Details a column in the table object.
Defines the column's cell type.
The default
value is: text
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
text | Default value. Text content. |
button | Button content. |
image | Image content. |
html | HTML content. |
check | A check is displayed if there's any value other than "false" or "0". |
checkbox | A checkbox field. It can edit the column's boolean value in the datasource without opening the edit popup or inline edit. |
switch | A switch field. It can edit the column's boolean value in the datasource without opening the edit popup or inline edit. |
index | The row's index. |
progress | A progress bar. |
selection | Displays a check if the item is selected. This column is displayed only if the table's "Item Selection" attribute is true. |
move | Move the item with drag and drop. |
Hides the column so it's not displayed in the table. A column can be hidden, but still have an edit field associated
The default
value is: false
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Visible. |
true | Hidden. |
viewmode | Hidden in view mode, visible in edit mode. |
editmode | Hidden in edit mode, visible in view mode. |
Data Name
Specifies the datasource's column name to be associated with the table's column.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A valid datasource column's name. | address |
Data Index
Specifies the index in the items array.
The default
value is: auto
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
auto | Default value. Index based on column's index. | |
<int> | A 0-based index. | 0 |
none | Is not associated. |
JSON Value
If true, interprets the cell value as a JSON object. Each key in the JSON object represents a column attribute.
Values specified in the JSON object will extend or override the initial column setup.
Only non-static attributes can be overridden.
E.g. { "type": "button", "action": "command", "buttonlabel": "hi", "style": "blue", "commandname": "hi" }
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Value is not interpreted as JSON. |
true | Cell value interpreted as JSON. |
Specifies the language-sensitive format type to be applied.
The default
value is: text
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
number | Numeric value, with optional unit or currency. |
date | Date value. |
time | Time value. |
datetime | Date and time value. |
relativetime | Date and time value. |
time-interval | Time interval value. |
list | List value. |
Data Format
Specifies the data format, which determines how the value is parsed when received (through a UISet) or sent.
The default
value is: extended
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
extended | Default value. HH:mm:ss.SSSS Extended Format. |
basic | HHmmssSSSS Basic Format. |
timestamp | Unix Timestamp: Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT). |
Data Format
Specifies the data format, which determines how the value is parsed when received (through a UISet) or sent.
The default
value is: extended
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
extended | Default value. YYYY-MM-DD ISO 8601 Extended Format. |
basic | YYYYMMDD ISO 8601 Basic Format. |
timestamp | Unix Timestamp: Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT). |
Number Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Time Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Date Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Datetime Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Relative Time Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
List Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Time Interval Display Format
Specifies the field's format.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Foreign Key
If specified, the column value is interpreted as a foreign key for either a linked datasource or the items attribute.
In datasource mode, cells display the corresponding value from the linked datasource's column specified in the "Label Data Name" attribute.
In list mode, cells display the corresponding value from the list of items specified in the "List" attribute.
In items mode, cells display the corresponding value from the items array, where every item is an array with the first element being the key and the second element being the label.
The default
value is: none
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No foreign key. |
datasource | Datasource foreign key. |
list | List foreign key. |
items | Items foreign key. |
Datasource ID
Specifies the ID of the linked datasource.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<[Datasource ID]> | A valid datasource ID. | ds_addresses |
Value List
If true, treats the value as a comma-separated list of keys relative to the linked datasource. It shows a comma-separated list of labels, based on the "Label Data Name" attribute.
The default
value is: false
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Treat the value as a single key. |
true | Treat the value as a comma-separated list of keys. |
Label Data Name
Specifies the linked datasource's column name to display instead of the key value.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<[Datasource Column Name]> | A valid datasource column name. | address |
Sets the items. An item with a label "---" (three hyphen-minus characters) is treated as a separator and its value is ignored.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<comma-separated list> | Items specified as a comma-separated list. | item1,item2,item3 |
<array> | Items specified as an array of strings. | ["item1","item2","item3"] |
<array of arrays> | Items specified as an array of arrays. Each item has an array of value and label. | [[1,"label1"],[2,"label2"],[3,"label3"]] |
<array of arrays> | Items specified as an array of arrays. Each item has an array of values that can be recalled from the template attribute. | [[1,"label1","descr1"],[2,"label2","descr2"],[3,"label3","descr3"]] |
Specifies the items.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Cell Style & Format
The column's width.
