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RayCONTROL 30 is the control unit for the FCC Planterm temperature control system.

RayCONTROL 30 supports up to 30 individual zones.


RayNET is an interface module that provides a standard Modbus/RTU interface over RS485 for RayCONTROL 30. The default connection parameters are:

Modbus address: 1

RS-485 parameters:

Baud rate9600
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

Refer to the RayNET and RayCONTROL 30 technical documentation for installation, wiring and power supply requirements.

HSYCO connects to the Modbus bus through any standard Modbus/TCP gateway.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a RAYCONTROL I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select a MODBUSTCP I/O server if using a Modbus gateway, or the serial port id when using a direct RS-485 port with HSYCO acting as Modbus RTU master.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval301 ... 45the data acquisition interval, in seconds
address1> 0the Modbus address of the RayCONTROL device
readinterval250 ... 1000minimum interval between consecutive Modbus commands
systems11 ... 2set to 1 if using only system 1; set to 2 is system 2 is used
zones151 ... 30set to the highest zone number used
sensivity5>0measured temperatures’ changes are reported only if the difference from last reading is equal or greater than the sensivity option, in 10th of Celsius degrees
languageenen, fr, itthe language used for text messages. If undefined, the global language option is used. English is used if the global language is also undefined


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
s<n>.statusoffRsystem <n> is off
Wturn off system <n>
onRsystem <n> is on
Wturn on system <n>
maintRsystem <n> is in maintenance mode
s<n>.modewinterRsystem <n> is in winter mode
Wset system <n> to winter mode
summerRsystem <n> is in winter mode
Wset system <n> to summer mode
towinterRsystem <n> is in summer mode, transitioning to winter mode
tosummerRsystem <n> is in winter mode, transitioning to summer mode
s<n>.setpoint.winter.max160 .. 300Rsystem <n> current maximum winter temperature set-point
Wset system <n> maximum winter temperature set-point
s<n>.setpoint.winter.min150 .. 290Rsystem <n> current minimum winter temperature set-point
Wset system <n> minimum winter temperature set-point
s<n>.setpoint.summer.max160 .. 300Rsystem <n> current maximum summer temperature set-point
Wset system <n> maximum summer temperature set-point
s<n>.setpoint.summer.min150 .. 290Rsystem <n> current minimum summer temperature set-point
Wset system <n> minimum summer temperature set-point
s<n>.temp.out-400 ... +800Routdoor temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees (e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0 °C)
s<n>.temp.inlet-400 ... +800Rinlet temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees (e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0 °C)
z<n>.modeoffRzone <n> is off
Wturn off zone <n>
maintRzone <n> is in maintenance mode
ecoRzone <n> is in energy saving mode
Wset zone <n> to energy saving mode
pgmRzone <n> is in program mode
Wset zone <n> to program mode
manRzone <n> is in manual mode
Wset zone <n> to manual mode
onWset zone <n> to the mode set before last off (ECO, PGM or MAN). If HSYCO starts with the zone already off, the on command sets the mode to ECO
z<n>.lock0Rzone <n> is not locked
Wunlock zone <n>
1Rzone <n> is locked
Wlock zone <n>
z<n>.temp-400 ... 800Rmeasured temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees (e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0 °C)
z<n>.humidity1... 100Rmeasured relative umidity, from 0 to 100
z<n>.setpoint.temp150 ... 300Rzone <n> set-point temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees
(e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0 °C)
Wzone <n> set-point temperature, in 10th of Celsius degrees
(e.g. 210 corresponds to 21.0 °C)
upWincrease zone temperature set-point by 0.5 °C
downWdecrease zone temperature set-point by 0.5 °C
alarm.<c>0Ralarm code C (1-72) inactive
1Ralarm code C (1-72) active
alarm0Rno active alarms
1Rthe system is reporting at least one active alarm

User Interface

UISET Actions

IDAttributeSet to
s<n>.statusvaluesystem <n> (1 or 2) status
ON: system is on
OFF: system is off
MAINT: maintenance mode
s<n>.modevaluesystem <n> (1 or 2) mode:
SUMMER: summer mode (cooling)
WINTER: winter mode (heating)
SUMMER*: summer, transitioning to winter mode
WINTER*: winter, transitioning to summer mode
s<n>.temp.outvaluethe outdoor measured temperature for system <n> (1 or 2), in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by ' °C'
s<n>.temp.inletvaluethe inlet measured temperature for system <n> (1 or 2), in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by ' °C'
z<n>.modevaluezone <n> operating mode:
OFF: zone is off
ECO: energy saving mode
PGM: program mode; the zone follows a set-point during a defined time period
MAN: manual mode; constantly follows the temperature set-point
MAINT: zone in maintenance mode
z<n>.lockvaluezone lock mode:
LOCKED: zone is locked
'': zone is not locked
z<n>.tempvaluethe current temperature in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by ' °C'
z<n>.humidityvaluethe current relative humidity, from 0 to 100, followed by ' %'
z<n>.setpoint.tempvaluethe zone temperature set-point in Celsius degrees with one decimal digit, followed by ' °C'
alarm.<n>valuetext line <n> (1-30) of the alarms register, with start/end date and time and error code:
alarm.labelvaluealarm flag. This object is normally invisible, and made visible when the rayCONTROL reports at least one active alarm

USER Commands

z<n>modecycle through the different operation modes (off, eco, pgm, man)
z<n>mode.offset zone <n> off
z<n>mode.ecoset zone <n> to ECO (energy saving) mode
z<n>mode.pgmset zone <n> to PGM (program) mode
z<n>mode.manset zone <n> to MAN (manual) mode
z<n>mode.onset zone <n> to the mode set before last off (ECO, PGM or MAN). If HSYCO starts with the zone already off, the on command sets the mode to ECO
z<n>temp.upincrease zone temperature set-point by 0.5 °C
z<n>temp.downdecrease zone temperature set-point by 0.5 °C
s<n>powersystem <n> (1 or 2) power on/off button
s<n>modesystem <n> (1 or 2) season button, for winter/summer mode selection

Release Notes


  • new data points: s<n>.setpoint.winter.max s<n>.setpoint.winter.min s<n>.setpoint.summer.max s<n>.setpoint.summer.min z<n>.lock
  • new readinterval option (defaults to 20 msec.)
  • improved communication errors handling


  • full integration in HSYCO 3.0.0

RayCONTROL is a registered trademark of Permasteelisa Impianti srl, FCC Planterm Division.