to the reported value (A,B,C, or D)
Wset the selected group of preset radio stations for the tuner of module <n> to the specified value (A,B,C, or D)
m<n>.tuner.modepresetRthe tuning mode for the tuner of module <n> is set to preset
Wset the tuning mode for the tuner of module <n> to preset
directRthe tuning mode for the tuner of module <n> is set to direct
Wset the tuning mode for the tuner of module <n> to direct
m<n>.tuner.preset<xx>Rthe current preset for the tuner of module <n> is the reported value
Wtunes module <n> to the specified preset value
upWset the tuner of module <n> to the next higher preset
downWset the tuner of module <n> to the next lower preset
saveWsaves the currently selected station on module <n> as a preset
delWdelete the current preset on module <n>
m<n>.tuner.scanupWscan through presets upwards. The station is automatically changed every 10 seconds until another command is sent
downWscan through presets downwards. The station is automatically changed every 10 seconds until another command is sent
m<n>.tuner.signal<val>Rthe signal strength of the currently tuned station corresponds to the reported value
m<n>.tuner.mono1Rthe audio mode of the tuner of module <n> is set to mono
Wset the audio mode of the tuner of module <n> to mono
0Rthe audio mode of the tuner of module <n> is set to stereo
Wset the audio mode of the tuner of module <n> to stereo
flipWtoggle the audio mode of the tuner of module <n>
m<n><text>Rthe name metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n> is set to the reported text
m<n>.tuner.mdf.text<text>Rthe text metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n> is set to the reported text
m<n>.tuner.mdf.gen<text>Rthe genre metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n> is set to the reported text
m<n><text>Rthe name call letters of the current station of the tuner of module <n> is set to the reported text
m<n>.tuner.digit<0...9>Wsend the specified digit for direct tuning to module <n>
cancWclears any digit previously entered on module <n>
okWsends the enter command to module <n>

User Interface

UISET Actions

z<n>.sourcevaluethe source number set for zone <n>
z<n>.volumevaluethe volume level set for zone <n>
z<n>.bassvaluethe bass level set for zone <n>
z<n>.treblevaluethe treble level set for zone <n>
m<n>.tuner.bandvaluethe band set for the tuner of module <n> (i.e. AM or FM)
m<n>.tuner.groupvaluethe selected group of preset radio stations for the tuner of module <n> (i.e. A,B,C, or D)
m<n>.tuner.mdf.clvaluethe call letters metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.mdf.genvaluethe genre metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.mdf.textvaluethe radio text metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.mdf.namevaluethe name metadata of the current station of the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.modevaluethe tuning mode set for the tuner of module <n> (i.e. DIRECT or PRESET)
m<n>.tuner.presetvaluethe current preset for the tuner of module <n>
m<n>.tuner.bandvaluethe signal strength level of the current station for the tuner of module <n>
connection.labelvisibletrue when the system is not connected to HSYCO, false otherwise
power.label.1visibletrue when the system is on, false otherwise
power.label.0visibletrue when the system is off, false otherwise
z<n>.power.label.1visibletrue when zone <n> is on, false otherwise
z<n>.power.label.0visibletrue when zone <n> is off, false otherwise
z<n>.dnd.label.1visibletrue when do not disturb mode is active on zone <n>, false otherwise
z<n>.dnd.label.0visibletrue when do not disturb mode is not active on zone <n>, false otherwise
z<n>.loud.label.1visibletrue when the loudness EQ setting is enabled on zone <n>, false otherwise
z<n>.loud.label.0visibletrue when the loudness EQ setting is disabled on zone <n>, false otherwise
z<n>.mute.label.1visibletrue when zone <n> is muted, false otherwise
z<n>.mute.label.0visibletrue when zone <n> is not muted, false otherwise
z<n>.mono.label.1visibletrue when the audio mode of zone <n> is set to mono, false otherwise
z<n>.mono.label.0visibletrue when the audio mode of zone <n> is set to stereo, false otherwise
z<n>.whm.label.1visibletrue when whole house music mode is active on zone <n>, false otherwise
z<n>.whm.label.0visibletrue when whole house music mode is not active on zone <n>, false otherwise
m<n>.tuner.mono.label.1visibletrue when the audio mode of the tuner of module <n> is set to mono, false otherwise
m<n>.tuner.mono.label.0visibletrue when the audio mode of the tuner of module <n> is set to stereo, false otherwise

USER Commands

To send a user command to the I/O Server just set the name to the ID of a writable (W) datapoint and the parameter to one of the possible values.

For instance, setting the name of a user button to aton.z1.power and its param field to flip, will result in having a switch for zone 1. Naming it aton.z1.source with a valid source as param (e.g. 1, 2, or R1) will result in a button for setting the audio source of the zone.

The volume control is both a display field for the current volume status, and a control to set the volume level of a zone. You should use the [[slider]] or [[sliderbutton]] object for this control and set both its ID and Address fields to serverID.zN.volume.

Atom I/O Server UI object

Aton UI Object

The Aton object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Aton I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • module: module.
  • zone: zone number of the Aton multi-room system (max 12 zones).
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Release Notes


  • initial version release

ATON and AH66T are registered trademarks of The AVC Group, LLC.