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Aritech Interlogix FP2000 is a multi-area fire panel. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via direct control through the RS232 port on the panel. The FP2000 I/O Server in HSYCO supports the integration of more than one unit within the same HSYCO interface.


Employ an RS-232 cable to connect the panel directly to HSYCO.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud ratesame as panel settings (default 9600)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlRTS/CTS

HSYCO Configuration

Add a FP2000 I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
accesscode00do not request for authentication (the I/O Server will only be usable as panel emulator)
1 ... 9999use the specified value as access code for requesting authentication
keypaddisablefalsetruedisable the emulator keypad buttons
falsethe emulator keypad buttons are enabled
controldisablefalsetruedisable the emulator control buttons
falsethe emulator control buttons are enabled
displayhlcolor339933000000 ... FFFFFFuse the specified hexadecimal value as the highlight color for the display of the emulator


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
emulation1Remulation is active
Wactivate emulation
0Remulation is disabled
Wdisable emulation
onRthe corresponding LED is on
offRthe corresponding LED is off
blinkWthe corresponding LED is on, blinking
status.alarm.count<num>Rcount of fires
status.fault.count<num>Rcount of faults
status.condition.count<num>Rcount of conditions
status.event.count<num>Rcount of all the events other than fire, fault or condition
clock<date_time>Rthe panel’s clock is set to <date_time>. The value has the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" (e.g. "2012-12-30 16:59:23")
Wset the data and time of the panel to <date_time>. The value has the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" (e.g. "2012-12-30 16:59:23")
readWrequest for reading date and time set on the panel
l<n>.s<m>.name<name>Rreports the name of sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.fire1Rfire alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno fire alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.communication1Rfault alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno fault alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.disabled1Rdisabled alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno disabled alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.type1Rwrong type alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno wrong type alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.address1Rdouble address alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno double address alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.condition1Rpre condition alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno pre condition alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.maintenance1Rmaintenance alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno maintenance alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.notype1Rno type alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rtype alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.enabled1Renabled alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno enabled alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.twoset1Rtwo set alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno two set alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.segment1R7 segment alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno 7 segment alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.led1RLED alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno LED alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.segment.cont1R7 segment continuous alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno 7 segment continuous alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.flag1Rflag alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno flag alarm active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.pending1Ralarm pending for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rno alarm pending for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm1Rone of the above alarms is active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
0Rnone of the above alarms is active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.s<m>.alarm.count<num>Rreports the number of alarm states been active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
z<n>.name<name>Rreports the name of zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.fire1RMCP fire alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno MCP fire alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.fault1Rfault alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno fault alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.coincidence1Rcoincidence alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno coincidence fire alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.isolated1Risolated alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno isolated alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.test1Rtest alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno test alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.condition1Rcondition alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno condition alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.enabled1Renabled alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno enabled alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.autofire1Rauto fire alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno auto fire alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.action1Raction zone alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno action zone alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.warning1Rpre warning alarm active on zone <n>
0Rno pre warning alarm active on zone <n>
z<n>.zone.alarm1Rone of the above alarms is active on zone <n>
0Rnone of the above alarms is active on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.count<num>Rreports the number of alarm states active on sensors of zone <n>
z<n>.fault.count<num>Rreports the number of faults states active on sensors of zone <n>
z<n>.condition.count<num>Rreports the number of conditions active on sensors of zone <n>
z<n>.coincidence.count<num>Rreports the number of coincidence alarms active on sensors of zone <n>
z<n>.isolate.count<num>Rreports the number of isolations in zone <n>
a<n>.name<name>Rreports the name of area <n>
a<n>.alarm.fire1RMCP fire alarm active on area <n>
0Rno MCP fire alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.fault1Rfault alarm active on area <n>
0Rno fault alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.coincidence1Rcoincidence alarm active on area <n>
0Rno coincidence alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.isolated1Risolated alarm active on area <n>
0Rno isolated alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.condition1Rcondition alarm active on area <n>
0Rno condition alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.enabled1Renabled alarm active on area <n>
0Rno enabled alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.action1Raction alarm active on area <n>
0Rno action alarm active on area <n>
a<n>.area.alarm1Rone of the above alarms is active on area <n>
0Rnone of the above alarms is active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.count<num>Rreports the number of alarm states active on sensors of area <n>
a<n>.fault.count<num>Rreports the number of faults states active on sensors of area <n>
a<n>.condition.count<num>Rreports the number of conditions active on sensors of area <n>
a<n>.coincidence.count<num>Rreports the number of coincidence alarms active on sensors of area <n>
a<n>.isolate.count<num>Rreports the number of isolations in area <n>
o<n>.name<name>Rreports the number of output <n>
o<n>.status(1)1Routput <n> is active
0Routput <n> is inactive
readWrequest for reading the state of output <n>
i<n>.name<name>Rreports the number of input <n>
i<n>.status1Rinput <n> is active
0Rinput <n> is inactive
readWrequest for reading the state of input <n>
<text>Rreports the text of the most recently logged event accordingly to its category
key(2)<key_value>Wsend the specified emulation key command to the panel (see following table for the list of key values)

