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The Giacoklima bus system equipped with the KM203 network controller allows for remote control and supervision, via Serial communication, of the whole heating/cooling framework.


Connect HSYCO to the KM203 controller employing an RS485 gateway.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud rate19200
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

The Giacoklima bus architecture

This image illustrates an example of the system architecture:

Giacomini hardware architecture

The RS-485 port is on the top left corner of the KM203 interface as shown in the picture above.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a GKBUS I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the device.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval1n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds


The gkbus.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the main directory (same directory as hsyco.ini or hsyco.jar).

Here you must add a line for each thermostat belonging to the framework and optionally specify a descriptive name of the corresponding area.

Use the format <ioserver_id>.k<n>.<addr> = name, where <ioserver_id> is the id of the referred I/O server, <n> is the number of the KPM20 module the thermostat is connected to and <addr> is the secondary address of the thermostat.

For instance:

gk.k0.0 = Kitchen
gk.k0.1 = Bedroom
gk.k1.0 = Entrance


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can’t connect to the panel
k<n>.<addr>.name<name>Rthe name of the addressed thermostat is set to the reported string
k<n>.<addr>.temp<val>Rthe room temperature measured by the addressed thermostat is equal to <val> in °C/10
k<n>.<addr>.setpoint.temp<val>Rthe set-point temperature measured by the addressed thermostat is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the temperature set-point of the addressed thermostat to <val> in °C/10
k<n>.<addr>.setpoint.humidity<val>Rthe set-point relative humidity of the addressed thermostat is equal to <val>
Wset the relative humidity set-point of the addressed thermostat to <val>
k<n>.<addr>.humidity<val>Rthe relative humidity measured by the addressed thermostat is equal to <val>
seasonsummerRthe current season is set to summer
Wset the current season to summer
winterRthe current season is set to winter
Wset the current season to winter
k<n>.<addr>.modeoffRthe addressed thermostat is set to mode OFF
Wset the addressed thermostat to mode OFF
comRthe addressed thermostat is set to mode Comfort
Wset the addressed thermostat to mode Comfort
stbRthe addressed thermostat is set to mode Stand-by
Wset the addressed thermostat to mode Stand-by
ngtRthe addressed thermostat is set to mode “Night"
Wset the addressed thermostat to mode Night
modeoffWset all the thermostats to mode OFF
comWset all the thermostats to mode Comfort
stbWset all the thermostats to mode Stand-by
ngtWset all the thermostats to mode Night
k<n>.pump0Rthe pump of the addressed KPM20 module is not active
1Rthe pump of the addressed KPM20 module is active
k<n>.in.temp<val>Rthe inlet temperature of the addressed KPM20 module is equal to <val>
k<n>.out.temp<val>Rthe return temperature of the addressed KPM20 module is equal to <val> in °C/10
k<n>.setpoint.temp<val>Rthe working set-point temperature of the addressed KPM20 module is equal to <val> in °C/10
k<n>.valve<val>Rthe opening percentage value of the mixing valve calculated by the addressed KPM20 module is equal to val
ext.temp<val>Rthe measured external temperature is equal to <val> in °C/10
t1.winter<val>Rthe T1 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the T1 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to <val> in °C/10
t2.winter<val>Rthe T2 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the T2 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to <val> in °C/10
lim.winter<val>Rthe T-Lim temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the T-Lim temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to <val> in °C/10
setpoint.winter<val>Rthe minimum set-point temperature for winter is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the minimum set-point temperature for winter to <val> in °C/10
setpoint.summer<val>Rthe minimum set-point temperature for summer is equal to <val> in °C/10
Wset the minimum set-point temperature for summer to <val> in °C/10

User Interface

You can use a tempmini object to create a thermostat-equivalent interface.

Set the Server ID field to the I/O Server’s name and specify the address of the thermostat (K483 module) in the Address field using the format k<n>.<addr> where <n> is the number of the KPM20 module the thermostat is connected to and <addr> is its address (e.g. k0.1 represents the second thermostat connected to the first KPM20):

Giacomini UI Object 1

UISET Actions

k<n>.<addr>.namevalueshows the name assigned to the addressed thermostat
k<n>.<addr>.tempvalueshows the measured room temperature in °C by the addressed thermostat
k<n>.<addr>.setpoint.tempvalueshows the set-point temperature in °C on the addressed thermostat
k<n>.<addr>.humidityvalueshows the measured relative humidity by the addressed thermostat
k<n>.in.tempvalueshows the inlet temperature of the addressed KPM20 module
k<n>.out.tempvalueshows the return temperature of the addressed KPM20 module
k<n>.setpoint.tempvalueshows the working set-point temperature in °C on the addressed KPM20 module
k<n>.valvevalueshows the opening percentage value of the mixing valve calculated by the addressed KPM20 module
ext.tempvalueshows the measured external temperature in °C
t1.wintervalueshows the T1 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation in °C
t2.wintervalueshows the T2 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation in °C
lim.wintervalueshows the T-Lim temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation in °C
setpoint.wintervalueshows the minimum set-point temperature for winter
setpoint.summervalueshows the minimum set-point temperature for summer
connection.label.onlinevisibletrue when the system is connected to HSYCO, false otherwise
connection.label.offlinevisibletrue when the system is not connected to HSYCO, false otherwise
season.label.wintervisibletrue when the current season is set to winter, false otherwise
season.label.summervisibletrue when the current season is set to summer, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.mode.label.offvisibletrue when the addressed thermostat is OFF, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.mode.label.comvisibletrue when the working mode of the addressed thermostat is set to comfort, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.mode.label.stbvisibletrue when the working mode of the addressed thermostat is set to stand-by, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.mode.label.ngtvisibletrue when the working mode of the addressed thermostat is set to night, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.relay.label.0visibletrue when the relay of the addressed thermostat is not active, false otherwise
k<n>.<addr>.relay.label.1visibletrue when the relay of the addressed thermostat is active, false otherwise
k<n>.pump.label.0visibletrue when the pump of the addressed KPM20 module is not active, false otherwise
k<n>.pump.label.1visibletrue when the pump of the addressed KPM20 module is active, false otherwise

USER Commands

k<n>.<addr>.setpoint.temp<val>sets the set-point temperature of the addressed thermostat to the specified value (expressed in °C/10)
upincreases the set-point temperature of the addressed thermostat by 0.5°C
downdecreases the set-point temperature of the addressed thermostat by 0.5°C
k<n>.<addr>.modeoffsets the addressed thermostat on mode OFF
comsets the addressed thermostat on mode Comfort
stbsets the addressed thermostat on mode Stand-by
ngtsets the addressed thermostat on mode Night
seasonsummersets the working mode season to summer
wintersets the working mode season to winter
t1.winter<val>sets the T1 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to the specified value (in °C/10)
t2.winter<val>sets the T2 temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to the specified value (in °C/10)
lim.winter<val>sets the T-Lim temperature parameter’s value for winter climatic compensation to the specified value (in °C/10)
setpoint.winter<val>sets the minimum set-point temperature for winter to the specified value (in °C/10)
setpoint.summer<val>sets the minimum set-point temperature for summer to the specified value (in °C/10)

Release Notes


  • added k<n>.<addr>.setpoint.humidity datapoint


  • initial version release

Giacomini, GKBus and Giacoklima are registered trademarks of Giacomini SpA.