Columns set to 'auto' width expand or contract to fill the remaining space of the table, after accounting for columns with fixed widths. Each 'auto' column maintains a minimum width of 100 pixels, ensuring consistent visibility and layout.
If the combined width of all columns exceeds the width of the table, the table becomes horizontally scrollable. This ensures that all columns, regardless of their individual or total width, remain accessible to the user.
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<int> | The column's width in pixels. | 200 |
Fixed Width
Columns of type selection
and move
have a fixed width.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Specifies the cell's content alignment.
The default
value is: left
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
left | Default value. Left. |
center | Center. |
right | Right. |
Specifies the cell's background color.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<html color> | Color in any html accepted format. | #ff0000 |
Column Header
The label displayed in the column header.
The default
value is: =@title:dataname
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A label. |
An optional icon to be displayed in the column header, before (or in place of) the label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<image> | An icon image. | icon:mdi#account-multiple |
Column Footer
Summary Label
If true, the footer column will contain a label of the row's content (Total, Average, Minimum or Maximum). If more consecutive columns have summary label set to true, they are merged (can be used to display the whole label if a single column is too narrow)
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. False. |
true | True. |
Specifies the summary to be displayed on the column footer. Can be one or more values. If there's an active filter, the results are calculated using the filtered rows. If there's a selection, Selecting specific rows will calculate the results using only the selected rows
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | No summary. |
sum | Show sum of all the displayed column values. |
avg | Show the average value of all the displayed column values. If the column has type "check", show checked/total. |
min | Show the minimum value among the displayed column values. |
max | Show the maximum value among the displayed column values. |
Button Action
Specifies the action performed when clicked/tapped.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No action. |
edit | Edits the item. |
delete | Deletes the item. |
duplicate | Duplicates the item. |
command | Sends a command to the server, with the specified name and parameter. |
datapoint | Toggles a datapoint. |
link | Changes page, shows a popup or opens a URL. |
download | Fires a download file request. |
tab | Shows a specified container and hides the other of the same group. |
cameralink | Opens a page with the specified camera address. |
copy | Copies the cell's value to the clipboard. |
Command Name
Specifies the command name that is sent to the server.
If the name starts with $, then the server will automatically set a variable with the same name as the command, containing the command's parameter.
The default
value is: =id
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A command name. | |
$[variable name] | A command name that sets a variable. | $myvar |
$[variable name]! | A command name that sets a persistent variable. | $myvar! |
If set, specifies the command's parameter value. The default parameter is the key value of the row.
The default
value is: [Row's key value]
If enabled, the command will be repeated every second. Instead of a single command on the button press event, multiple commands are sent with the following suffixes:
<command name>/down
: on mouse down or touch down events<command name>/repeat
: if the button is still pressed, a repeat command is sent every second<command name>/up
: on mouse up or touch up events, for a short press (less than a second, so no repeat commands have been sent yet)<command name>/stop
: on mouse up or touch up events, for a long press (more than a second, so at least a repeat command has been sent)
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Repeat mode is disabled. |
true | Repeat mode is enabled. |
If set, specifies the link. The default link is the row's cell value.
Link Target
Specifies where to open the linked URL. Available only for URL links.
The default
value is: _self
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
_self | Default value. Opens the linked URL in the same window or tab. |
_blank | Opens the linked URL in a new window or tab. |
<string> | Opens the linked URL in a named window or tab. Use this to open multiple links in the same window or tab. |
Specifies a datapoint, to display and control its status.
The default
value is: [Cell's value]
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
[datapoint address] | The datapoint address. | dummy.dimmer.1 |
If feedback is enabled, when the action is performed, a loader is displayed until the server responds.
Also the action can't be performed again until the server responds.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Feedback is disabled. |
true | Feedback is enabled. |
Requires a confirmation before performing the action.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. No confirmation, the action is performed right away. |
doubleclick | A second click (or touch or enter key) is required to confirm the action. |
popup | A popup is displayed to ask for confirmation. |
Confirm Message
The confirmation message to be displayed if the "confirm" attribute is set to "popup".
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | The message to be displayed in the confirm popup. | Are you sure? |
Edit Duplicate
If true, opens the edit popup to allow changes before adding the item as new.
