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The Tecnofire TFA1-298,TFA2-596 and TFA4-1192 are advanced, fire detection systems.

Panel's firmware version 1.3.17 or above is required. TFNET firmware version 1.2.02 or above is required.

The integration with HSYCO is based on a TCP/IP network connection.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a TECNOFIRE I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: the Tecnofire TFNET interface address
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port assigned to the TECNO OUT protocol.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.

The code parameter in Options is actually mandatory. The I/O Server cannot start without this parameter.

The model, master-slave configuration and individual panels configuration is automatically detected at start-up. The Tecnofire I/O Server must be restarted to detect configuration changes to the Tecnofire units.


codecodethe user code that the driver uses when sending commands to the Tecnofire system. It must be a valid user code
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
userlogstruetruegenerates logs that can be viewed with the userlist object, and can be selected to generate user events
falselogs for userlist objects disabled. Normal text logs are generated even when this option is false
logsize50n ≥ 0the number of log events shown in the Tecnofire log userlist object
passstringthe passphrase used to encrypt the TCP/IP traffic. If the Tecnofire system doesn’t support the passphrase, you should omit this parameter
polltime1000n ≥ 0the data polling interval, in milliseconds. Shorter time improve the response of the system, but increase the load on the CPU of both HSYCO and the Tecnofire system


In the table below, data points have panel, lines and other numerical ids, with the following meaning:

<p>: panel number - 1 is the master panel, 2 to 16 are up to 15 slave panels

<l>: line (loop) number - 1 to 4

<h>: module, repeater or sensor number

<s>: slave panel number - 2 to 16

<z>: zone number; note that zone 0 is the default zone and should be always present

connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRconnection failed
lastlogtextRmost recent text log line
<p>.clockyyyy-mm-dd hh:mmRcurrent clock
syncWset this panel's clock to the HSYCO current date and time
<p>.evacuationackRevacuation command acknowledged (forced event)
errorRevacuation command rejected due to user code error (forced event)
nullRevacuation command ignored (forced event)
1Wevacuation command, using default user code
<p>.evacuation.<code>1Wevacuation command, using <code> user code
<p>.resetackRsystem reset command acknowledged (forced event)
errorRsystem reset command rejected due to user code error (forced event)
nullRsystem reset command ignored (forced event)
1Wsystem reset command, using default user code
<p>.reset.<code>1Wsystem reset command, using <code> user code
<p>.silencefire.alarmRfire alarm silenced (forced event)
fire.prealarmRfire pre-alarm silenced (forced event)
tech.alarmRfire tech alarm silenced (forced event)
faultRfire fault alarm silenced (forced event)
test.alarmRfire test alarm silenced (forced event)
errorRsilence command rejected due to user code error (forced event)
nullRsilence command ignored (forced event)
1Wsilence an alarm, using default user code
<p>.silence.<code>1Wsilence an alarm, using <code> user code
<p>.sirens.silenceackRsirens silence command acknowledged (forced event)
errorRsirens silence command rejected due to user code error (forced event)
nullRsirens silence command ignored (forced event)
0, 1Wsirens silence command, using default user code
<p>.sirens.silence.<code>0, 1Wsirens silence command, using <code> user code
<p>.attendedackRsystem attended command acknowledged (forced event)
errorRsystem attended command rejected due to user code error (forced event)
nullRsystem attended command ignored (forced event)
0, 1Wsystem attended command, using default user code
<p>.attended.<code>0, 1Wsystem attended command, using <code> user code
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.fire.alarm0, 1Rinput module fire alarm
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.tech.alarm0, 1Rinput module tech alarm
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.test.alarm0, 1Rinput module test alarm
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.fault0, 1Rinput module fault
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.battery.low0, 1Rinput module low battery
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.battery.fault0, 1Rinput module battery fault
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.nopower0, 1Rinput module mains power outage
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.supply.fault0, 1Rinput module power supply fault
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.earth.fault0, 1Rinput module earth ground fault
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.excluded0, 1Rinput module excluded
0, 1Wexclude input module
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.fire.prealarm0, 1Rinput module fire pre-alarm
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.tech.prealarm0, 1Rinput module tech pre-alarm
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.present0, 1Rinput module present
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.lost0, 1Rinput module lost
<p>.input.<l>.<n>.test0, 1Rinput module under test
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.active0, 1Routput module output line status
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.fault0, 1Routput module fault
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.battery.low0, 1Routput module low battery
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.battery.fault0, 1Routput module battery fault
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.nopower0, 1Routput module mains power outage
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.supply.fault0, 1Routput module power supply fault
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.earth.fault0, 1Routput module earth ground fault
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.excluded0, 1Routput module excluded
0, 1Wexclude output module
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.present0, 1Routput module present
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.lost0, 1Routput module lost
<p>.output.<l>.<n>.test0, 1Routput module under test
<p>.repeater.<n>.fault0, 1Rrepeater fault
<p>.repeater.<n>.battery.low0, 1Rrepeater low battery
<p>.repeater.<n>.battery.fault0, 1Rrepeater battery fault
<p>.repeater.<n>.nopower0, 1Rrepeater mains power outage
<p>.repeater.<n>.supply.fault0, 1Rrepeater power supply fault
<p>.repeater.<n>.earth.fault0, 1Rrepeater earth ground fault
<p>.repeater.<n>.excluded0, 1Rrepeater excluded
0, 1Wexclude repeater
<p>.repeater.<n>.present0, 1Rrepeater present
<p>.repeater.<n>.lost0, 1Rrepeater lost
<p>.repeater.<n>.test0, 1Rrepeater under test
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.fire.alarm0, 1Rsensor fire alarm
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.tech.alarm0, 1Rsensor tech alarm
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.test.alarm0, 1Rsensor test alarm
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.fault0, 1Rsensor fault
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.battery.low0, 1Rsensor low battery
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.battery.fault0, 1Rsensor battery fault
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.nopower0, 1Rsensor mains power outage
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.supply.fault0, 1Rsensor power supply fault
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.earth.fault0, 1Rsensor earth ground fault
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.excluded0, 1Rsensor excluded
0, 1Wexclude sensor
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.fire.prealarm0, 1Rsensor fire pre-alarm
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.tech.prealarm0, 1Rsensor tech pre-alarm
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.present0, 1Rsensor present
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.lost0, 1Rsensor lost
<p>.sensor.<l>.<n>.test0, 1Rsensor under test
1.slave.<s>.fault0, 1Rslave panel fault
1.slave.<s>.battery.low0, 1Rslave panel low battery
1.slave.<s>.battery.fault0, 1Rslave panel battery fault
1.slave.<s>.nopower0, 1Rslave panel mains power outage
1.slave.<s>.supply.fault0, 1Rslave panel power supply fault
1.slave.<s>.earth.fault0, 1Rslave panel earth ground fault
1.slave.<s>.excluded0, 1Rslave panel excluded
0, 1Wexclude slave panel
1.slave.<s>.present0, 1Rslave panel present
1.slave.<s>.lost0, 1Rslave panel lost
1.slave.<s>.test0, 1Rslave panel under test
<p>.system.access.code.denied0, 1Rsystem access code denied
<p>.system.acknowledge0Rno acknowledge
1Racknowledge an alarm
2Racknowledge a pre-alarm
3Racknowledge a fault
4Racknowledge a technical alarm
<p>.system.alarm.output.active0, 1Ralarm output active
<p>.system.annunciator.test0, 1Rannunciator test
<p>.system.attended0, 1Rpanel is attended
<p>.system.battery.fault0, 1Rpanel battery fault
<p>.system.battery.low0, 1Rpanel low battery
<p>.system.battery.voltage>= 0Rpanel battery voltage, rounded to one decimal
<p>.system.bus.loop.open0, 1Rpanel loop bus is open
<p>.system.buzzer.silenced0, 1Rpanel buzzer silenced
<p>.system.delayed.alarm0, 1Rpanel delayed alarm
<p>.system.device.alarm0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with alarm condition
<p>.system.device.alarm.tech0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with tech alarm condition
<p>.system.device.alarm.test0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with test alarm condition
<p>.system.device.fault0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with fault condition
<p>.system.device.fault.system0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with system fault condition
<p>.system.device.prealarm0, 1Rpanel has at least one device with pre-alarm condition
<p>.system.dialer.connection.confirmed0, 1Rpanel dialer connection confirmed
<p>.system.dialer.excluded0, 1Rpanel dialer excluded
<p>.system.dialer.fault0, 1Rpanel dialer fault
<p>, 1Rpanel earth ground fault
<p>.system.evacuation0, 1Rpanel evacuation
<p>.system.fault0, 1Rpanel fault
<p>.system.fault.alarm.output.active0, 1Rpanel fault alarm output active
<p>.system.general.alarm0, 1Rpanel general alarm
<p>.system.general.fault0, 1Rpanel general fault
<p>.system.general.prealarm0, 1Rpanel general pre-alarm
<p>.system.jumper.inserted0, 1Rpanel has jumpers inserted
<p>.system.line.<l>.excluded0, 1Rpanel line excluded
0, 1Wexclude panel line
<p>.system.loop.reset0, 1Rpanel loop reset in progress
<p>.system.maintenance0, 1Rpanel maintenance in progressss
<p>.system.modelTFA1-298, TFA2-569, TFA4-1192Rpanel model
<p>.system.nopower0, 1Rpanel mains power outage
<p>.system.object.excluded0, 1Rpanel has at least one object excluded
<p>.system.ok0, 1Rpanel ok
<p>.system.outputs.excluded0, 1Rpanel has outputs excluded
<p>.system.panels.connected0, 1Rpanel network connected
<p>.system.prealarm.output.active0, 1Rpanel pre-alarm output active
<p>.system.program.key0, 1Rpanel program key inserted
<p>.system.programming.accepted0, 1Rpanel accepts programming
<p>.system.reset.output.active0, 1Rpanel reset output active
<p>.system.siren.output.active0, 1Rpanel siren output active
<p>.system.siren.tamper0, 1Rpanel siren tamper
<p>.system.sirens.silenced0, 1Rpanel sirens silencing in progresss
<p>, 1Rpanel power supply fault
<p>>= 0Rpanel power supply voltage, rounded to one decimal
<p>, 1Rpanel tech alarm
<p>, 1Rpanel tech alarm output active
<p>, 1Rpanel tech pre-alarm
<p>.system.testdevice.alarm0, 1Rpanel device under test alarm
<p>.system.versionC/F/HRpanel firmware country code (C), firmware release code (F), hardware release code (H)
<p>.system.voice.memory.expansion.available0, 1Rpanel voice memory expansion available
<p>.system.zones.test0, 1Rpanel zones under test
<p>.zone.<z>.excluded0, 1Rzone excluded
0, 1Wexclude zone
<p>.zone.<z>.fault0, 1Rzone fault
<p>.zone.<z>.fire.alarm0, 1Rzone fire alarm
<p>.zone.<z>.fire.prealarm0, 1Rzone fire pre-alarm
<p>.zone.<z>.tech.alarm0, 1Rzone tech alarm
<p>.zone.<z>.tech.prealarm0, 1Rzone tech pre-alarm
<p>.zone.<z>.test.alarm0, 1Rzone test alarm

