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The Datalogger object allow to gather, process and visualize statistical data on the

variations of a data set.

Data loggers collect data and group them in order to visualize the trends in charts for

each data interval (or group of hours, or ) of the current and past day, each day of the

current and past month, and each month of the current and past year. It is also possible

to have an higher resolution of a single minute, but this implies a notably higher disk

space usage.

Further, they allows for the logging of every processed value as CSV file.

[Datalogger declaratiom


[Datalogger counter


Datalogger range tutorial




Sets the object's ID.

The ID identifies the object and is used to reference it in UISet actions, allowing to change its attributes dynamically.

The ID is not unique, it can be shared among multiple objects to quickly change a common attribute.

IDs can't be changed with a UISet action, but they can have a Value Binding assigned to them. Value Bindings on IDs allow an object to be dinamically attached to a set of attribute values.

E.g. the following Value Binding switches the ID of the object between mybutton1 and mybutton2 based on the value of the UISet button.address:

Value binding: ="mybutton" + ui('button', 'address')

UISet: UISet('button', 'address', '1') switches the ID to mybutton1 UISet('button', 'address', '2') switches the ID to mybutton2

Position and Size


Sets the object's position.

The default value is: x0y0.

Attribute Values
x<left>y<top>Specify left/top coordinates in pixels.x10y20

Flex Grow

Specifies if the objects should grow to fill the available space.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Objects expand to fill the available space.
falseObjects do not grow to fill the available space.

Flex Shrink

Specifies if the objects should shrink to fit the available space.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Objects shrink to fit the available space.
falseObjects do not shrink to fit the available space.


Sets the object's width in pixels.

Minimum value is 1.


Sets the object's height in pixels.

Minimum value is 1.


Logger ID

List of IDs, to change it dynamically.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>List of datalogger IDs, to change it dynamically.


Selects live mode or browser mode.

The default value is: live.

Attribute Values
liveDefault value. Live mode.
browserBrowser mode.
liveonlyLocks the interface in live mode. It will hide the browser/live button on the UI.
browseronlyLocks the interface in browser mode. It will hide the browser/live button on the UI.


Specifies a list of IDs of dataloggers selectable by the user. Shows an icon in the control bar that displays the list.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>List of datalogger IDs.

Range Groups

Specifies a lilst of group of names, , one for each datalogger id (specified in list or in loggerid, if the list is empty). Dataloggers with the same group name are grouped together in a single range.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>List of group names.


Shows a specific slot, from 0 to the number of slots-1.

Attribute Values
<number>Slot index, from 0 to the number of slots-1.


Name of a group. Dataloggers with the same group are synchronized (controlling one affects the others).

Attribute Values
<string>Name of a group.



Specifies the object's controls.

The default value is: none.

Attribute Values
noneDefault value. Don't show any controls.
tabsShow tabs on live mode for scale and slots.
toolbarShow a toolbar to control live and browser modes.


Controls the HD mode, or shows an HD icon that lets the user toggle HD on and off.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Disables HD.
trueEnables HD.
toggleShows an HD icon that lets the user toggle HD on and off.


Enables or disables fullscreen mode.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is live. It can't be set from the Project Editor, it needs to be set dynamically with a UISet.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Disables fullscreen mode.
trueEnables fullscreen mode.



Specifies the scale of the data to display.

The default value is: year.

Attribute Values
yearDefault value. Set the live scale to year.
monthSet the live scale to month.
daySet the live scale to day.
hourSet the live scale to hour.

Browser Date

Sets the browser's date and time.

Attribute Values
yyyySpecify a year.
yyyymmSpecify year and month.
yyyymmddSpecify year, month and day.
yyyymmddhhSpecify year, month, day and hour.

Browser Scale

Sets the browser's scale, if in browser mode.

When toggling between browser and scale mode, the initial browser's scale is the same as the live scale.


This attribute is live. It can't be set from the Project Editor, it needs to be set dynamically with a UISet.

Attribute Values
10ySet the live scale to 10 years.
yearSet the browser scale to year.
monthSet the browser scale to month.
daySet the browser scale to day.
hourSet the browser scale to hour.