The default
value is: true
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Edit the item before adding it as new. |
false | Duplicate the item right away. |
Specifies the text to be displayed in the cell.
The default
value is: [Cell's value]
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A text. |
Defines an HTML template.
The text parameter is split with pipe character (|
) and each part is inserted in the template, replacing the %1;
, %2;
, $3;
, etc. placeholders.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | HTML template. | <b>%1;</b> - %2; |
Makes the text selectable.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. False. |
true | True. |
Auto Links
Detects urls, emails and phone numbers and displays them as hyperlinks. Phone numbers can be: E.164 format, [+]XXX XXX XXXX or [+]XXX-XXX-XXXX.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Disabled. |
true | Enabled. |
Copy Text
Specifies the text to be copied in the clipboard when the button is clicked.
The default
value is: [Cell's value]
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A text. |
Button Color
Specifies the button color.
The default
value is: default
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
default | Default value. Default color. |
primary | Primary color, used to highlight action buttons. |
warning | Warning color, used to highlight warning buttons. |
success | Success color, used to highlight success buttons. |
error | Error color, used to highlight error buttons. |
light | Light color. |
dark | Dark color. |
red,blue,yellow,green,yellow,purple,orange,green | Palette colors. |
custom | Custom color, defined in the "Custom Color" attribute. |
Button Look
Specifies the button's look.
The default
value is: filled
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
filled | Default value. Filled look, with a solid background. |
clear | Clear look, no background or border. |
outlined | Outlined look, with a solid border. |
glass | Glass look, with a semi-transparent background. |
Button Label
Specifies the button's label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Button's label. |
Button Description
Specifies a description displayed below the label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Button's description. |
Button Icon
Specifies an icon to display. Its position is set with the "Icon Position" attribute.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<icon> | An icon or image. |
Button Text Align
Sets the horizontal alignment of the text.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No alignment. |
left | Left alignment. |
right | Right alignment. |
center | Center alignment. |
justify | Justified alignment. |
Specifies the relative path of the image file to show.
The path is relative to one of the following folders:
- Common images folder, for images shared among projects (www/img)
- Project images folder, for project-specific images (www/projects/<project>/img) If an image with the same relative path is found in both folders, the project image is used.
The default
value is: [Cell's value]
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<image> | Relative path to the image file. |
Icon Color
Specifies the icon color.
Font Family
Specifies the font family.
The default
value is: default
Font Size
Specifies the font size in pixels or percentage (relative to the project's font size).
The default
value is: 14
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<integer> | Font size in pixels. | |
<percentage>% | Relative font size in percentage. | 90% |
Font Color
Specifies the text CSS color.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<html color> | Color in any html accepted format. | #ff0000 |
Font Weight
Specifies the weight of the font.
The default
value is: normal
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
normal | Default value. Normal. |
bold | Bold. |
bolder | Bolder. |
lighter | Lighter. |
Show the text in italics.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Normal. |
true | Italics. |
Small Caps
Sets the font to small caps.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Normal. |
true | Small caps. |
Specifies the text decoration.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No decoration. |
underline | Underline. |
overline | Overline. |
line-through | Line through. |
Line Height
Sets the line height of the text.
The default
value is: 1.0
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<float> | Specify the line height as a multiple of the font size. |
Specifies the current value of the progress bar.
The default
value is: [Cell's value]
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Current value. |
Max Value
Specifies the maximum value of the progress bar.
The default
value is: 100
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Maximum value. |
Specifies the status of the progress bar.
displays an animation over the progress bar.
and error
display icons in place of the value label.
chooses the status depending on the current value:
if the value is less than the maximum valuesuccess
if the value is equal to the maximum valueerror
if the value is less than 0
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. Chooses status depending on the current value. |
idle | Idle status, no animation. |
active | Active status, displays an animation. |
success | Success status, displays a checkmark icon. |
error | Error status, displays a cross icon. |
Specifies the color of the progress bar.
The default
value is: auto
Show Percentage
Specifies whether the current percentage is shown.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Current value is shown. |
false | Current value is not shown. |
Edit Field
Field Type
Specifies the type of the edit field.
