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The HSYCO System Monitor I/O Server is used to monitor several key hardware and operating system parameters of an HSYCO server:

  • Operating system boot time
  • HSYCO start time
  • Disk space
  • Java memory (used, free and maximum available memory)
  • Java total number of file descriptors currently open and number of threads used
  • Performance (CPU percent busy time, 1 minute load average, 5 minutes load average)
  • Console error messages
  • Internet connection status
  • Cameras status
  • I/O Servers status
  • Database update, backup and de-fragmentation times
  • Clock drift of remote HSYCO servers monitored through the HSYCOREMOTE I/O server.

It also supports the hardware watchdog if available and supported by the Linux operating system.

HSYCO Configuration

You can have only one HSYCO System Monitor I/O Server.

Add a SYSTEM I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters.


Note that the SYSTEM I/O Server doesn't count in the I/O servers license total, so you don't need an extra I/O Server license to use SYSTEM with HSYCO.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
internetmonitortruetrueenable internet connection check
falsedisable internet connection check
pollinterval30n ≥ 10the data acquisition interval, in seconds
watchdogfalsetrueenable the Linux hardware watchdog
falsedisable the Linux hardware watchdog


time<val>Rthe system’s timestamp, in milliseconds
Wsets the system’s time. Valid formats are: time in milliseconds, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" and "yyyymmddhhmmss"
start.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since HSYCO start-up time
start.time<date>RHSYCO start-up time, formatted as "YYYY-MM- DD hh:mm:ss", for example: "2012-09-29 22:36:43"
boot.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since operating system boot time
boot.time<date>Roperating system boot time, formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", for example: "2012-09-29 22:36:43"
cpu.model<val>RCPU model name (may not be available on some hardware platforms)
cpu.revision<val>RCPU revision (may not be available on some hardware platforms)
cpu.usage<val>RCPU percent busy time
load.avg.1<val>Rthe system’s load average during the last 60 seconds
load.avg.5<val>Rthe system’s load average during the last 5 minutes
load.avg.15<val>Rthe system’s load average during the last 15 minutes
process.files<val>Rtotal number of file descriptors currently opened by the JVM process
process.threads<val>Rtotal number of threads used by the JVM process
database.backup.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since last database backup
database.backup.time<val>Ramount of time, in seconds, to execute the last database backup
database.backup.consolidation.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since last database backup consolidation
database.backup.consolidation.statusdoneRbackup consolidation completed successfully
error=1Rbackup consolidation generic execution error
error=2Rbackup consolidation execution aborted because backup file not found
error=3Rbackup consolidation execution aborted because not enough space was available
exceptionRbackup consolidation generic execution exception
nospaceRbackup consolidation not started because not enough space was available
runawayRbackup consolidation aborted due to runaway script file or data file
runaway.zipRbackup consolidation aborted due to runaway zip file
stalled.postRbackup consolidation aborted due to stalled script file (postprocessing)
stalled.preRbackup consolidation aborted due to stalled script file (preprocessing)
stalled.scriptingRbackup consolidation aborted due to stalled script file (scripting)
stalled.zipRbackup consolidation aborted due to stalled script file (zipping)
database.backup.consolidation.time<val>Ramount of time, in seconds, to execute the last database backup consolidation
database.defrag.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since last database de-fragmentation
database.defrag.time<val>Ramount of time, in seconds, to execute the last database de-fragmentation
database.update.elapsed<val>Rnumber of seconds since last database persistent update (data saved to the data/ file)<val>Rthe free storage space as a percentage of total available space<val>Rthe free storage space in Mbytes
disk.used<val>Rthe used storage space in Mbytes
disk.errors<val>Ronly available when the root filesystem is BTRFS, this is the sum of all error counters as returned by the "btrfs devices stats /" command
hsyco.version<val>RHSYCO version, for example: "3.7.0 Build 0130"
java.version<val>RJava VM version, for example: "Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_112"
os.version<val>ROperating system version, for example: "Linux 4.14.34-v7+ arm"<val>Rthe amount of free run-time memory of the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte
memory.max<val>Rthe maximum amount of run-time memory that could be used by the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte
memory.used<val>Rthe amount of run-time memory used by the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte<val>Rthe total number of cameras defined
camera.errors<val>Rthe number of cameras that HSYCO is unable to access
camera.errors.list<list>Ra comma separated list of the cameras having errors, or an empty string if there are no errors<val>Rthe total number of I/O servers defined
io.errors<val>Rthe number of I/O servers that HSYCO is unable to access
io.errors.list<list>Ra comma separated list of the I/O servers having errors, or an empty string if there are no errors
internet.connectiononlineRInternet access from HSYCO is working properly
offlineRHSYCO is unable to access the Internet
console.errors0Rthe console.log file contains no new errors
1Rthe console.log file contains new errors
watchdogactiveRwatchdog is enabled and active
errorRwatchdog is enabled but failed to update the watchdog device (/dev/watchdog)

User Interface

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet ToDescription
boot.timevalueoperating system boot time
start.timevalueHSYCO start-up time
cpu.usagevalueCPU percent busy time
load.avg.1valuethe system’s load average during the last 60 seconds
load.avg.5valuethe system’s load average during the last 5 minutes free storage space as a percentage of total available space
blinktruewhen the free storage space is below 10%
falsewhen the free storage space is equal or above 10%
disk.errorsvalueonly available when the root filesystem is BTRFS, this is the sum of all error counters as returned by the "btrfs devices stats /" command
visibletruethe root filesystem is BTRFS
falsethe root filesystem is not BTRFS
memory.freevaluethe amount of free run-time memory of the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte
memory.maxvaluethe maximum amount of run-time memory that could be used by the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte
memory.usedvaluethe amount of run-time memory used by the Java virtual machine, in Mbyte
camera.errorsvalueERRORwhen HSYCO cannot access one or more cameras
valueOKwhen all cameras are connected
io.errorsvalueERRORwhen HSYCO cannot access one or more I/O servers
valueOKwhen all I/O servers are connected
internet.connectionvalueERRORwhen HSYCO is unable to access the Internet
valueOKwhen Internet access from HSYCO is working properly
console.errorsvalueERRORwhen the console.log file contains new error messages
valueOKwhen the console.log file contains no new errors
messagesvaluethe list of cameras and I/O servers with errors

HSYCO monitor UI Object

A panel that monitors the system. These parameters are displayed:

  • system boot time
  • HSYCO start time
  • disk free space
  • memory in MBs: used, free, max
  • CPU usage in %: busy, load 1m, load 5m
  • faults: console, internet, cameras, I/O servers
  • error messages

System UI Object 1


  • server id: the server ID.
  • label: the text label on the panel. Can contain HTML tags
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Release Notes


  • new data points:
  • *cpu.model
  • *cpu.revision
  • *database.backup.time
  • *database.backup.elapsed
  • *database.backup.consolidation.time
  • *database.backup.consolidation.elapsed
  • *database.backup.consolidation.status
  • *database.defrag.time
  • *database.defrag.elapsed
  • *database.update.elapsed
  • *hsyco.version
  • *java.version
  • *os.version


  • new "process.files" data point returns the total number of file descriptors currently opened by the JVM process
  • new "process.threads" data point returns the total number of threads used by the JVM process
  • new "watchdog" option: when true, enables the hardware watchdog on Linux servers
  • the "time" data point can now be written to set the system's clock


  • support for BTRFS root file system errors monitor


  • new "internetmonitor" option. Set to "false" to disable Internet connection check


  • the (hsycomonitor) object displayed an error on cameras if there were no cameras defined


  • initial release