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Mews is an Hotel management software that can be integrated in HSYCO with an API connection. The current release of the I/O Server has been tested with the Mews Web API.


  • clienttoken: Mews client token.
  • accesstocken: Mews access token.
  • startupevents: Turn on/off the startup events.
  • useidasdatapoints: If set to false the resources data points will use the name as identifier instead of the id
  • pollingtime: Time in milliseconds that hsyco will wait before the next api check, leave blank or set it o 0 to use default polling time 10000
  • retryafterinterrupt, default: 10 - if the number of 429 error codes is equal to the retryafterinterrupt value the driver will restart
  • demoenv: default: false - if true, the driver will connect to the Mews demo sandbox. It should be used for testing purposes. By setting it to true, your access and client tokens will be directed towards the Mews sandbox, not towards a specific client’s instance.


Basic infos

connectiononlineRHSYCO connection socket is open
offlineRHSYCO cannot create the connection socket
info.nameStringRThe hotel name
info.legalenviromentcodeStringRThe hotel legal env code
info.location.cityStringRThe hotel city
info.location.postalcodeStringRThe hotel city postal code
info.location.countrycodeStringRThe hotel country code


customer.<customerId>.nameStringRThe name of the user
customer.<customerId>.lastnameStringRThe lastname of the user
customer.<customerId>.reservationJsonRThis datapoint contains all the reservation for given customerId, if no reservation is present an empty Json array will be given.


service.<serviceId>.idStringRThe service id
service.<serviceId>.nameStringRThe service name
service.<serviceId>.isactivetrueRThe service is active
falseRThe service is NOT active


department.<departmentId>.idStringRThe department id
department.<departmentId>.nameStringRThe department name
department.<departmentId>.isactivetrueRThe department is active
falseRThe department is NOT active


resource.<resourceId>.idStringRThe resource id
resource.<resourceId>.nameStringRThe resource name
resource.<resourceId>.isactivetrueRthe resource is active
falseRthe resource is NOT active
resource.<resourceId>.stateDirtyRThe resource is dirty
CleanRThe resource is clean
InspectedRThe resource is inspected
OutOfServiceRThe resource is Out Of Service
OutOfOrderRThe resource is Out Of Order
resource.<resourceId>.checkedintrueRThe resource owner is currently in checked-in in that specific resource
falseRThe resource owner is NOT currently in checked-in in that specific resource
resource.<resourceId>.checkedinbyStringRIf the checkedin is true, this datapoints shows the owner name and lastname
resource.<resourceId>.checkedinbyidStringRIf the checkedin is true, this datapoints shows the owner id
resource.<resourceId>.reserved.todaytrueRThe resource is reserved for the current day
falseRThe resource is NOT reserved for the current day
resource.<resourceId>.reserved.tomorrowtrueRThe resource is reserved for the next day
falseRThe resource is NOT reserved for the next day


task.newJsonWJson that contains data for creating a new task (Read example below)

New Task Example

In this example HSYCO is using the following format to create a new task:

INIT : {
var obj = new Object();
obj.Name = "Clean room 101";
obj.Description = "Start cleaning the room 101 asap";
obj.DeadlineUtc = "2023-02-06T18:00:00Z";
obj.DepartmentId = "915fbb82-de35-48a0-9e9b-f4a7eac711bb";
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(obj);
ioSet("", jsonString);

Where "DepartmentId" is the id of the department with the task is assignd to, you can get this id reading the "mews.department" datapoints in HSYCO and "mews." is the name of the mews I/O Server in HSYCO

Release Notes


  • initial release

Mews is a registered trademark of Mews Systems