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Aritech CSx75 is a multi-area security system. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via direct control through the RS-232 port on its panel.


Use the Aritech CS590 RS232 cable to connect the panel directly to HSYCO or to an Ethernet/RS-232 gateway.

RS-232 parameters:

Baud ratesame as configured on panel (default 9600)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlnone

CSx75 Configuration

The panel must be previously configured to have the serial port enabled and to use the binary control protocol. Refer to its configuration manual for more details.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a CSX75 I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


pin<code>4 or 6-digits code. Use the specified PIN code to perform operations that require user authentication. If this option is not specified it will be required to manually insert the pin every time such operations are performed
guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval3n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
logsize20n ≥ 0the number of log lines to display in the UI object
maxzone168n > 0highest zone number among the zones used on the panel


The csx75.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory.
Here you can define the names of the users and zones so that they will be automatically added to the user interface.
If zone names are not specified in the file they will be requested from the panel during startup phase.
Add a new line for each user using this format:

<io_server_id>.user.<n> = <name>
<io_server_id>.z.<n> = <name>

For instance:

cs.user.1 = Bob
cs.user.2 = Alice

cs.z.1 = Entrance
cs.z.2 = Corridor


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
alarm0Rno partition is alarmed
1Rat least one partition is alarmed
armed0Rall partitions are disarmed
Wdisarm all partitions
1Rthe system is (partially) armed
awayWarm all partitions in away mode
stayWarm all partitions in stay mode
autoWinitiate auto-arm for all partitions
p<n>.armed0Rpartition <n> is disarmed
Wdisarm partition <n>
awayRpartition <n> is armed in away mode
Warm partition <n> in away mode
stayRpartition <n> is armed in stay mode
Warm partition <n> in stay mode
autoWinitiate auto-arm on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm0Rpartition <n> is not in an alarm state
1Rpartition <n> is in an alarm state
p<n>.tamper0Rno tamper condition for partition <n>
1Rpartition <n> has been tampered
p<n>.last.user<num>Rlast user number entered was <num>
p<n>.fire0Rno fire on partition <n>
1Rfire on partition <n>
p<n>.fire.trouble0Rno fire trouble on partition <n>
1Rfire trouble on partition <n>
p<n>.buzzer0Rbuzzer off on partition <n>
1Rbuzzer on on partition <n>
Wstart buzzer on partition <n>
p<n>.tlm.fault0RTLM ok
1RTLM memory fault
p<n>.instant0Rinstant flag not set on partition <n>
1Rinstant flag set on partition <n>
p<n>.siren0Rsiren off on partition <n>
1Rsiren on on partition <n>
p<n>.steady.siren0Rsteady siren off on partition <n>
1Rsteady siren on on partition <n>
p<n>.alarm.mem0Ralarm memory flag not set on partition <n>
1Ralarm memory flag set on partition <n>
p<n>.cancel0Rno cancel command entered on partition <n>
1Rcancel command entered on partition <n>
Wissue cancel command
p<n>.exit.silent0Rsilent exit disabled on partition <n>
1Rsilent exit enabled on partition <n>
Wenable silent exit for this arm cycle on partition <n>
p<n>.chime.mode0Rchime mode off on partition <n>
1Rchime mode on on partition <n>
toggleWtoggle chime mode on partition <n>
p<n>.entry0Rentry inactive on partition <n>
1Rentry active on partition <n>
p<n>.delay.exp0Rdelay expiration warning off
1Rdelay expiration warning on
p<n>.exit.10Rexit 1 inactive on partition <n>
1Rexit 1 active on partition <n>
p<n>.exit.20Rexit 2 inactive on partition <n>
1Rexit 2 active on partition <n>
p<n>.exit.error0Rexit error not triggered on partition <n>
1Rexit error triggered on partition <n>
p<n>.night.mode0Rnight mode inactive on partition <n>
1Rnight mode active on partition <n>
p<n>.reexit0Rre-exit inactive on partition <n>
1Rre-exit active on partition <n>
p<n>.force.arm0Rno force arm triggered on partition <n>
1Rforce arm triggered by auto arm on partition <n>
p<n>.arm.ready0Rpartition <n> not ready to arm
