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The table object displays data in a tabular format. It can operate in two modes: uiset and datasource, which are controlled by the Data Mode attribute.

In items mode, the table's data is populated with a uiSet of the Items attribute.

In datasource mode, the table's data is populated with a connected datasource, set in the Datasource ID attribute. The table's columns are defined in the Columns attribute.


If a Command Name is specified, the table sends commands to the server when actions are performed.

In items mode, commands are always sent for the following actions: add, edit, delete, move, import.

In datasource mode, a command is always sent for move actions.

For additional information on commands and their parameters, see the Commands attribute.

For a tutorial on how to use a table, see:

Table Tutorial Time Lights




Sets the object's ID.

The ID identifies the object and is used to reference it in UISet actions, allowing to change its attributes dynamically.

The ID is not unique, it can be shared among multiple objects to quickly change a common attribute.

IDs can't be changed with a UISet action, but they can have a Value Binding assigned to them. Value Bindings on IDs allow an object to be dinamically attached to a set of attribute values.

E.g. the following Value Binding switches the ID of the object between mybutton1 and mybutton2 based on the value of the UISet button.address:

Value binding: ="mybutton" + ui('button', 'address')

UISet: UISet('button', 'address', '1') switches the ID to mybutton1 UISet('button', 'address', '2') switches the ID to mybutton2

Position and Size


Sets the object's position.

The default value is: x0y0.

Attribute Values
x<left>y<top>Specify left/top coordinates in pixels.x10y20

Flex Grow

Specifies if the objects should grow to fill the available space.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Objects expand to fill the available space.
falseObjects do not grow to fill the available space.

Flex Shrink

Specifies if the objects should shrink to fit the available space.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Objects shrink to fit the available space.
falseObjects do not shrink to fit the available space.


Sets the object's width in pixels.

Minimum value is 1.


Sets the object's height in pixels.

Minimum value is 1.


Data Mode

Specifies the object's data mode, which controls the way the table's data is populated.

In items mode, the data is populated with a uiSet of the items attribute. In this mode, commands are sent to the server for the following user actions: add, edit, move and delete.

The default value is: items.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
itemsDefault value. Data is populated using the "items" attribute.
datasourceData is populated with a datasource.

Datasource ID

The datasource ID that connects to the table to control its data.

Attribute Values
[Datasource ID]The datasource ID as defined on the server.


Specifies the table's content with an array of arrays (rows, columns).

Attribute Values
<array>The array of rows and columns.[[1,"one"],[2,"two"]

Command Name

Specifies the command name used to send all table related commands (see the Command attribute).

The default value is: =id.

Attribute Values
<string>Command name.


Specifies the set of commands that are sent to the server when the user performs specific actions.

In items mode, the following commands are always sent: add, edit, delete, move.

In datasource mode, the following commands are always sent: move.

Each command is sent with the name specified in the Command Name attribute, or table ID, and a JSON parameter based on the command type.

Commands prefixed with pre- can be be cancelled by the server, for example in case it's not allowed, by adding the cancel property to the JSON reply.

{ "cancel": "true" }

Otherwise the action is performed locally by the client.

All commands involving the edit popup (pre-add, pre-edit, pre-duplicate, edit-change) can also specify a field property in the JSON reply, which applies changes to the edit popup fields. Each field is identified by its name, and the properties are a selection of the column a Note: some attributes trigger a redraw of the edit popup. The following attributes can be specified:

  • type - the field type (redraws the edit popup)
  • visible - whether the field is visible (redraws the edit popup)
  • value - the value of the field
  • enabled - whether the field is enabled
  • placeholder - the placeholder of the field
  • readonly - whether the field is readonly
  • items - the items of a select field in "items" mode
  • list - the items of a select field in "list" mode
  • prefix - the prefix of the field
  • suffix - the suffix of the field
  • clearbutton - whether the clear button is visible
  • required - whether the field is required
  • focustooltip - the tooltip of the field when focused
  • error - the error message of the field
  • errortooltip - the tooltip of the error message
  • multienabled - if multiple rows are being edited, whether the field is checked for editing

E.g. { "fields": { "field1": { "value": "new value", "enabled": "false", "type": "select", ... }, ... } }