The default
value is: text
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | No edit field. |
text | Default value. Single line text field. |
multiline | Multi line text field. |
checkbox | Checkbox. |
select | Select box. |
date | Date picker. |
time | Time picker. |
datetime | Date and time picker. |
time-interval | Time interval picker. |
keypad | Keypad. |
hidden | Hidden field, not displayed in the edit popup. Useful for sending data to the server. |
Field Name
Specifies the name of the field, used to send a command to the server, along with the field's value as a parameter.
If the name starts with $, then the server will automatically set a variable with the same name as the command, containing the command's parameter.
The default
value is: =dataname
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Command name. | |
$[variable name] | A command name that sets a variable. | $myvar |
$[variable name]! | A command name that sets a persistent variable. | $myvar! |
Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of the field (e.g. a sample value or a short description of the expected format).
The short hint is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Placeholder text. |
Field Icon
Specifies the field's icon image.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<image> | Image path or icon id. |
Clear Button
Show a clear button that clears the field's value.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Show the clear button when there's any value set. |
false | Default value. Hide the clear button. |
Specifies a prefix to display before the field's value.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Prefix text. |
Specifies a suffix to display after the field's value.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Suffix text. |
Focus Tooltip
Specifies a description tooltip to display when focusing the field.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Tooltip text. |
Specifies if the field is required when adding and editing. If true, an empty/null value is considered not valid. When there are non valid fields, the confirm button focuses the first non valid field instead of sending data to the server, to prompt the user to fill in the required fields.
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. If the table is connected to a datasource, this attribute is controlled by the datasource's nullable attribute on the specified column. Otherwise it's set to false. |
true | A value is required. Where it applies, null values can't be selected. |
false | An empty/null value is accepted. |
Default Value
Specifies the default value in the add popup's edit field. This value is used to initialize the field's value when adding a new item. It's ignored when editing an existing item.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A default value. |
Edit Field Options
Checkbox Label
Specifies a label that is displayed next to the field.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A label. |
Keypad Label
Specifies a label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Label. |
Specifies the minimum value allowed.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Minimum value. |
Specifies the maximum value allowed.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Maximum value. |
Specifies the number of digits allowed.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Any number of digits. |
<int> | Maximum number of digits. |
Specifies the number of decimals allowed.
The default
value is: 0
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Number of decimals. |
Hides the typed value, providing a way for the user to securely enter a password.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Typed value is not hidden. |
true | Hide the typed value. |
Field Data Mode
Specifies the mode of the data.
The default
value is: items
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
items | Default value. Data is set with the UI attribute Items. |
list | Data is a list of comma-separated values. Set in the List attribute. |
datasource | Data is set by a linked datasource. |
Field Datasource ID
Specifies the ID of the datasource.
The datasource keys are used as values, while a column specified in Label Data Name is used as label.
The default
value is: =datasourceid
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Field Label Data Name
Specifies the name of the column containing the label.
The default
value is: =labeldataname
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Field List
Sets the items. An item with a label "---" (three hyphen-minus characters) is treated as a separator and its value is ignored.
The default
value is: =list
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<comma-separated list> | Items specified as a comma-separated list. | item1,item2,item3 |
<array> | Items specified as an array of strings. | ["item1","item2","item3"] |
<array of arrays> | Items specified as an array of arrays. Each item has an array of value and label. | [[1,"label1"],[2,"label2"],[3,"label3"]] |
<array of arrays> | Items specified as an array of arrays. Each item has an array of values that can be recalled from the template attribute. | [[1,"label1","descr1"],[2,"label2","descr2"],[3,"label3","descr3"]] |
Field Items
Specifies the items.
The default
value is: =items
Specifies if the field is multi select.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Single select. |
true | Multi select. |
Field Template
Specifies the template for the items.
The template can contain placeholders for the values of the items. The placeholders are specified as %0;
, %1;
, %2;
, etc.
For example, if the template is %0; - %1;, %2;
and the item is ["value", "label", "descr"], the result is value - label, descr
If the template is not specified, the items' labels are displayed.
Field Filter
Displays an input field for filtering the items. After typing a value in the field or setting the Filter Value attribute, any item that does not match the input will be hidden. A match occurs when the filter value is found anywhere within any item's fields ('value', 'label', etc).
