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The Overlay Page is a dedicated page where objects are placed for visibility across all

pages. It serves as a consistent layer that remains accessible and visible regardless of

the active page.

It can be used to display fixed content, such as a menu or a toolbar.

Overlays are not part of the navigation stack, so they don't appear in the breadcrumb

and can't be navigated to.

Each page can set a different overlay, or no overlay at all with the "Overlay"





Sets the object's ID.

The ID identifies the object and is used to reference it in UISet actions, allowing to change its attributes dynamically.

The ID is not unique, it can be shared among multiple objects to quickly change a common attribute.

IDs can't be changed with a UISet action, but they can have a Value Binding assigned to them. Value Bindings on IDs allow an object to be dinamically attached to a set of attribute values.

E.g. the following Value Binding switches the ID of the object between mybutton1 and mybutton2 based on the value of the UISet button.address:

Value binding: ="mybutton" + ui('button', 'address')

UISet: UISet('button', 'address', '1') switches the ID to mybutton1 UISet('button', 'address', '2') switches the ID to mybutton2


Specifies the device orientation associated to the page. When the device orientation changes, the UI navigates to a page with the same ID as the current one, but with the corresponding orientation, if there's one.

The default value is: landscape.

Attribute Values
landscapeDefault value. Landscape orientation.
portraitPortrait orientation.



Specifies the ID of a field that gains autofocus if the page is open or whenever the page is opened.

Attribute Values
<ID>Target ID of the field to focus.


Specifies the transition animation when opening the page.

It's only available when the project's Page Transitions attribute is set to true.

The default value is: auto.

Attribute Values
autoDefault value. Auto, based on history and Parent Page.
noneNo animation.
backFade and slide from left.
forwardFade and slide from right.
upFade and slide from bottom.
downFade and slide from top.



Specifies a comment, visible only in the Project Editor. It can be used to add a note or a tag to the object. The filter in the object's SELECT panel applies to the comment as well.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.


Excludes the object from the UI. Useful to temporarily hide an object without deleting it. Different from the "Visible" attribute, which hides the object in the UI but keeps it in the project, allowing it to be shown again with a UISet.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Object is included in the UI.
trueObject is excluded from the UI.