By Day

Shows or hides daily data (hours).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show daily data (hours).
falseHide daily data.

By Hour

Shows or hides hourly data (minutes).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show hourly data (minutes).
falseHide hourly data.

By Minute

Shows or hides minute data (seconds).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show minute data (seconds).
falseHide minute data.

By Month

Shows or hides monthly data (days).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show monthly data (days).
falseHide monthly data.



Specifies the chart type.

The default value is: bars.

Attribute Values
barsDefault value. Draw bars.
pointsDraws points.
lineDraws a line connecting the values.
splineDraws a spline connecting the values.
pieDraws a pie chart, each slice representing a datalogger (if multiple dataloggers are visible), or past/present values. Percentage is shown in the legend.

Avg Values

Displays the average values, if in range mode.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show average values, if in range mode.
falseHide average values.

Max Values

Displays the maximum values, if in range mode.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show maximum values, if in range mode.
falseHide maximum values.

Min Values

Displays the minimum values, if in range mode.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show minimum values, if in range mode.
falseHide minimum values.

Multi Chart

Shows multiple scale charts in live mode.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
trueShow multiple charts.
falseDefault value. Show a single chart, based on the selected scale.

Multi Range

For multiple datalogger ids only. Show multiple ranges for each datalogger id: each chart has multiple value axes.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
trueShow multiple ranges for each datalogger id.
falseDefault value. Single range for each datalogger.

Draw Axis

Displays or hides the axes (also notches and labels).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
[empty]Default. The axes are visible (also notches and labels).
falseThe axes are not visible (also notches and labels).

Point Size

Specifies the point size (only for points chart type).

Attribute Values
<number of pixels>Point size.


Specifies the pixel size of the stroke that applies to line and spline chart's types.

Attribute Values
<number of pixels>Stroke size.


Specifies a list of values at which to display a line (threshold). Not supported with multiple dataloggers with different scales/units.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>List of values at which to display a line (threshold).

Value Label Type

Specifies the type of value label.

The default value is: inside.

Attribute Values
insideDefault value. Value labels are shown inside (if "type" is bars, points or gauge) or over (if "type" is line or spline).
outsideValue labels are shown above or below.
popupValue labels are shown on mouseover, or on touch (if on a touch-enabled device).


Axis Color

Specifies the axis color.

Attribute Values
<CSS color>Axis color.

Label Color

Specifies the color of the axis and bars labels.

Attribute Values
<CSS color>Color of the axis and bars labels.

Notch Color

Specifies the color of the axis notches.

Attribute Values
<CSS color>Color of the axis notches.

Threshold Colors

Specifies a list of colors for thresholds, one value each line. Not supported with multiple dataloggers with different scales/units.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list of CSS colors>List of colors of threshold lines.

Past Value Color

Specifies the value color for past data. Applies to single datalogger mode only.

Attribute Values
<CSS color>A color that applies to all past values.
<comma-separated list>Three colors that apply respectively to minimum, average and maximum past values.

Present Value Color

Specifies the value color for present data. Applies to single datalogger mode only.

Attribute Values
<CSS color>A color that applies to all present values.
<comma-separated list>Three colors that apply respectively to minimum, average and maximum present values.

Value Colors

Specifies a list of colors for each datalogger. Applies to multiple datalogger mode only.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list of CSS colors>List of colors of values.



Specifies the dataloggers names (relative to the list attribute or, if list is empty, the loggerid attribute), displayed in the legend, list popup and csv header.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>Sets the datalogger names.


Specifies the units to display on the top left of each chart. If the datalogger has slots, one unit for each slot. If there are multiple datalogger ids, one unit for each datalogger.

Attribute Values
<comma-separated list>Units to display.


Specifies the number of notches on the y-axis.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
<value>Number of notches on the y-axis.



Shows a panel that frames the object. Its style can be modified.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Shows the panel.
falseHides the panel.

Panel Color

Specifies the panel color.

The default value is: default.