Note 1

the status of outputs and inputs is based on the reported events on the event log, thus the panel must be set so that outputs and inputs state variations are logged. Otherwise the reading of their status must be requested via the o<n>.status = read and i<n>.status = read commands.

Note 2

The following table shows the association between key values and relative function:

2Display Alarm
4Print Screen
5Alpha Numeric
6Right Arrow
8Left Arrow
9Silence Buzzer
10Down Arrow
15Sound Sounder
16Sounder Delay
17Sounder Disable
18Silence Sounder
19Fire Brigade Disable
20Fire Brigade Delay
22Fire Brigade Stop
26Up Arrow
31Fire Brigade Signal
48Key 0
49Key 1
50Key 2
51Key 3
52Key 4
53Key 5
54Key 6
55Key 7
56Key 8
57Key 9
211Fire Protection on
212Fire Protection Silenced
213Fire Protection Silenced
214Fire Protection Enabled
215Fire Protection Disabled
216Fire Protection Disable
217Fire Protection Delay off
218Fire Protection Delay on
219Fire Protection Delay
220Fire Protection Delay
221Fire Protection Delay
222Fault Routing Test
223Fault Routing Enabled
224Fault Routing Disabled
225Fault Routing Disable
226Fault Routing Delay off
227Fault Routing Delay on
228Fault Routing Delay
229Fire Brigade Test
230Fire Brigade Enabled
231Fire Brigade Disabled
232Fire Brigade Delay off
233Fire Brigade Delay on
234Sounder Test
235Sounder Enable
236Sounder Disable
237Sounder Delay off
238Sounder Delay on
239External Reset (from Repeater)

User Interface

UISET Actions

connection.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = online
falsewhen datapoint connection = offline
l<n>.sM.alarm.label.1visibletruewhen an alarm is active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
falsewhen an alarm is not active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
l<n>.sM.alarm.label.0visibletruewhen no alarm is active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
falsewhen an alarm is active for sensor <m> on loop <n>
o<n>.status.label.1visibletruewhen output <n> is active
falsewhen output <n> is not active
o<n>.status.label.0visibletruewhen output <n> is not active
falsewhen output <n> is active
i<n>.status.label.1visibletruewhen input <n> is active
falsewhen input <n> is not active
i<n>.status.label.0visibletruewhen input <n> is not active
falsewhen input <n> is active
led.<name>.label.offvisibletruewhen the corresponding LED is off
falsewhen the corresponding LED is on
led.<name>.label.on(3)visibletruewhen the corresponding LED is on
falsewhen the corresponding LED is off

Note 3

Replace <name> with one of the following strings:

USER Commands

The FP2000 driver supports system commands to be inserted within the Web interface that replicates the functionalities of the buttons on the panel and more. Use any ordinary user button, setting the name and param fields according to the write function of the Datapoints table.

For instance, setting the name of a user button to fp.key and its param field to 11, will result in having the reset button of the panel. Naming it o1.status and setting read as param will result in a button for forcing the reading of the status of output 1.

Fp2000 UI Object

The user interface for the Aritech Interlogix FP2000 multi-area fire panel:

FP2000 UI Object 1

The Fp2000 objects (normal and small) are listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Aritech Interlogix FP2000 I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Log Files

A permanent detailed record of all the FP2000 log messages is saved in a file called security.log in the logs/YYYY directory for the current year. This file is never overwritten or deleted by HSYCO.

Other information related to the FP2000 driver are saved in the daily message.log files.

Release Notes


  • initial version release

Aritech Interlogix and FP2000 are registered trademarks of UTC Fire & Security.