All standard command reply parameters are also supported (page, error, etc.). For example, to cancel an edit action and display a modal popup, the server can send:

{ "cancel": "true", "page": "page:error_popup" }


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
pre-addSends a command when the user starts adding a row, including the default values of all fields.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "pre-add", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }

In the JSON reply, the server can specify UISets for specific edit fields attributes:
{ "fields": { "<field name>": { "value": "value", "enabled": "false", "type":"select", ... }, ... } }

This action can be canceled by the server, by specifying in the JSON reply:
{ "cancel": "true" }

Note: this command will block the UI until the server replies.
pre-editSends a command when the user starts editing a row, including the row key and the current values of all fields.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "pre-edit", "key": "<row key>", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }
The key property is the key of the edited row.

For multiple row updates, the key property is replaced by the keys property, which is an array of keys:
{ "action": "pre-edit", "keys": ["<row key>", ...], "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }

For inline edits, an inline property is added to the command parameter:
{ "action": "pre-edit", "key": "<row key>", "field": "<field name>", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>" }, "inline": "true" }

In the JSON reply, the server can specify UISets for specific edit fields attributes:
{ "fields": { "<field name>": { "value": "value", "enabled": "false", "type":"select", ... }, ... } }

This action can be canceled by the server, by specifying in the JSON reply:
{ "cancel": "true" }

Note: this command will block the UI until the server replies.
pre-deleteSends a command when the user starts deleting a row, including the row key.
This event is sent only if Delete Confirm is not false.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "pre-delete", "keys": ["<row key>", ...] }
The keys property is an array of all the deleted rows' keys.

This action can be canceled by the server, by specifying in the JSON reply:
{ "cancel": "true" }

Note: this command will block the UI until the server replies.
pre-duplicateSends a command when the user starts duplicating a row, including the row key and the current values of all fields.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "pre-duplicate", "key": "<row key>", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }
The key property is the key of the edited row.

For multiple row updates, the key property is replaced by the keys property, which is an array of keys:
{ "action": "pre-duplicate", "keys": ["<row key>", ...], "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }

In the JSON reply, the server can specify UISets for specific edit fields attributes:
{ "<field name>": { "value": "value", "enabled": "false", "type": "select", ... }, ... }

This action can be canceled by the server, by specifying in the JSON reply:
{ "cancel": "true" }

Note: this command will block the UI until the server replies.
addSends a command when the user inserts a row (confirms the add).
The command parameter is a JSON:
{ "action": "insert", "data": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }
The data property is a JSON containing the values of the fields of the inserted row.
editSends a command when the user updates a row (confirms the edit).
The command parameter is a JSON:
{ "action": "update", "key": "<row key>", "data": { "<field name>":"<value>", ... } }
The key property is the key of the updated row.
The data property is a JSON containing the values of the fields of the updated row.
For multiple row updates, the key property is replaced by the keys property, which is an array of keys:
{ "action": "update", "keys": ["<row key>", ...], "data": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }
For inline edits, an inline property is added to the command parameter:
{ "action": "update", "key": "<row key>", "field": "<field name>", "value": "<value>", "inline": "true" }.
deleteSends a command when the user confirms the deletion of a row.
The command parameter is a JSON:
{ "action": "delete", "keys": ["<row key>", ...] }
The keys property is an array of all the deleted rows' keys.
moveSends a command when the user attempts to move a row.
The command parameter is a JSON:
{ "action": "move", "key": "<row key>", "after": "<row key>" }
{ "action": "move", "key": "<row key>", "before": "<row key>" }
The key property is the key of the moved row.
To specify the position of the row, use either the after or before property.
The after property is the key of the row after which the row is moved.
The before property is the key of the row before which the row is moved.
importSends a command when the user imports data from a file.
The command parameter is a JSON:
{ "action": "import", "columns": "<column ids>", "rows": [...] }
The columns property is a comma-separated list of column ids.
The rows property is an array of arrays, each array representing a row.
edit-changeSends a command when the user changes the value of a field in the add/edit popup.
The command includes the row key, the id of the edited field and the current values of all fields, including disabled ones.
In multi-edit mode if a field has multiple values (and the field's edit checkbox is not checked), a null value is sent.