1Rpartition <n> ready to arm
p<n>.force.arm.ready0Rpartition <n> not ready to force arm
1Rpartition <n> ready to force arm
p<n>.chime0Rchime off on partition <n>
1Rchime on on partition <n>
p<n>.error.beep0Rerror beep off on partition <n>
1Rerror beep on on partition <n>
p<n>.tone0Ractivation tone off on partition <n>
1Ractivation tone on on partition <n>
p<n>.entry.10Rentry 1 inactive on partition <n>
1Rentry 1 active on partition <n>
p<n>.phone.1.alarm0Rno alarm sent using phone number 1 on partition <n>
1Ralarm sent using phone number 1 on partition <n>
p<n>.phone.2.alarm0Rno alarm sent using phone number 2 on partition <n>
1Ralarm sent using phone number 2 on partition <n>
p<n>.phone.3.alarm0Rno alarm sent using phone number 3 on partition <n>
1Ralarm sent using phone number 3 on partition <n>
p<n>.keyswitch.armed0Rkeyswitch not armed on partition <n>
1Rkeyswitch armed on partition <n>
z<n>.name<text>Rname of zone <n> is set to <text>
z<n>.open0Rzone <n> is closed
1Rzone <n> is open
z<n>.tamper0Rzone <n> is not tampered
1Rzone <n> is tampered
z<n>.trouble0Rzone <n> OK
1Rtroubles on zone <n>
z<n>.bypassed0Rzone <n> not bypassed
1Rzone <n> bypassed
toggleWtoggle the bypass status on zone <n>
z<n>.inhibited0Rzone <n> not inhibited
1Rzone <n> inhibited
z<n>.battery.low0Rzone <n> battery OK
1Rzone <n> battery low
z<n>.supervision.loss0Rsupervision OK on zone <n>
1Rloss of supervision on zone <n>
z<n>.alarm.mem0Ralarm memory flag not set on zone <n>
1Ralarm memory flag set on zone <n>
z<n>.bypass.mem0Rbypass memory flag not set on zone <n>
1Rbypass memory flag set on zone <n>
user<n>.name<text>Rname of user <n> is set to <text>
comm.fail0Rcommunication OK
1Rcommunication failure
fuse.fault0Rfuse OK
1Rfuse fault
panel.tamper0Rpanel box not tampered
1Rpanel box tampered
siren.tamper0Rsiren OK
1Rsiren tampered
battery.low0Rbattery OK
1Rbattery low
ac.fail0RAC OK
1RAC failure
expander.tamper0Rexpander box not tampered
1Rexpander box tampered’s AC OK
1Rexpander’s AC failure
expander.battery.low0Rexpander’s battery OK
1Rexpander’s battery low
expander.fault0Rexpander OK
1Rgeneral fault for the expander
buzzer0Rglobal buzzer off
1Rglobal buzzer on
siren0Rglobal siren off
1Rglobal siren on
steady.siren0Rglobal steady siren off
1Rglobal steady siren on
bus.fault0Rbus line OK
1Rbus device had line seized
ac.power0RAC power off
1RAC power on
battery.low.mem0Rlow battery memory flag not set
1Rlow battery memory flag set
powerup.delay0Rno power up delay in progress
1Rpower up delay in progress
walk.test0Rwalk-test mode off
Wstop walk-test mode
1Rwalk-test mode active
Wstart walk-test mode
time.loss0Rsystem time ok
1Rloss of system time
1Wactivate auxiliary function 1
1Wactivate auxiliary function 2
fireWissue the fire panic command
medicalWissue the medical panic command
policeWissue the police panic command
resetWsmoke detector reset
1Wperform test
commandrestartWrestart the driver
clockreadWrequest the reading of the panel’s clock value
<val>Rthe panel’s clock is set to <val>. The used format is "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" (e.g. 2012-08-30 16:30:00). This datapoint is only updated after a request with the command "clock = read"
Wset the panel’s clock to <val>. One of the following formats must be used: * "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm", e.g. 2012-08-30 16:30 * "yy/mm/dd-wd-hh:mm", where wd represents the day of the week (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ..., 7 = Saturday), e.g. 12/08/30-5-16:30
x10.<house>.<unit>onWsend the on command to the unit with the specified address in the specified house (e.g. x10.a.2 addresses unit 2 of house A)
offWsend the off command to the unit with the specified address in the specified house (e.g. x10.a.2 addresses unit 2 of house A)
dimWsend the dim command to the unit with the specified address in the specified house (e.g. x10.a.2 addresses unit 2 of house A)
brightWsend the bright command to the unit with the specified address in the specified house (e.g. x10.a.2 addresses unit 2 of house A)
x10.<house>.alloffWsend the off command to the all the units in the specified house (e.g. x10.b.all)
x10.<house>.lightsonWsend the on command to all the light units in the specified house
offWsend the off command to all the light units in the specified house