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Display the filter field. |
false | Default value. Hides the filter field. |
Free Input
Specifies if the user can input a value that is not in the list.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Only the items in the list can be selected. |
true | The user can input a value that is not in the list. |
Popup Width
Specifies the width of the select's popup.
The default
value is: auto
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. Popup is wide enough to fit the content, but not wider than three times the field's width. |
<int> | Width in pixels. |
Hides the typed value, providing a way for the user to securely enter a password.
In toggle mode, a toggle button is displayed that allows the user to show the typed value.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Typed value is not hidden. |
true | Hide the typed value. |
toggle | Show a toggle button that allows the user to show the typed value. |
toggle-false | Show the toggle button, but show the typed value by default. |
Sanitize Value
Specified one or more sanitization options to apply to the field's value before sending it to the server.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
trim | Removes leading and trailing whitespaces and line breaks. |
carriage-return | Removes carriage returns. |
non-printable | Removes non-printable characters. |
lowercase | Converts the value to lowercase. |
uppercase | Converts the value to uppercase. |
Validate Key
Specifies a regular expression to be validated on a keypress. E.g. "[a-z]" will allow only lowercase letters.
Won't work on Android devices.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
[empty] | Default value. No validation, all keys are allowed. |
[a-z] | Only lowercase letters. |
[A-Z] | Only uppercase letters. |
[0-9] | Only numbers. |
[0-9a-zA-Z] | Only numbers and letters. |
<string> | Regular expression. |
Validate Value
Specifies a regular expression that the field's value must match.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
[empty] | Default value. No validation, any input is valid. |
[a-z]+ | Only lowercase letters. |
[A-Z]+ | Only uppercase letters. |
[a-zA-Z]+ | Only letters. |
[0-9]+ | Only numbers. |
[0-9a-zA-Z]+ | Only numbers and letters. |
<string> | Any regular expression. |
Min Length
Specifies the minimum number of characters required for the field's validation.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Length in characters. |
Max Length
Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the field.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Length in characters. |
Validate Tooltip
Specifies a custom validation tooltip to display when focusing the field. Displayed only if the current value doesn't match the validation criteria.
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Validation tooltip. |
Field Height
Height of the edit field in pixels.
Specifies the step of the time picker, referred to the smallest unit of time that can be selected.
E.g. if the smallest unit is minutes and step
is set to 15, the time picker will allow to select only times that are multiple of 15 minutes.
The default
value is: 1
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<int> | Step of the picker. | 15 |
Specifies the precision of the time picker, the smallest unit of time that can be selected
The default
value is: minute
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
minute | Default value. Minute. |
second | Second. |
ms | Ms. |
Specifies the step of the time picker, referred to the smallest unit of time that can be selected.
E.g. if the smallest unit is minutes and step
is set to 15, the time picker will allow to select only times that are multiple of 15 minutes.
The default
value is: 1
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<int> | Step of the picker. | 15 |
Specifies the unit of the value.
: hour
, Max Precision
: hour
, Min Precision
: second
. 5:30
will be parsed as 5.5
: second
, Max Precision
: hour
, Min Precision
: second
. 5:30
will be parsed as 330
The default
value is: hour
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
year | Year. |
day | Day. |
hour | Default value. Hour. |
minute | Minute. |
second | Second. |
ms | Ms. |
Min Precision
Specifies the minimum precision of the time picker, the greatest unit of time that can be selected
The default
value is: hour
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
year | Year. |
day | Day. |
hour | Default value. Hour. |
minute | Minute. |
second | Second. |
ms | Ms. |
Max Precision
Specifies the maximum precision of the time picker, the smallest unit of time that can be selected.
The default
value is: minute
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
year | Year. |
day | Day. |
hour | Hour. |
minute | Default value. Minute. |
second | Second. |
ms | Ms. |
Min Value
Specifies the minimum value of the time interval, in the unit specified by Unit
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<float> | Minimum value of the interval. | 5.5 |
Max Value
Specifies the maximum value of the time interval, in the unit specified by Unit
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<float> | Maximum value of the interval. | 5.5 |
Value Options
Specifies additional value options, which appear as buttons.