Command parameter:
{ "action": "edit-change", "key": "<row key>", "field": "<field name>", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }
The key property is the key of the edited row.

For multiple row updates, the key property is replaced by the keys property, which is an array of keys:
{ "action": "edit-change", "keys": ["<row key>", ...], "field": "<field name>", "values": { "<field name>": "<value>", ... } }

For inline edits, an inline property is added to the command parameter:
{ "action": "edit-change", "key": "<row key>", "field": "<field name>", "value": "<value>", "inline": "true" }

In the JSON reply, the server can specify UISets for specific edit fields attributes:
{ "fields": { "<field name>": { "value": "value", "enabled": "false", "type":"select", ... }, ... } }.
filterSends a command when the user changes the filter.

Command parameter:
{ "action": "filter", "filter": "<filter>" }
For column filters:
{ "action": "filter", "column": "<column index>", "columnFilters": { "": "<filter>" }.
selectSends a command when the user changes the selected rows.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "select", "keys": [...] }
The keys property is an array of all the selected rows' keys.
sortSends a command when the user changes the sort.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "sort", "column": "<column index>", "direction": "asc&#124;desc", "caseSensitive": "<true&#124;false>" }
The column property is the index of the column that is sorted.
The direction property is the sort direction.
The caseSensitive property is true if the sort is case sensitive.
The sort is always local, but this command is useful in case the table is showing only a subset of the data, and the server needs to know the current sort order to return the correct data.
row-clickSent only when rowaction is set to command.

Sends a command when the user clicks on a row.
Command parameter:
{ "action": "row-click", "key": "<row key>" }
The key property is the key of the clicked row.



Specifies the table's columns.

Attribute Values
<JSON>A JSON defining the columns.

Frozen Left

Freezes a specified number of columns on the left.

Frozen columns won't move horizontally when the content of the table is scrolled and will overlap scrolling columns.

Columns that have the Hidden attribute set to false are not counted, so for example if the first column is hidden, Frozen Left = 1 will freeze the second column.

Columns with a variable Hidden attribute (e.g. it has value binding or it's set to edit etc.), are counted as visible columns

Minimum value is 0.

The default value is: 0.

Attribute Values
<int>The number of columns to freeze.

Frozen Right

Freezes a specified number of columns on the right.

Frozen columns won't move horizontally when the content of the table is scrolled and will overlap scrolling columns.

Columns that have the Hidden attribute set to false are not counted, so for example if the last column is hidden, Frozen Right = 1 will freeze the second column.

Columns with a variable Hidden attribute (e.g. it has value binding or it's set to edit etc.), are counted as visible columns

Minimum value is 0.

The default value is: 0.

Attribute Values
<int>The number of columns to freeze.

Resizable Columns

Specifies if the columns can be resized by the user.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Columns can't be resized.
trueColumns can be resized.
saveColumns can be resized and the new size is stored locally (in the localStorage of the browser).


Specifies if the table's rows are sortable by column. A command is sent if sort is specified in the Extra Commands attribute. This is useful for example when the table is showing only a subset of the data, and the server needs to know the current sort order to return the correct data.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Rows can't be sorted.
trueRows can be sorted.

Sort Column

Specifies the index of a column to apply a local sort. Hidden columns are counted too.

Minimum value is 0.

The default value is: 0.

Attribute Values
<int>The index of the column to be sorted.

Sort Direction

If "Sort Column" is specified, specifies the sort order to apply a local sort.

The default value is: none.

Attribute Values
noneDefault value. Not sorted.
ascSorted in ascending order.
descSorted in descending order.

Case Sensitive Sort

Specifies whether the local sort is case sensitive.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Case insensitive.
trueCase sensitive.


Row Height

Row height in pixels.

The default value is: 26.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<integer>Row height in pixels.30

Row CSS Class Field

Specifies a data field used to customize row appearance. The field's value is applied as a CSS class. Custom CSS Classes are specified within the ()[custom.css] file.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<index>If the data mode is items, this is the index of the column in items, that will be used as CSS class.0
<name>If the data mode is datasource, this is the name of the column in the specified datasource, that will be used as CSS

Row Action

Specifies the action to perform when a row is clicked.

