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The Elsner P03/3-MODBUS is a solid-state weather station with a standard Modbus RTU slave interface. It measures temperature, wind speed and brightness (eastern, southern and western sun) and recognizes precipitation.

Elsner Weather Station


The P03/3 has a Modbus interface. The default connection parameters are:

  • Modbus address: 1

  • RS-485 parameters:

Baud rate19200
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

Refer to the P03/3 data sheet for installation, wiring and power supply requirements.

HSYCO Configuration

Add an ELSNERP03M I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select a MODBUSTCP I/O server if using a Modbus gateway, or the serial port id when using a direct RS-485 port with HSYCO acting as Modbus RTU master.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval30> 1the data acquisition interval, in seconds
address1> 1the Modbus address of the P03/3 device


connectiononlineRconnection established to the P03/3
offlineRHSYCO can’t connect to the P03/3
tempsigned integer
-40C .. +80C
Rsigned integer representing the measured temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees
(e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0C)
lightpositive integer
0 .. 99
Rsun light in kilolux, equal to the maximum value detected by the three side sensors
light.eastpositive integer
0 .. 99
Rsun light in kilolux, detected from East-side sensor
light.southpositive integer
0 .. 99
Rsun light in kilolux, detected from South-side sensor
light.westpositive integer
0 .. 99
Rsun light in kilolux, detected from West-side sensor
light.luxpositive integer
0 .. 999
Rambient light in lux (corresponds to the P03-Modbus address 8)
windpositive integerRwind in 10th of m/s (e.g. 32 corresponds to 3.2 m/s)
rain0Rno rain

User Interface

UISET Actions

tempvaluethe current temperature in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by " °C"
lightvaluethe current sun light in klux, followed by "klux"
light.luxvaluethe current ambient light in lux, followed by "lux"
windvaluethe current wind in m/s, followed by " m/s"

Release Notes


  • fixed a bug that could cause erroneous readings of negative value temperatures


  • new "light.lux" data point


  • full integration in HSYCO 2.10.0

Elsner is a registered trademark of Elsner Elektronik GmbH.