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Notifier E-SIB-M is a license key to enable Modbus TCP communication for a series of Notifier and Honeywell fire detection panels:

  • AM8200 Notifier (legacy up to 8 lines per control panel)
  • AM8100 Notifier
  • AM1000CL
  • AM2000CL
  • AM6000CL
  • MA1000-03
  • MA2000-03
  • MA1000-01
  • MA2000-01
  • MA1000-02
  • MA2000-02
  • AM8200N Notifier (up to 4 lines per control panel)
  • AM8200N Honeywell (up to 4 lines per control panel)
  • AM8200 Honeywell (legacy up to 8 lines per control panel)
  • AM8100 Honeywell
  • MA1000-04
  • MA2000-04

The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via a standard Modbus TCP/IP connection. This I/O server was developed following the MODBUS documentation Mod-Bus_Prot_rev.01.


For any information regarding the activation of the Modbus protocol on the E-SIB-M dongle, please contact your Notifier distributor.


Notifier E-SIB-M compatible panels can be connected via ethernet. A valid IP address must be assigned to the panel. MODBUS PROTOCOL must be enabled. Please refer to the panel manual for detailed instruction about MODBUS protocol configuration.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a Notifieresibm I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Address: IP address of the Notifier E-SIB-M panel
  • Port: TCP/IP port for Notifier E-SIB-M communication (default 502)

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
modulesnumber1590..159highest module address of all the connected panels. E.G. If 2 panel with 2 lines are connected and the first panel has 20 modules on the first line, and 10 on the second, and the second panel has 30 modules on the first line and 10 on the second you should set modulesnumber = 30 to read all the modules
sensorsnumber1590..159highest sensor address of all the connected panels. E.G. If 2 panel with 2 lines are connected and the first panel has 30 sensors on the first line, and 10 on the second, and the second panel has 50 sensors on the first line and 10 on the second you should set sensorsnumber = 50 to read all the modules
zonesnumber100 ... 2000set to the highest zone number configured in the system.


The notifieresibm.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory.

This file is required to provide the I/O Server the name assignment of zones and devices.

This is an example of the file content:

noti.z1 = Zone 1
noti.panel.1.line.1.sensor.1 = Sensor 1 Line 1 Panel 1
noti.panel.1.line.1.sensor.10 = Sensor 10 Line 1 Panel 1
noti.panel.1.line.1.module.1.subddr.2 = Module 1 Line 1 Panel 1 Subaddr 2
noti.panel.1.line.2.module.1.subddr.1 = Module 1 Line 2 Panel 1 Subaddr 1

Where "noti" is the I/O Server id of the NOTIFIERESIBM I/O Server

If you have multiples NOTIFIERESIBM I/O Servers:

noti1.z1 = Zone 1
noti1.panel.1.line.1.sensor.1 = Sensor 1 Line 1 Panel 1
noti2.panel.1.line.1.sensor.10 = Sensor 10 Line 1 Panel 1
noti2.panel.1.line.1.module.1.subddr.2 = Module 1 Line 1 Panel 1 Subaddr 2
noti3.panel.1.line.2.module.1.subddr.1 = Module 1 Line 2 Panel 1 Subaddr 1


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
command.reset1Wpanel reset
command.silence1Wsilence panel
command.sirens.toggle1Wtoggle sirens status, if a fire alarm is active
global.alarm.led.faulty0Rfault led is off
1Rfault led is on
global.alarm.led.faulty.flashing0Rfault led is not flashing
1Rfault led is flashing
global.alarm.led.flashing0Ralarm led is not flashing
1Ralarm led is flashing
global.alarm.led.status0Ralarm led is off
1Ralarm led is on
global.evacuation0Rnot in evacuation
1Revacuation active
global.exclusions.present0Rno active exclusions
1Rat least on sensor or zone excluded
global.hardware.key.present0Rthe hardware key is not present
1Rthe hardware key is present
global.license.missing0Rlicense key not missing
1Rlicense key missing
global.system.buzzer.status0Rsystem buzzers are off
1Rsystem buzzers are on
global.sounder.outputs.silenced0Rsounders outputs not silenced
1Rsounders outputs silenced
global.system.siren.silenced0Rsirens are not silenced
1Rsirens are silenced
global.system.siren.status0Rsirens status is off
1Rsirens status is on not in test mode
1Rsystem in test mode
global.lines.number1..128Rnumber of lines configured on the system
global.panels.number1..64Rnumber of panels configured on the system
global.model<String>Rpanel model, list of supported panels: am8200,am8100,am1000cl,am2000cl,am6000cl,ma1000-03,ma2000-03,am8200,ma2000-01,ma1000-02,ma2000-02,am8200n,am8200n-honeywell,am8200-honeywell,am8100-honeywell,ma1000-04,ma2000-04<n&g;.alarm0Rzone <n&g; not in alarm
1Rzone <n&g; in alarm<n&g;.empty0Rzone <n&g; is not empty
1Rzone <n&g; is empty<n&g;.fault0Rzone <n&g; is not faulty
1Rzone <n&g; is faulty<n&g;.normal0Rzone <n&g; is not in normal state
1Rzone <n&g; is in normal state<n&g;.prealarm0Rzone <n&g; is in prealarm
1Rzone <n&g; is not in prealarm<n&g;.status0,1,3,4,5,6Rzone <n&g; status in numeric value. 0=normal,1=empty,3=test, 4=alarm,5=fault,6=prealarm
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.alarm0Rsensor not in alarm
1Rsensor in alarm
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.excluded0Rsensor not excluded
1Rsensor excluded
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.fault0Rsensor not faulty
1Rsensor faulty
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.normal0Rsensor not in normal mode
1Rsensor in normal mode
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.not.programmed0Rsensor programmed
1Rsensor not programmed
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.test0Rsensor not in test
1Rsensor in test.
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.analogval0..65535Ranalog value of the sensor
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.status0,1,2,3,4,5Rsensor status numeric value. 0=normal,1=not programmed,2=excluded,3=test,4=alarm,5=fault
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;includeWinclude sensor
excludeWexclude sensor
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.active0Rmodule not active
1Rmodule active
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.excluded0Rmodule not excluded
1Rmodule excluded
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.fault0Rmodule not faulty
1Rmodule faulty
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.normal0Rmodule not in normal mode
1Rmodule in normal mode
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.not.programmed0Rmodule programmed
1Rmodule not programmed
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;.test0Rmodule not in test
1Rmodule in test
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<s&g;.status0,1,2,3,4,5Rmodule status numeric value. 0=normal,1=not programmed,2=excluded,3=test,4=active,5=fault
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;includeWinclude module
excludeWexclude module
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.module.<m&g;.subaddr.<s&g;0Wdisactivate module
1Wactivate module

User Interface

UISET Actions

IDAttributeValueSet to
<datapoint_id>.namevalue<String>name assigned to <datapoint_id> has specified in the notifieresibm.ini file
panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;.analogvalvalue0..65535analog value of panel.<p&g;.line.<l&g;.sensor.<s&g;
connection.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
<datapoint_id>.1.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
<datapoint_id>.0.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'

Release Notes


  • initial release

NOTIFIER is a registered trademark of Honeywell International, Inc.