If a cell is selectable or already has an action (e.g. button, switch...), the row action is not triggered when clicking on the cell.

The default value is: auto.

Attribute Values
autoDefault value. Select the row, if there's a selection column.
editEdit the row.
inline-editEdit the cell inline.
selectSelect the row.
commandSend a command with the name specified in the Command Name attribute and { "action": "row-click", "key": "<row key>" } as parameter.

Check the Commandsattribute for more information.
noneNo action.


Specifies the list of selected rows' key values.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
[comma-separated list]List of key values to select.

Edit Options

Edit Mode

Controls the edit mode. When edit mode is true, the edit, add, delete, import buttons appear (both in the bottom toolbar and in the columns, if defined).

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Edit not enabled.
trueEdit enabled.
toggleEdit mode can be toggled by the user.

Add Enabled

Specifies if the user can add items.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Adding items is enabled.
falseAdding items is disabled.

Edit Enabled

Specifies if the user can edit items.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Editing items is enabled.
falseEditing items is disabled.

Multi Edit Enabled

Specifies if the user can edit multiple items.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Editing multiple items is enabled.
falseEditing multiple items is disabled.

Delete Enabled

Specifies if the user can delete items.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Deleting items is enabled.
falseDeleting items is disabled.

Delete Confirm

Requires a confirmation before deleting the item(s).

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. No confirmation, the item(s) is deleted right away.
doubleclickA second click (or touch or enter key) is required to confirm the deletion.
popupA popup is displayed to ask for confirmation.

Delete Confirm Message

The confirmation message to be displayed if the "confirm" attribute is set to "popup".

Attribute Values
<string>The message to be displayed in the confirm popup.Are you sure?

Move Enabled

Specifies if the user can move items.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Moving items is enabled.
falseMoving items is disabled.

Import Enabled

Specifies if the user can import items from a CSV file.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Import is enabled.
falseImport is disabled.

Export Enabled

Specifies if the user can export items to a CSV file.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Export is enabled.
falseExport is disabled.

Edit Popup

Edit Popup Width

Specifies the edit popup's width in pixels.

Minimum value is 0.

The default value is: 300.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<int>Width in pixels.

Edit Popup Field Width

Specifies the width of the edit popup's fields in pixels.

Minimum value is 0.

The default value is: auto.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<int>Width in pixels.

Display Required Fields

Displays a symbol next to required fields' labels on the add/edit popup.

The default value is: true.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Display.


Item Label

Specifies a label to use when referring to the items. It's used in the bottom toolbar for the item count and elsewhere Singular and plural words can be specified by separating them with a pipe character ("|")

The default value is: item|items.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
<string>The item labels.`person

Show Item Count

Shows the item count in the bottom toolbar.

The default value is: true.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show.

Show Top Bottom Buttons

Shows up/down buttons to scroll the table to the top/bottom.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Hide.



Displays an input field for filtering the items. After typing a value in the field or setting the Filter Value attribute, any item that does not match the input will be hidden. A match occurs when the filter value is found anywhere within any item's fields ('value', 'label', etc).

The default value is: false.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Hides the filter field.
trueDisplay the filter field.
toggleUser can toggle the filter field's visibility.

Filter Placeholder

Specifies a short hint that is displayed in the filter field before the user enters a value. Describes the expected value of an input field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format)


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<string>A short hint.

Filter Value

Specifies a string used as filter value.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<string>The filter string.Jan 2015

Column Filters

Displays input fields on each column that filter the items.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Hides the columns' filter fields.
trueDisplay the columns' filter fields.
toggleUser can toggle the columns' filter fields visibility.


Import Preview

Displays a popup that previews how data is interpreted. It shows the number of items that will be inserted, updated, deleted, skipped and shows errors.

Note: the preview is based on the current datasource data set. It may not be accurate if the data set is filtered server side.

The default value is: true.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. True.

Import Settings

Shows a settings option on the preview popup, that allows the user to configure how the file is parsed.

User settings have the priority over the initial settings.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. False.

Export Filename

Specifies the filename of the exported CSV file, without path or extension.

The default is "table_<id>_<date>" where id is from either the object or the datasource.

