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Hid Edge Solo

The HID Edge Solo ESR40, ESRP40, ES400 are single-door IP access control solutions.

This I/O Server allows the integration of HID Edge Solo devices by using a TCP/IP connection.

More than one device can be controlled at the same time.

HID Edge Solo Configuration

The HID Edge Solo can be connected to a POE switch or to a normal ethernet switch. In this case the power supply must be provided with an external adapter. First of all, assign a static IP address to the Edge Solo, then it’s mandatory to disable the SSL/TLS encryption in the installer settings interface.

HID configuration

HSYCO Configuration

Add an HIDEDGESOLO I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: IP address configured on the device
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port to use, leave blank for default port 80.


  • User: username set in the installer settings
  • Password: password set in the installer settings.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


If two readers are connected to the Edge Solo controller, the reader specific data points have a 0. or 1. prefix to identify each reader.

connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
card.notfound<code>Rbadge <code> not found
pin.notfound<pin>R<pin> not found
access.granted<surname>Raccess granted to the user with surname <surname>
access.granted.extended<surname>Raccess granted extended to the user with surname <surname>
access.denied.schedule<surname>Raccess denied because badge/pin of the user <surname> was used outside scheduled time interval
access.denied.expired<surname>Raccess denied because badge/pin of the user <surname> is expired
card.notassigned<code>Raccess denied because the badge <nowiki><code></nowiki> is not assigned to an user.<surname>Raccess denied because the pin assigned to the user <surname> is expired
alarm.acknowledged0Ralarms reset
1Rnormal conditions
door.lock.schedulefalseRnormal conditions
trueRdoor locked with a scheduled command
door.unlock.schedulefalseRnormal conditions
trueRdoor unlocked with a scheduled command
alarm.door.forcedunsetRnormal conditions
setRdoor forced alarm
alarm.tamperunsetRnormal conditions
setRtamper alarm
access.granted.manualfalseRnormal conditions
trueRmanual access granted
door.unlockfalseRnormal conditions
trueRdoor unlocked
state.alarm.tamperunsetRnormal conditions
setRtamper alarm
state.alarm.acunsetRnormal conditions
setRpower supply failure
state.alarm.batteryunsetRnormal conditions
setRbattery failure
state.alarm.door.heldunsetRnormal conditions
setRdoor held
state.alarm.door.forcedunsetRnormal conditions
setRdoor forced<name>Rthe door's name
state.relayunsetRdoor relay closed
setRdoor relay open
state.relay.alertunsetRalert relay not active
setRalert relay active
state.relay.auxunsetRaux relay not active
setRaux relay active
command.accessgrantWgrant the access
command.doorlockWlock the door
unlockWunlock the door
command.alarmstopWalarms reset

Release Notes


  • added support for firmware version 2.0


  • added support for two readers door controller


  • initial release

HID is a registered trademark of HID Global.