CS507 Configuration

The I/O Server also allows to configure and to check the saved configuration of a CS507 add-on module connected to the panel.

To read and write the configuration saved on the module use the following datapoints:

cs507.<addr>.out<n>readWrequest the reading of the configuration of output <n> on the module with address <addr>
<out-value>Routput <n> on the module with address <addr> is configured as described by <out-value>, updated only after a read request
Wwrite <out-value> to output <n> on the module with address <addr>
cs507.<addr>.prog<n>readWrequest the reading of the configuration of time-program <n> on the module with address <addr>
<prog-value>Rthe time-program <n> on the module with address <addr> is configured as described by <prog-value>, updated only after a read request
Wwrite <prog-value> to the time-program <n> on the module with address <addr>
cs507.<addr>.holidays.<n>readWrequest the reading of the days set as holidays for month <n> (1 = January, 12 = December) on the module with address <addr>
<holidays-value>Rthe holidays for month <n> on the module with address <addr> are set to <holidays-value>, updated only after a read request
Wset <holidays-value> as holidays for month <n> on the module with address <addr>
cs507.<addr>.user<n>readWrequest the reading of the configuration of user <n> on the module with address <addr>
<user-value>Ruser <n> on the module with address <addr> is configured as described by <user-value>, updated only after a read request
Wwrite <user-value> to user <n> on the module with address <addr>
Outputs Configuration Values

The output configuration value <out_value> has the following format:


it is a comma-separated list of the following parameters:

  • ev = number of the event associated to this output
  • par = value of the parameter associated to the specified event (e.g. user or zone number)
  • d = duration of the event
  • f1 ... f8 = '1' if the flag is set, '0' otherwise. f1 sets the Timing in minutes flag; f2 corresponds to Memorized; f3 to Interrupt with code; f4 to Outside time slot; f5 to Inside time slot; f6 to Inverted; f7 to Save in events memory; f8 to Disable new auto-arm
  • a1 .. a8 = '1' if the area flag is set, '0' otherwise. a1 corresponds to area 1 and so on
  • p1 .. p8 = '1' if the time-program flag is set, '0' otherwise. p1 corresponds to program 1 and so on
  • X10_addr = X10 address associated with the output (e.g. "A3")
Time-programs Configuration Values

The time-program configuration value <prog_value> has the following format:


it is a comma-separated list of the following parameters:

  • start = starting time of the program. It must be formatted as HH:MM (e.g. 14:30)
  • end = ending time of the program. It must be formatted as HH:MM (e.g. 14:30)
  • sun ... sat = '1' if the program is active on the corresponding day, '0' otherwise
  • holidays = '1' if this program is disabled during the configured holidays, '0' otherwise
Holidays Configuration Values

The holidays configuration value <holidays_value> has the following format:


it is a comma-separated list of the 8 days set as holidays for the specified month. If less than 8 days are set, then the remaining days are set to 0.

Users Configuration Values

The user configuration value <user_value> has the following format:


where <o1> ... <o8> are set to '1' if the corresponding output is enabled for the user, '0' otherwise.