Attribute Values
defaultDefault value. Default color.
primaryPrimary color, used to highlight important areas.
warningWarning color, used to highlight warning areas.
successSuccess color, used to highlight success areas.
errorError color, used to highlight error areas.
red,blue,yellow,green,yellow,purple,orange,greenPalette colors.
customCustom color, defined in the "Custom Color" attribute.

Panel Custom Color

Specifies the panel custom color.

Attribute Values
<html color>Color in any html accepted format.#ff0000

Past Period

Specifies if the past period is visible (not available for multiple datalogger ids).

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show past period.
falseHide past period.

Pie Legend Position

Specifies the pie chart legend position. Applies only to "pie" type.

The default value is: top.

Attribute Values
topDefault value. Show the legend on the top of the pie chart.
rightShow the legend on the right of the pie chart.


Specifies how the legend is displayed.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show all legends.
falseHide legends.
<comma-separated list>List of legends (min, avg, max) to show.


Specifies if the totals are displayed.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Show totals.
falseHide totals.



Displays a button in browser mode that downloads a CSV file with the currently displayed data.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
trueDisplay the download button in browser mode.
falseDefault value. Hide the download icon.

CSV Separator

Specifies a character used to separate columns in the generated csv file. Rows are always separated with the newline character.

Attribute Values
<character>Character used to separate columns in the generated csv file.

HD Mode

Toggles the HD mode.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. HD mode off.
trueHD mode on.

Refresh Interval

Specifies the live refresh interval in milliseconds.

The default value is: 5000.

Attribute Values
<number>Live refresh interval in milliseconds.



Sets the object's visibility.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Visible.


Specifies if the object is enabled or disabled. A disabled object appears as grayed out and can't be interacted with.

The default value is: true.

Attribute Values
trueDefault value. Enabled.

Blinks the object at the specified speed.

The default value is: false.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Not blinking.
slowBlinks slowly.
fastBlinks fast.


Specifies the transition effect when the object is shown or hidden.

The default value is: none.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
noneDefault value. No transition.
fadeFade in/out.
fade-leftSlide from left and fade in/out.
fade-rightSlide from right and fade in/out.
fade-upSlide from top and fade in/out.
fade-downSlide from bottom and fade in/out.
slide-leftSlide from left.
slide-rightSlide from right.
slide-upSlide from top.
slide-downSlide from bottom.
zoom-inZoom in.
zoom-outZoom out.
3d-flip-left3D flip from left.
3d-flip-right3D flip from right.

Transition Duration

Specifies the transition duration in milliseconds.

The default value is: 300.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<integer>Duration in milliseconds.

Transition Delay

Specifies the transition delay in milliseconds.

The default value is: 0.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<integer>Delay in milliseconds.


Sets the object's opacity. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an object is hidden.

The default value is: 1.0.

Attribute Values
0The object is fully transparent.
>0.0, <1.0The object is translucent (content behind the element can be seen).
1.0Default value. The object is fully opaque.


Specifies the degrees by which the object is rotated. A positive number rotates it clockwise, while a negative value rotates it counter-clockwise.

The default value is: 0.

CSS Class

Specifies a CSS Class that applies to the object, useful to customize its appearance. Custom CSS Classes are specified within the custom.css file.


Specifies the margin of the object. The margin is the space outside the object's border.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<int>Specify the margin in pixels for all sides of the object.
<top> <right> <bottom> <left>Specify the margin in pixels for each side of the object.10 20 30 40

View Scale

Specifies the scale of the object. The scale is the ratio between the object's size and the size of the view it is contained in.

The default value is: 1.0.


This attribute is experimental. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.

Attribute Values
<float>Specify the scale for both width and height of the object.



Specifies a comment, visible only in the Project Editor. It can be used to add a note or a tag to the object. The filter in the object's SELECT panel applies to the comment as well.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.


Excludes the object from the UI. Useful to temporarily hide an object without deleting it. Different from the "Visible" attribute, which hides the object in the UI but keeps it in the project, allowing it to be shown again with a UISet.

The default value is: false.


This attribute is static. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.

Attribute Values
falseDefault value. Object is included in the UI.
trueObject is excluded from the UI.