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The Aurora Power-One inverters allow for remote supervision of the system providing with several measurement data. The integration with HSYCO allows for the visualization of such data and the creation of dynamic charts.

This driver complies with the Aurora communication protocol rel. 4.7.


The driver supports communication through RS-485 serial interface.

RS-485 parameters:

Baud rate19200
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

HSYCO Configuration

Add a POWERONE I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port the device is connected to.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UISET actions
falsedisable UI support
pollinterval20n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
addr22 ... 255specifies the address number of the aurora inverter. If more inverters are connected, it is possible to specify the list of addresses separated by /. For instance 2/3/4.


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the inverter
<n>.gridpower<val>Rthe current power production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt
<n>.gridpowerglob<val>Rthe global power production received from the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt
<n>.powerpeak<val>Rthe historical power production peak of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt
<n>.powerpeaktoday<val>Rtoday’s power production peak of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt
<n>.dayenergy<val>Rthe daily energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour
<n>.weekenergy<val>Rthe weekly energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour
<n>.monthenergy<val>Rthe monthly energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour
<n>.yearenergy<val>Rthe annual energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour
<n>.totenergy<val>Rthe total energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour
<n>.partenergy<val>Rthe partial energy production of the inverter at address <n> is <val> Watt hour

User Interface

UISET Actions

connectionvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
<n>.gridpowervaluethe instant power production of the inverter at address <n> expressed in kW
<n>.gridpowerglobvaluethe instant power production received from the inverter at address <n> of the whole framework expressed in kW
<n>.powerpeakvaluethe historical power peak of the inverter at address <n> in kW
<n>.powerpeaktodayvaluetoday’s power peak of the inverter at address <n> in kW
<n>.dayenergyvaluethe daily energy production of the inverter at address <n> in kWh
<n>.monthenergyvaluethe monthly energy production of the inverter at address <n> in kWh
<n>.yearenergyvaluethe annual energy production of the inverter at address <n> in kWh
<n>.totenergyvaluethe total energy production of the inverter at address <n> in kWh
<n>.partenergyvaluethe partial energy production of the inverter at address <n> in kWh

Release Notes


  • initial version release

Power-One and AURORA are registered trademarks of Power-One, Inc.