User Interface

UISET Actions

connection.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint connection = offline
falsewhen datapoint connection = online
p<n>.armed.0.labelvisibletruewhen partition <n> is disarmed
falsewhen partition <n> is armed
p<n>.armed.away.labelvisibletruewhen partition <n> is armed in "away" mode
falsewhen partition <n> is not armed in "away" mode
p<n>.armed.stay.labelvisibletruewhen partition <n> is armed in "stay" mode
falsewhen partition <n> is not armed in "stay" mode
<datapoint_id>.1.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
<datapoint_id>.0.labelvisibletruewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '0'
falsewhen datapoint with ID <datapoint_id> has value '1'

USER Commands

armed0disarm all partitions
stayarm all partitions in "stay" mode
awayarm all partitions in "away" mode
autoinitiate auto-arm on all partitions
p<n>.armed0disarm partition <n>
stayarm partition <n> in "stay" mode
awayarm partition <n> in "away" mode
autoinitiate auto-arm on partition <n>
p<n>.cancel1issue cancel command on partition <n>
p<n>.buzzer1start buzzer on partition <n>
p<n>.exit.silent1enable silent exit for this arm cycle on partition <n>
Z<n>.bypassedtoggletoggle the bypass status of zone <n>
p<n>.chime.modetoggletoggle chime mode on partition <n>
walk.test0stop walk-test mode
1start walk-test mode
1activate auxiliary function 1
1activate auxiliary function 2
fireissue the fire panic command
medicalissue the medical panic command
policeissue the police panic command
resetsmoke detector reset
1perform test
commandrestartrestarts the driver

To perform this operation it is necessary to enter the user code first. To enter the user code through the user interface use buttons to create a virtual keypad and assign them name and param values according to this table:

digit{0 ... 9}append the specified digit to the entered user code
cdelete the last entered digit

To visualize the number of entered digits use 4 or 6 [[Text|text objects]] (depending on the number of digits used for user codes) and set their IDs to:

(0 ≤ <n> ≤ 5)
shows the character '*' when the corresponding digit has been entered, shows '_' otherwise

The entered code will be cleared after a short period of inactivity.

Csx75 UI Object

The user interface for the Aritech CSx75 multi-area security system.

Csx75 UI Object 1 Csx75 UI Object 2 Csx75 UI Object 3

The CSx75 object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Aritech CSx75 I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • partition: partition number of the Aritech CSx75 multi-area security system.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Log Files

A permanent record of all the CSX75 log messages, also shown in the log page, is saved in a file called security.log in the logs/YYYY directory for the current year.

This file is never overwritten or deleted by HSYCO.

2014.03.21 14:50:40.010 - cs - Disarmed - Partition 1
2014.03.21 14:52:01.322 - cs - Walk test mode on
2014.03.21 14:53:17.687 - cs - Walk test mode off
2014.03.21 14:53:28.852 - cs - Bypass - [2] Zona 2 n
2014.03.21 14:53:29.998 - cs - Armed (stay) - Partition 1
2014.03.21 14:53:32.557 - cs - Bypass restore - [2] Zona 2 n
2014.03.21 14:53:33.698 - cs - Disarmed - Partition 1
2014.03.21 17:17:03.364 - cs - Online
2014.03.21 17:40:42.664 - cs - Bypass - [2] Zona 2 n
2014.03.21 17:40:43.859 - cs - Armed (stay) - Partition 1
2014.03.21 17:40:48.772 - cs - Bypass restore - [2] Zona 2 n
2014.03.21 17:40:50.067 - cs - Disarmed - Partition 1
2014.03.21 17:48:25.277 - cs - Bypass - [1] Zona 1 n
2014.03.21 17:48:26.729 - cs - Bypass restore - [1] Zona 1 n

Other information related to the Aritech CSx75 driver are saved in the daily message.log files

Release Notes


  • fixed partition status alignment when transitioning directly from "away" to "stay" armed mode


  • added possibility to specify zone names in csx75.ini


  • added 'maxzone' option
  • added X10 commands


  • error log messages changed
  • fixed bug that prevented to delete the first entered pin digit
  • bug fix: user.IOStartupEvent() was not called at startup


  • modified event ID.clock


  • added the CS507 add-on module configuration


  • initial version release

CSx75 and Aritech are registered trademarks of GE Security.