CSV Separator

Specifies the CSV separator.

The default value is: ,.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<character>A single character.;

CSV Enclose

Specifies the CSV enclose character.

The default value is: ".


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<character>CSV enclose character.'

CSV Escape

Specifies the CSV escape character.

The default value is: ".


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<character>Escape character.\

CSV New Line

Specifies the CSV new line character.

The default value is: \n.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<string>New line character.\r\n



Shows a panel that frames the object. Its style can be modified.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Shows the panel.
falseHides the panel.

Panel Color

Specifies the panel color.

The default value is: default.

Attribute Values
defaultDefault value. Default color.
primaryPrimary color, used to highlight important areas.
warningWarning color, used to highlight warning areas.
successSuccess color, used to highlight success areas.
errorError color, used to highlight error areas.
red,blue,yellow,green,yellow,purple,orange,greenPalette colors.
customCustom color, defined in the "Custom Color" attribute.

Panel Custom Color

Specifies the panel custom color.

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Displays the column header.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. True.


Displays vertical and/or horizontal borders on every cell.

The default value is: none.

Attribute Values
noneDefault value. No borders.
verticalVertical borders.
horizontalHorizontal borders.
bothBoth vertical and horizontal borders.


Adds zebra-striping to rows.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. False.

Cell Background

Specifies the default cell's background color. Specific background colors can be set for a whole column or for specific cells (JSON Value = true or with Attribute bindings).

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Header Cell Background

Specifies the header, summary cells' background color.

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Fixed Cell Background

Specifies the fixed cells' background color.

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Cell Border Color

Specifies the cell's border color.

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Highlight Rows

Highlights rows on mouse over. Not available with touch devices.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. No higlight.
trueHighlight on mouse over.

Highlight Selected Rows

Highlights selected rows.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. No higlight.
trueHighlight selected rows.



Sets the object's visibility.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Visible.


Specifies if the object is enabled or disabled. A disabled object appears as grayed out and can't be interacted with.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Enabled.

Blinks the object at the specified speed.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Not blinking.
slowBlinks slowly.
fastBlinks fast.


Specifies the transition effect when the object is shown or hidden.

The default value is: none.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
noneDefault value. No transition.
fadeFade in/out.
fade-leftSlide from left and fade in/out.
fade-rightSlide from right and fade in/out.
fade-upSlide from top and fade in/out.
fade-downSlide from bottom and fade in/out.
slide-leftSlide from left.
slide-rightSlide from right.
slide-upSlide from top.
slide-downSlide from bottom.
zoom-inZoom in.
zoom-outZoom out.
3d-flip-left3D flip from left.
3d-flip-right3D flip from right.

Transition Duration

Specifies the transition duration in milliseconds.

The default value is: 300.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<integer>Duration in milliseconds.

Transition Delay

Specifies the transition delay in milliseconds.

The default value is: 0.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<integer>Delay in milliseconds.


Sets the object's opacity. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an object is hidden.

The default value is: 1.0.

Attribute Values
0The object is fully transparent.
>0.0, <1.0The object is translucent (content behind the element can be seen).
1.0Default value. The object is fully opaque.


Specifies the degrees by which the object is rotated. A positive number rotates it clockwise, while a negative value rotates it counter-clockwise.

The default value is: 0.

CSS Class

Specifies a CSS Class that applies to the object, useful to customize its appearance. Custom CSS Classes are specified within the custom.css file.


Specifies the margin of the object. The margin is the space outside the object's border.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<int>Specify the margin in pixels for all sides of the object.
<top> <right> <bottom> <left>Specify the margin in pixels for each side of the object.10 20 30 40

View Scale

Specifies the scale of the object. The scale is the ratio between the object's size and the size of the view it is contained in.

The default value is: 1.0.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<float>Specify the scale for both width and height of the object.



Specifies a comment, visible only in the Project Editor. It can be used to add a note or a tag to the object. The filter in the object's SELECT panel applies to the comment as well.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.


Excludes the object from the UI. Useful to temporarily hide an object without deleting it. Different from the "Visible" attribute, which hides the object in the UI but keeps it in the project, allowing it to be shown again with a UISet.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Object is included in the UI.
trueObject is excluded from the UI.