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Aritech ATS (ATS 2010 ATS 3010 ATS 4010 ATS 4510) panels are multi-area intrusion detection systems. The integration with HSYCO can be accomplished via direct control through the RS-232 port on the serial module. The ATS I/O Server supports the integration of more than one unit within the same HSYCO interface. This driver requires ATS firmware 4.0.19 or superior. The communication protocol must be unencrypted and the computer communication security password set to all zeros.


Employ an RS-232 cable (ATS code 1632) to connect the panel (board 1801) directly to HSYCO or to an Ethernet/RS-232 gateway. The communication protocol must be unencrypted and the computer communication security password set to all zeros. This drive has been tested with firmware version 4.09.27 and Titan version 2.03.8

The cable must follow this pinout diagram:

RS-232 parameters:

Baud ratesame as panel settings (default 4800)
Data bits8
Stop bit1
Flow controlRTS/CTS

HSYCO Configuration

Add an ATS I/O Server in the I/O Servers section of the Settings and set its parameters:


  • Comm ID: select the comm port connected to the panel.

High Availability

  • Shutdown when inactive: defaults to true.


guitruetrueenable support for the UI object, UISET actions and USER commands
falsedisable UI support
startupeventsfalsetruegenerate IO events also during the driver’s start-up phase
falsestart generating events only after HSYCO is aligned with the current status of the system
pollinterval5n > 0the data acquisition interval, in seconds
logsize20n ≥ 0the number of log lines to display in the UI object
maxzone2560 ... 256highest zone index set on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances
maxoutput2560 ... 256highest output index set on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances
maxras160 ... 16highest RAS (Remote Arming Station) index set on the panel. This option is recommended to improve the I/O Server's performances


The ats.ini file is a specific configuration file located in the root directory. Here you can define the names of zones and areas so that they will be automatically added to the user interface.

Add a new line for each name using this format:

<io_server_id>.zone.<n> = <name>
<io_server_id>.area.<n> = <name>

For instance: = Kitchen = Corridor
ats.area.1 = Floor 1


connectiononlineRconnection established
offlineRHSYCO can't connect to the panel
armed1Rat least one area is armed
Warm all active areas
0Rno area is armed
Wdisarm all active areas
alarm1Rat least one area is in alarm
0Rno area is in alarm
resetWreset system alarms
clockreadWrequest the reading of the panel’s clock value
<date_time>Rthe panel’s clock is set to <date_time>. The value has the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" (e.g. "2012-12-30 16:59:23"). This event is only triggered after a request.
a<n>.name<text>Rarea <n> has been assigned the name <text>
z<n>.name<text>Rzone <n> has been assigned the name <text>
a<n>.armed1Rarea <n> is armed
Warm area <n>
0Rarea <n> is disarmed
Wdisarm area <n>
forceWforce arm area <n>
a<n>.alarm1Rarea <n> is in alarm
0Rarea <n> is not in alarm
a<n>.open1Rarea <n> has open zones
0Rarea <n> has no open zones
a<n>.isolated1Rarea <n> has isolated zones
0Rarea <n> has no isolated zones
a<n>.exit1Rexit time is active on area <n>
0Rexit time is not active on area <n>
a<n>.entry1Rentry time is active on area <n>
0Rentry time is not active on area <n>
a<n>.alarm.local1Rlocal alarms are active on area <n>
0Rno local alarm is active on area <n>
a<n>.warning1Rconsole warning is active on area <n>
0Rconsole warning is not active on area <n>
z<n>.state1[Note]tamperRtamper active on zone <n>
alarmRalarm active on zone <n>
closedRzone <n> closed
nightRnight holdup active on zone <n>
localRlocal alarm active on zone <n>
isolatedRzone <n> isolated
z<n>.state2[Note]shortRzone <n> in short circuit
openRzone <n> open
closedRzone <n> closed
activeRzone <n> active
maskedRzone <n> masked
z<n>.isolated1Wisolate zone <n>
0Wde-isolate zone <n>
z<n>.alarmresetWreset alarms on zone <n>
o<n>.active1Routput <n> is active
Wactivate output <n>
0Routput <n> is not active
Wdeactivate output <n>
o<n>.inverted1Routput <n> is inverted
0Routput <n> is not inverted
ras<n>.offline1RRAS <n> is offline
0RRAS <n> is online
ras<n>.tamper1RRAS <n> is tampered
0RRAS <n> is not tampered
ras<n>.isolated1RRAS <n> is isolated
0RRAS <n> is not isolated
ras<n>.inhibited1RRAS <n> is inhibited
0RRAS <n> is not inhibited
dgp<n>.offline1RDGP <n> is offline
0RDGP <n> is online
dgp<n>.isolated1RDGP <n> is isolated
0RDGP <n> is not isolated
dgp<n>.inhibited1RDGP <n> is inhibited
0RDGP <n> is not inhibited
dgp<n>.battery.missing1Rbattery missing on DGP <n>
0Rbattery ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.battery.low1Rbattery low on DGP <n>
0Rbattery ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.battery.test1Rbattery test active on DGP <n>
0Rno battery test active on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.battery.test.fail1Rbattery test failed on DGP <n>
0Rbattery test ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.mains.fail1Rmains failure on DGP <n>
0Rmains ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.fuse.fail1Rfuse failure on DGP <n>
0Rfuses ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.siren.fail1Rsiren failure on DGP <n>
0Rsiren ok on DGP <n>
dgp<n>.tamper1RDGP <n> is tampered
0RDGP <n> is not tampered


The value of a zone status (datapoints z<n>.state1 and z<n>.state2) depends on the configuration of the zone typology.

