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Iono Pi is a versatile I/O module that combines several digital and analog input lines, power relay outputs and support for standard interfaces, typical of modern PLCs, with the powerful computing core of the Raspberry Pi.

Iono Pi device

This driver provides support for the integration of a remote Iono Pi (pre-installed with the Sfera Framework and the Sfera Driver for Iono Pi) as well as a local installation of HSYCO on Iono Pi itself.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a IONO Pi I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


Note that the IONO Pi I/O Server doesn't count in the I/O servers license total, so you don't need an extra I/O Server license to use IONO Pi with HSYCO.


  • IP Address: the IP address assigned to Iono Pi, leave blank for a local installation;
  • Port: TCP port configured on Iono Pi, leave blank for a local installation.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to false.


startupeventstruetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
wiegandbitsfalsetruethe wiegand datapoints report bits count and data value
falsethe wiegand datapoints report the data value only
httpsfalsetrueuse HTTPS to communicate with a remote Iono Pi
falseuse HTTP to communicate with a remote Iono Pi
readinterval2000<ms>For local installation only. Interval, in milliseconds, between subsequent readings of analog inputs and 1-Wire devices. If the value is set below 2000 (i.e. less than 2 seconds) the specified interval is only applied to analog inputs; 1-Wire devices will be polled with a 2 seconds interval. Set to 0 to disable analog inputs polling
analogminvariation100<mV>For local installation only. Minimum voltage variation (in millivolts) to be measured on analog inputs, after an event has been triggered, for a new one to occur. Defaults to 0
digitalinputstruetrueFor local installation only. Enable digital inputs monitoring
falseFor local installation only. Disable digital inputs monitoring
digitaldebounce30<ms>For local installation only. Time, in milliseconds, required for digital inputs to maintain a value, after a variation, before an event is triggered
wiegand1falsetrueFor local installation only. Enable and monitor Wiegand interface 1
falseFor local installation only. Disable Wiegand interface 1
wiegand2falsetrueFor local installation only. Enable and monitor Wiegand interface 2
falseFor local installation only. Disable Wiegand interface 2
onewirebustrueFor local installation only. Enable reading of the 1-Wire bus devices connected on TTL1
falseFor local installation only. Disable reading of the 1-Wire bus devices connected on TTL1
If not specified the monitoring will be enabled if the 1-Wire interface is enabled in the Raspberry Pi OS configuration


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the device
driverstateinitRSfera driver is initializing
quitRSfera driver quit
runningRSfera driver is running (normal state)
led0RLED L1 is off
Wturn LED L1 off
1RLED L1 is on
Wturn LED L1 on
o<1-4>0Rrelay <1-4> is off
Wswitch off relay <1-4>
1Rrelay <1-4> is on
Wswitch on relay <1-4>
oc<1-3>0Ropen collector output <1-3> is off (not grounded)
Wswitch off open collector output <1-3>
1Ropen collector output <1-3> is on (grounded)
Wswitch on open collector output <1-3>
di<1-6>0Rdigital input <1-6> is low
1Rdigital input <1-6> is high
ai<1-4><val>Ranalog input <1-4> is reading a voltage equal to <val> (in Volts)
wiegand.<1-2><val>Rif option "wiegandbits" set to false. Value as an unsigned integer in base 16 (hex) read on the specified Wiegand interface (e.g. "2c646a2")
<bits>/<val>Rif option "wiegandbits" set to true. Number of bits and value (hex) read on the specified Wiegand interface (e.g. "26/2c646a2")
onewire.bus.<id><val>R1-Wire device <id> value
clockreadWused to get date/time from Iono Pi module
autoWused to force Iono Pi module to auto-update date/time
<timestamp>.<timezone>Wmanually set date/time and time zone on Iono Pi module. <timestamp> is Epoch time (in milliseconds), <timezone> is the time zone you want to set (e.g. "Europe/Rome")
<timestamp>.<timezone>R<timestamp> is Epoch time (in milliseconds), <timezone> is the time zone set on Iono Pi module (e.g. "Europe/Rome")

User Interface

To control a digital output (O1 ... O4, OC1 ... OC3, LED), add a [[button]] or a [[buttonicon]] object to your project page and set its address field to the corresponding datapoint:

Iono Pi button

Release Notes


  • new "clock" datapoint


  • added support for iono pi driver v1.3.0 and "wiegandbits" option
  • added support for local Iono Pi direct access


  • initial release

Iono Pi is a registered trademark of Sfera Labs Srl