The default
value is: [{"value":"*", "label":"- -"},{"value":"now", "label":"$now;"}]
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<array> | Array of JSON options, each with value and label properties. |
From Date
Specifies the earliest selectable date. Dates prior to this will not be
The format is specified by the Data Format
"now" specifies the current date. "[+|-][y|M|w|d]" specifies a date relative to today, where y=year, M=month, w=week, d=day.
The default
value is: 1900-01-01
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Date value formatted as specified in Data Format. | 2020-12-31 |
now | Current date of the browser. | |
[+|-][y|M|w|d] | Relative date, where y=year, M=month, w=week, d=day. | -1w |
To Date
Specifies the latest selectable date. Selection of dates beyond this point is not permitted.
The format is specified by the Data Format
"now" specifies the current date. "[+|-][y|M|w|d]" specifies a date relative to today, where y=year, M=month, w=week, d=day.
The default
value is: 2100-12-31
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Date value formatted as specified in Data Format. | 2020-12-31 |
now | Current date of the browser. | |
[+|-][y|M|w|d] | Relative date, where y=year, M=month, w=week, d=day. | +1w |
Value Options
Specifies additional value options, which appear as buttons.
The default
value is: [{"value":"*", "label":"- -"},{"value":"now", "label":"$today;"}]
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<array> | Array of JSON options, each with value and label properties. |
Add/Edit Popup
Edit Popup Column
Specifies the column index in the add/edit popup. First column has index 1
Minimum value is 1.
The default
value is: 1
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<int> | Column index starting from 1. |
Edit Popup Order
Specifies the order by which the fields appear in the add/edit popup's layout.
If set to auto, the fields appear in the same order as the table's columns, including hidden columns.
If set to a number, the order is the specified number, starting from 1.
For example: to swap the edit fields of the 3rd
and 4th
columns, set their Edit Popup Order to 4
and 3
Minimum value is 1.
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. Follows the column order, starting from 1. |
<int> | Specifies a new order. |
Edit Popup Title
Specifies a title header above the field, used to group multiple fields logically.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A title. | Address |
Edit Popup Description
Specifies a description label that appears below the field, used to give more information about the fields.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A description. | Insert your full name including the title |
Hide Field
Hides the field in the add and/or edit popup. If a field is hidden, its value is not sent to the server.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Visible. |
add | Hidden in add popup, visible in edit popup. |
edit | Hidden in edit popup, visible in add popup. |
Disable Field
Disables the field in the add and/or edit popup. If a field is disabled, its value is not sent to the server.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Enabled. |
add | Disabled in add popup, enabled in edit popup. |
edit | Disabled in edit popup, enabled in add popup. |
both | Disabled in both add and edit popup. |
Save Value
Specifies if the value of this field is sent to the server when confirming an add or edit operation.
This attribute does not affect the pre-add
, pre-edit
, edit-change
If set to "auto", the value is sent if the field is not disabled.
If set to "changed", the value is sent if the field's value is different from the initial value.
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. The value is sent to the server if the field is not disabled. |
true | The value is always sent to the server. |
false | The value is never sent to the server. |
changed | The value is sent to the server if the field's value is different from the initial value. |
Specifies how the imported column values are parsed.
The default
value is: value
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Import disabled for this column. |
value | Default value. Import the value. |
key | Imports the key value, if there's a linked datasource. |
formatted | Attempts to parse the value when importing (results can vary depending on the input). |
Specifies how the column values are exported.
The default
value is: value
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Export disabled for this column. |
value | Default value. Exports the value. Can differ from raw if there's a linked datasource or an edit field of type "select" . |
key | Exports the key value (as received from the datasource or from the items attribute). |
formatted | Exports the formatted value. |
Controls whether the column's value is used when filtering the table.
If set to "formatted", the displayed value is used.
If Column Filters
are enabled and this attribute is false, the column filter field is not displayed for this column.
The default
value is: formatted
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | The filter check skips this column. |
value | The filter is applied to the value. |
formatted | Default value. The filter is applied to the formatted value. |
Specifies sorting behavior for this column. Applies only if table is sortable.
The default
value is: ascii
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
ascii | Default value. Column is sorted using an lexicographical sort algorithm. |
natural | Column is sorted using a natural sort algorithm. |
off | Column is not sortable. |
Specifies a tooltip to be displayed when the mouse hovers over the cell.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A tooltip. | This is a tooltip |