User Interface

UISET Actions

log<n>valuethe line <n> of the log list (<n> from 1 to 20, <n> = 1 : latest entry)
log0valuethe latest line of the log for a short period
a<n>.namevaluethe name assigned to area <n>
z<n>.namevaluethe name assigned to zone <n>
connection.labelvisibletrue when the system is not connected to HSYCO, false otherwise
armed.label.1visibletrue when at least one area is armed, not visible otherwise
armed.label.0visibletrue when no area is armed, not visible otherwise
alarm.label.1visibletrue when at least one area is in alarm, not visible otherwise
alarm.label.0visibletrue when no area is in alarm, not visible otherwise
a<n>.armed.label.1visibletrue when area <n> is armed, not visible otherwise
a<n>.armed.label.0visibletrue when area <n> is not armed, not visible otherwise
a<n>.alarm.label.1visibletrue when area <n> is in alarm, not visible otherwise
a<n>.alarm.label.0visibletrue when area <n> is not in alarm, not visible otherwise
a<n>.open.label.1visibletrue when area <n> has open zones, not visible otherwise
a<n>.open.label.0visibletrue when area <n> has no open zone, not visible otherwise
a<n>.isolated.label.1visibletrue when area <n> has isolated zones, not visible otherwise
a<n>.isolated.label.0visibletrue when area <n> has no isolated zone, not visible otherwise
a<n>.exit.label.1visibletrue when the exit time is active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.exit.label.0visibletrue when the exit time is not active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.entry.label.1visibletrue when the entry time is active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.entry.label.0visibletrue when the entry time is not active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.alarm.local.label.1visibletrue when local alarms are active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.alarm.local.label.0visibletrue when no local alarm is active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.warning.label.1visibletrue when the console warning is active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
a<n>.warning.label.0visibletrue when the console warning is not active on area <n>, not visible otherwise
o<n>.active.label.1visibletrue when output <n> is active, not visible otherwise
o<n>.active.label.0visibletrue when output <n> is inactive, not visible otherwise
o<n>.inverted.label.1visibletrue if output <n> is inverted, not visible otherwise
o<n>.inverted.label.0visibletrue if output <n> is not inverted, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.offline.label.1visibletrue if RAS <n> is offline, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.offline.label.0visibletrue if RAS <n> is online, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.tamper.label.1visibletrue when RAS <n> is tampered, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.tamper.label.0visibletrue when RAS <n> is not tampered, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.isolated.label.1visibletrue if RAS <n> is isolated, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.isolated.label.0visibletrue if RAS <n> is not isolated, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.inhibited.label.1visibletrue if RAS <n> is inhibited, not visible otherwise
ras<n>.inhibited.label.0visibletrue if RAS <n> is not inhibited, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.offline.label.1visibletrue if DGP <n> is offline, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.offline.label.0visibletrue if DGP <n> is online, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.isolated.label.1visibletrue if DGP <n> is isolated, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.isolated.label.0visibletrue if DGP <n> is not isolated, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.inhibited.label.1visibletrue if DGP <n> is inhibited, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.inhibited.label.0visibletrue if DGP <n> is not inhibited, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.missing.label.1visibletrue if the battery of DGP <n> is missing, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.missing.label.0visibletrue if the battery of DGP <n> is ok, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.test.label.1visibletrue if the battery test is active on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.test.label.0visibletrue if the battery test is not active on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.low.label.1visibletrue if the battery of DGP <n> is low, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.battery.low.label.0visibletrue if the battery of DGP <n> is ok, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if a mains failure is active on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if no mains failure is active on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if the battery test failed on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if the battery test succeeded on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if a fuse failed on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if no fuse failed on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if a siren failed on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n> if no siren failed on DGP <n>, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.tamper.label.1visibletrue when DGP <n> is tampered, not visible otherwise
dgp<n>.tamper.label.0visibletrue when DGP <n> is not tampered, not visible otherwise

USER Commands

armed1arm all active areas
0disarm all active areas
alarmresetreset system alarms
a<n>.armed1arm area <n>
0disarm area <n>
forceforce arm area <n>
z<n>.isolated1isolate zone <n>
0de-isolate zone <n>
z<n>.alarmresetreset alarms on zone <n>
o<n>.active1activate output <n>
0deactivate output <n>

ATS UI Object

The user interface for the Aritech ATS multi-area intrusion detection system:

Ats UI Object 1 Ats 5 UI Object 2 Ats UI Object 3

The Ats object is listed in the Project Editor’s new object list only when at least one Aritech ATS I/O Server is defined.


  • server id: the server ID.
  • position: the object's position. Use the pixels or rows and columns coordinates format

Release Notes


  • bug fix: polling failure occurring for a high number of zones


  • added event .clock
  • removed I/O Server option maxdgp


  • initial release

ATS and Aritech are registered trademarks of UTC Fire & Security.