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The Bosch MAP panels are multi-area intrusion detection systems.

The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via Ethernet connection.

HSYCO Configuration

Add a BOSCHMAP I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: IP address of the panel
  • IP Port: TCP/IP port to use, leave blank to use default port 6793.


  • Password: password set on for the BIS user. Leave blank to use the default password.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval30n > 0number of seconds between consecutive requests of the open status of points. A low value can overload the panel


The boschmap.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory. This file is required to specify which areas and points are configured on the panel and to assign them a name.

Add a new line for each area followed by a new line for each point belonging to that area, using the following format:

<io_server_id>.<area_siid> = <name>
<io_server_id>.<point_siid> = <name>

where <area_siid>/<point_siid> is the security identifier of the area/point as specified in the configuration software of the panel.

For instance:

bsc.1.1.ControlPanelArea.1.1 = Control Panel

bsc.1.1.Area.2.4 = Internal area
bsc.1.1.Point.01001.006 = Front door
bsc.1.1.Point.01001.007 = Back door

bsc.1.1.Area.2.5 = External area
bsc.1.1.Point.01001.008 = Gate

specifies three areas: the Control Panel area with no points, an internal area with two points and an external area with one point.


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
alarm(1)0Rno alarm
1Ralarm active
armed0Rno area armed
1Rat least one area armed
trouble(1)0Rno trouble
1Rtrouble active
tamper(1)0Rno tamper
1Rtamper active
user.tamper(1)0Rno user tamper
1Ruser tamper active
<siid>.name<name>Rthe name of the area/point is set to <name>
<area_siid>.armed0Rarea disarmed
Wdisarm the area
1Rarea all armed, delayed
Warm all the area, delayed
2Rarea all armed, delayed with bypass
Warm all the area, instant
3Rarea all armed, instant
Warm the area partially, delayed
4Rarea al armed, instant with bypass
Warm the area partially, instant
5Rarea partially armed, delayed
Wcustom-arm the area, delayed
6Rarea partially armed, delayed with bypass
Wcustom-arm the area, instant
7Rarea partially armed, instant
Warm all the area, delay zero
8Rarea partially armed, instant with bypass
Warm the area partially, delay zero
9Rarea custom armed, delayed
Wcustom-arm the area, delay zero
10Rarea custom armed, delayed with bypass
11Rarea custom armed, instant
12Rarea custom armed, instant with bypass
<area_siid>.clearmem1Wclear active events (alarm, trouble etc) in the area
<x>.<y>.area.0.0.clearmem1Wclear active events from all level 2 areas (except Control Panel Areas)
<area_siid>.ready.arm.instant0Rthe area is not ready to be armed instantly
1Rthe area is ready to be armed instantly
<area_siid>.ready.arm.delay0Rthe area is not ready to be armed with delay
1Rthe area is ready to be armed with delay
<area_siid>.ready.disarm0Rthe area is not ready to be disarmed
1Rthe area is ready to be disarmed
<area_siid>.force.instant0Rthe area is not ready to be force armed instantly
1Rthe area is ready to be force armed instantly
<area_siid>.force.delay0Rthe area is not ready to be force armed with delay
1Rthe area is ready to be force armed with delay
<area_siid>.bypassed0Rno bypassed devices in this area
1Rthere are bypassed devices in this area
<area_siid>.alarm0Rno active alarm
1Ralarm active
<area_siid>.trouble0Rno trouble
1Rtrouble active
<area_siid>.tamper0Rno tamper
1Rtamper active
<point_siid>.blocked0Rpoint not blocked
1Rpoint blocked
<point_siid>.bypassed0Rpoint not bypassed
Wunbypass point
1Rpoint bypassed swinger
Wbypass point
2Rpoint bypassed auto
3Rpoint bypassed force
4Rpoint bypassed manual
<point_siid>.open0Rpoint closed
1Rpoint open
readWrequest the reading of the point's open state
<point_siid>.reset1Wreset the point
<point_siid>.alarm(2)0Rno alarm
<point_siid>.holdup(2)0Rno holdup alarm
1Rholdup alarm
<point_siid>.duress(2)0Rno duress alarm
1Rduress alarm
<point_siid>.tamper(2)0Rno tamper alarm
1Rtamper alarm
<device_siid>.tamper(2)0Rno tamper alarm
1Rdevice tampered
<device_siid>.trouble(2)0Rno trouble
1Rtrouble on device
<device_siid>.alarm(2)0Rno alarm
1Ralarm on device
<device_siid>.active(2)0Rdevice deactivated
1Rdevice active

Note 1

These datapoints are only updated after the startup phase, i.e. events are generated only for events occurring after the driver is online.

Note 2

These datapoints, if their value is 1, generate events at startup even if the startupevents option is set to false.

Release Notes


  • added "clearmem" datapoints
  • added "armed" datapoint
  • improved communication error handling


  • initial version release

Bosch is a registered trademark of Bosch Security Systems.