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VE.Direct is a simple, proprietary, communication protocol used in Victron Energy BlueSolar MPPT Charge 70/15 and the BMV-700 series battery monitors.

The HSYCO VEDIRECT driver supports the default Text-mode, where the device continuously transmits all run-time fields. HEX-mode is not supported.


Connect the VE-Direct port to HSYCO using the Victron Energy "VE.Direct to USB" interface cable.

The default serial port parameters are:

Baud rate19200
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

VE.Direct devices configuration

On power up, a VE.Direct interface will always be in Text-mode, and continuously transmits all run-time fields. No configuration is needed on the device.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a VEDIRECT I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the device.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guifalsetrueenable support for the UISET actions
falsedisable UI support


See the Victron Energy VE.Direct protocol documentation for the list and description of all supported data fields. The HSYCO VEDIRECT driver will automatically process and return as datapoint any field that the device will send over the VE.Direct interface.

The following table lists all datapoints returned by the BMV-700 series battery monitors.

statusonlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can’t connect to the VE.Direct device
alarmONRalarm condition active
OFFRalarm condition not active
ar<value>Ralarm reason
bmv<value>Rmodel description
ce<value>Rconsumed Amp Hours (mAh). When the BMV is not synchronised, these statistics have no meaning, so "---" will be sent instead of a value
dm<value>Rmid-point deviation of the battery bank (0.1 %)
fw<value>Rfirmware version
h1<value>Rdepth of the deepest discharge (mAh)
h2<value>Rdepth of the last discharge (mAh)
h3<value>Rdepth of the average discharge (mAh)
h4<value>Rnumber of charge cycles
h5<value>Rnumber of full discharges
h6<value>Rcumulative Amp Hours drawn (mAh)
h7<value>Rminimum main battery voltage (mV)
h8<value>Rmaximum main battery voltage (mV)
h9<value>Rnumber of seconds since last full charge (s)
h10<value>Rnumber of automatic synchronizations
h11<value>Rnumber of low main voltage alarms
h12<value>Rnumber of high main voltage alarms
h17<value>Ramount of discharged energy (0.01 kWh)
h18<value>Ramount of charged energy (0.01 kWh)
i<value>Rcurrent (mA)
p<value>Rinstantaneous power (W)
pid<value>Rproduct ID
ppv<value>Rpanel power (W)
relayONRrelay on state
OFFRrelay off state
soc<value>Rstate-of-charge (0.1 %). When the BMV is not synchronised, these statistics have no meaning, so "---" will be sent instead of a value
t<value>Rbattery temperature (C). When no temperature sensor is connected, "---" will be sent instead of a value
ttg<value>Rtime-to-go (minutes). When the battery is not discharging the time- to-go is infinite. This is represented as -1. When the BMV is not synchronised, these statistics have no meaning, so "---" will be sent instead of a value
v<value>Rmain battery voltage (mV)
vm<value>Rmid-point voltage of the battery bank (mV)
vpv<value>Rpanel voltage (mV)
vs<value>Rauxiliary (starter) voltage (mV)

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet toDescription
cevalue<value> Ahconsumed Amp Hours (Ah)
dmvalue<value> %mid-point deviation of the battery bank (%)
h1value<value> Ahdepth of the deepest discharge (Ah)
h2value<value> Ahdepth of the last discharge (Ah)
h3value<value> Ahdepth of the average discharge (Ah)
h4value<value>number of charge cycles
h5value<value>number of full discharges
h6value<value> Ahcumulative Amp Hours drawn (Ah)
h7value<value> Vminimum main battery voltage (V)
h8value<value> Vmaximum main battery voltage (V)
h9value<value> htime since last full charge (hhh:mm)
ivalue<value> Acurrent (A)
pvalue<value> Winstantaneous power (W)
ppvvalue<value> Wpanel power (W)
socvalue<value> %state-of-charge (%)
tvalue<value> Cbattery temperature (C)
ttgvalue<value> htime-to-go (hhh:mm). When the battery is not discharging the time- to-go is infinite. This is represented as "INF"
vvalue<value> Vmain battery voltage (V)
vmvalue<value> Vmid-point voltage of the battery bank (V)
vpvvalue<value> Vpanel voltage (V)
vsvalue<value> Vauxiliary (starter) voltage (mV)

Release Notes


  • initial version release

VE.Direct is a registered trademarks of Victron Energy B.V.