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Oracle's FIAS (Fidelio Interface Application Specification) is a protocol specification used by different hospitality PMS systems to exchange data.

This driver interprets check-in and check-out events and optionally exposes all received raw FIAS messages to be used in custom logic.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a FIAS I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: the IP address of the FIAS server instance;
  • Port: TCP port of the FIAS server instance;

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


rawmessagesfalsetruegenerate the "msg" datapoint
falsedo not generate the "msg" datapoint


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the system<JSON object>RGuest check-in event with reported details (see below)<JSON object>RPast check-in event generated because of a database synchronisation request
guest.out<JSON object>RGuest check-out event with reported details (see below)
guest.out.dbswap<JSON object>RPast check-out event generated because of a database synchronisation request
guest.change<JSON object>RGuest booking change event with reported details (see below)
guest.change.dbswap<JSON object>RPast booking change event generated because of a database synchronisation request
msg.<type><JSON object>RFIAS message of type <type> received from the system with reported parameters formatted as JSON object (requires "rawmessages" option set to "false")
msg<message>RRaw FIAS message received from the system (requires "rawmessages" option set to "true")
WSend the specified raw FIAS message to the system

JSON objects format

The following sections show the format of the "guest.*" datapoints' JSON values. The textual and numeric values of the attributes are implementation-dependant and vary from system to system. The only required attributes are "reservationNumber", "room", and "share"; all other attributes are optional.

Guest check-in and booking change

  "reservationNumber": <number>,
"room": <text>,
"name": <text>,
"firstName": <text>,
"date": <date - YYMMDD>,
"time": <time - HHMMSS>,
"share": <true|false>,
"arrivalDate": <date - YYMMDD>,
"departureDate": <date - YYMMDD>,
"classOfService": <0-3>,
"profileNumber": <text>,
"groupNumber": <text>,
"language": <text>,
"title": <text>,
"vip": <number>,
"minibarRights": <text>,
"tvRights": <text>,
"videoRights": <text>,
"workstationId": <text>

Guest check-out

  "reservationNumber": <number>,
"room": <text>,
"date": <date - YYMMDD>,
"time": <time - HHMMSS>,
"share": <true|false>,
"workstationId": <text>

Release Notes


  • initial release

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