Log Files

A permanent record of all the events shown in the log page is saved in a file called security.log in the logs/YYYY directory for the current year.

This file is never overwritten or deleted by HSYCO.

2017.02.07 10:59:28.522 - fire - 19/02/17 16:08:20 Guasto Modulo Centrale   Zona default Modulo 8 Linea 1   Linea aperta 
2017.02.07 10:59:28.794 - fire - 19/02/17 16:12:07 Guasto Centrale batteria guasta
2017.02.07 10:59:29.077 - fire - 19/02/17 16:30:14 Accesso Dispositivo 0dc9
2017.02.07 10:59:29.404 - fire - 19/02/17 16:30:14 Ricevuto Cod.Acc Centrale Livello 4 [Livello 4 ]
2017.02.07 10:59:29.734 - fire - 19/02/17 16:30:14 Accesso Dispositivo TCPIP
2017.02.07 10:59:30.444 - fire - 19/02/17 19:29:48 Aggiornamento orologio Centrale Combinatore 1 da Centrale Master

Other information related to the Tecnoalarm Tecno Out driver are saved in the daily message.log files.

Release Notes


  • bug fix: log and lastlog UISet ID
  • bug fix: extended communication wait time after read errors


  • initial release

Tecnofire is a registered trademarks of Tecnoalarm srl.