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This driver can read the status and send control commands to a NETIO power socket, using the HTTP JSON API protocol with basic authentication (username and password).

NETIO supported models are: PowerCable REST 101x, PowerPDU 4C, PowerPDU 4PS, PowerDIN 4PZ, PowerBOX 3Px, 4, 4All.

Device Configuration

The device should be configured with a static IP address, or a fixed DHCP assigned address.

On the device's configuration page go to section M2M API Protocol and configure JSON API protocol:

  • Enable JSON API
  • Enable READ
  • Enable WRITE

Netio configuration

You should change the JSON API username and password.

HSYCO Configuration

Add the NETIO I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • IP Address: local IP address of NETIO device
  • Port: leave it blank


  • User: JSON API username, as set with device web configuration page
  • Password: JSON API password, as set with device web configuration page


startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval1000n >= 100data acquisition interval, in milliseconds, from the power socket


connectiononlineRthe power socket is online and the driver is receiving data from it
offlineRinitialization of the driver failed or loop cycle failed
o<n>onWturn on output <n>
offWturn off output <n>
flipWpower switch on output <n>
0Routput <n> is off
Wturn off output <n>
1Routput <n> is on
Wturn on output <n>
off&Wturn off output <n> for a short time (short off)
off&<t>Wturn off output <n> for <t> milliseconds
on&Wturn on output <n> for a short time (short on)
on&<t>Wturn on output <n> for <t> milliseconds
model<text>Rdevice model
fwversion<text>Rfirmware version
jsonversion<text>RJSON protocol version
name<text>Rdevice name
macaddress<text>Rdevice MAC address
serialnum<text>Rdevice serial number
uptime<val>Rtime, in minutes, since device startup
numoutputs<n>Rnumber of device outputs
numinputs<n>Rnumber of device inputs
voltage<val>Rinstantaneous device voltage, in Volt
frequency<val>Rinstantaneous device frequency, in Hertz
totcurrent<val>Rinstantaneous total current through all power outputs, in milliampere
opf<val>Rinstantaneous True Power Factor weighted average from all meters
phase<val>Rinstantaneous phase weighted average from all meters
totload<val>Rtotal power of all power outputs, in Watt
totenergy<val>Rinstantaneous value of the Total Energy counter (Wh)
o<n>.name<text>Routput <n> name, defined in web configuration page
o<n>.delay<val>Routput <n> delay for short On/Off, in milliseconds
o<n>.current<val>Rinstantaneous current of output <n>, in milliampere
o<n>.pf<val>Rinstantaneous True Power Factor of output <n>
o<n>.phase<val>Rinstantaneous phase of output <n>
o<n>.load<val>Rtotal power of output <n>
o<n>.energy<val>Rinstantaneous value of the energy counter of output <n> (Wh)
o<n>.rvenergy<val>Rinstantaneous value of the reverse energy counter of output <n> (Wh)
i<n>1Rinput <n> is on
0Rinput <n> is off
i<n>.name<text>Rinput <n> name, defined in web configuration page
i<n>.s0counter<val>Rs0 counter value of input <n>

Release Notes


  • initial release

NETIO is a registered trademark of NETIO Products a.s.