The project object is the root of the project, that defines the main properties of the interface.
Each project has one or more pages that contain objects.
Follow this tutorial for more detailed info:
Create your first project with HSYCO
Or take a look to this tutorial about the project attributes:
Specifies the title of the browser's tab that also normally appears in bookmarks.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Defines the language used for all standard text messages of the Web interface.
The default
value is: en
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
zh | Chinese. |
da | Danish. |
en | Default value. English. |
es | Spanish. |
fr | French. |
de | German. |
it | Italian. |
pl | Polish. |
sl | Slovenian. |
Specifies the locale to be used, or a list of locales.
If a list is provided, the runtime picks the best one available.
The default
value is: =language
Home Page
Specifies the ID of the page (without the "page:" prefix) that's displayed when the project is opened the first time or always, if history is disabled.
The default
value is: home
Specifies the width of the page area in pixels.
Minimum value is 50.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Specifies the height of the page area in pixels.
Minimum value is 50.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Sets a scaling value to resize the UI frame.
The default
value is: 1
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
1 | Default value. 1:1 scale - the UI frame retains its original size. |
fit | The UI frame is scaled to fill the available browser area, both vertically and horizontally. |
<decimal positive number> | Scale factor - the UI frame size is adjusted by a specified factor. Numbers greater than 1.0 enlarge the frame, while numbers smaller than 1.0 shrink it. |
Min Scale
Specifies the minimum scale value.
The default
value is: 0.5
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<decimal positive number> | Minimum scale value. |
Frame Margin
Specifies the distance in pixels between the UI frame from the browser's edges when scaled to fit the browser area.
The default
value is: 0
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<number> | Margin in pixels. |
Portrait Size
Orientation Mode
Specifies how the project's UI responds to device rotation.
When set to "true," the UI will adjust to a portrait page when the device is held upright in portrait orientation.
Conversely, if set to "false," the UI will show landscape pages regardless of the device's orientation.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Orientation mode enabled. |
false | Orientation mode disabled. |
Portrait Width
Specifies the width of the portrait page area in pixels.
Minimum value is 50.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Portrait Height
Specifies the height of the portrait page area in pixels.
Minimum value is 50.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Portrait Scale
Sets a scaling value to resize the UI frame when in portrait orientation.
The default
value is: =scale
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
1 | 1:1 scale - the UI frame retains its original size. |
fit | The UI frame is scaled to fill the available browser area, both vertically and horizontally. |
<decimal positive number> | Scale factor - the UI frame size is adjusted by a specified factor. Numbers greater than 1.0 enlarge the frame, while numbers smaller than 1.0 shrink it. |
Portrait Min Scale
Specifies the minimum scale value when in portrait orientation.
The default
value is: 0.5
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<decimal positive number> | Minimum scale value. |
Portrait Frame Margin
Specifies the distance in pixels between the UI frame from the browser's edges when scaled to fit the browser area.
The default
value is: 0
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<number> | Margin in pixels. |
Defines the graphical appearance of the project.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Defines the theme, which changes the appearance of the UI.
The default
value is: graphite
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
graphite | Default value. Graphite. |
baltic | Baltic. |
bright | Bright. |
bootsyco | Bootsyco. |
Theme Mode
Defines the mode of the theme.
The default
value is: default
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
default | Default value. Defaults to light or dark, depending on the theme. |
light | Light mode. |
dark | Dark mode. |
auto | Auto mode, based on the time of the day. |
system | System mode, based on the system settings. |
Theme Style
Defines the style of the theme.
The default
value is: flat
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
flat | Default value. Flat style. |
raised | Raised style. |
outlined | Outlined style. |
Icon Set
Defines the default icon set that applies to all icons.
The default
value is: mdi
The kiosk mode removes the header and footer. It can be used for digital signage or kiosks applications to have a full-screen display of the pages. "lock" also disables the navigation functions.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Header and footer can be displayed. |
nolock | Header and footer are hidden. |
lock | Header and footer are hidden, navigation is disabled. |
Animated Background
Specifies an animated background for the whole viewport.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No animation. |
birds | Birds animation. |
waves | Wave animation. |
net | Net animation. |
dots | Dots animation. |
rings | Rings animation. |
halo | Halo animation. |
Animated Background Options
Specifies the options for the animated background.
Custom Styling
Background Image
Specifies a background image for the whole viewport.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<image path> | Path to the image file. Files are searched inside the project's directory first, then inside the www/img directory. |
Background Fit
Specifies how the image should be resized to fit its container.
The default
value is: cover
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
fill | The image is resized to fill the given dimension. If necessary, the image will be stretched or squished to fit. |
contain | The image keeps its aspect ratio, but is resized to fit within the given dimension. |
cover | Default value. The image keeps its aspect ratio and fills the given dimension. The image will be clipped to fit. |
none | The image is not resized. |
Background Color
Specifies a background color for the whole viewport.
Header Background Color
Specifies a background color for the header.
Footer Background Color
Specifies a background color for the footer.
Page Background Color
Specifies a background color that covers the area behind pages.
Popup Background Color
Specifies a background color that covers the area behind popups.
Font Family
Specifies the font family.
The default
value is: default
Font Size
Specifies the font size in pixels or percentage (relative to the project's font size).
The default
value is: 14
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<integer> | Font size in pixels. | |
<percentage>% | Relative font size in percentage. | 90% |
Font Color
Specifies the text CSS color.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<html color> | Color in any html accepted format. | #ff0000 |
Font Weight
Specifies the weight of the font.
The default
value is: normal
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
normal | Default value. Normal. |
bold | Bold. |
bolder | Bolder. |
lighter | Lighter. |
Show the text in italics.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Normal. |
true | Italics. |
Small Caps
Sets the font to small caps.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Normal. |
true | Small caps. |
Specifies the text decoration.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No decoration. |
underline | Underline. |
overline | Overline. |
line-through | Line through. |
Line Height
Sets the line height of the text.
The default
value is: 1.0
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<float> | Specify the line height as a multiple of the font size. |
Specifies if the browser automatically reloads the page when the project changes.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. The page is automatically reloaded when the project changes. |
false | The browser won't automatically reload the page when the project changes. |
Disables any user command for this project. Users will be able to navigate between pages and see the current status, but all commands will be locked.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Lock disabled. |
true | Lock enabled. |
Specifies if history features are enabled.
If enabled, the navigation history will be stored locally (in the localStorage of the browser), back/forward links in the header toolbar will be enabled and navigation will be resumed when the browser/tab is reopened or refreshed.
If not enabled, back/forward navigation will still be available from custom buttons, but the navigation history won't be stored locally and navigation won't be resumed when the browser/tab is reopened or refreshed.
To completely exclude a page from the history, set the "History" attribute of the page to "false".
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. History enabled. |
false | History disabled. |
Specifies if gestures are enabled.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Gestures enabled. |
false | Gestures disabled. |
Audio Channel
Audio channel to use with Audio and Public Announcement. If set, audio from a different channel won't be played. The default value is the name of the project.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | The name of an audio channel. |
Specifies a scope.
If set, uiSets with the same scope will be enabled.
The scope is defined by the project's scope, plus the scope of the current page.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | The name of a scope. |
<list> | A comma-separated list of scopes. |
Specifies a list of default attributes shared among objects of the same type.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<list> | List of default attribute values. |
This attribute has been deprecated
since ver. 4.0
Legacy Mode
Enables legacy mode to support deprecated features of a specific version.
The default
value is: false
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Legacy mode disabled. |
3.x | Legacy mode enabled for version 3.x. Templates have a different format: %1 instead of %1;. Buttons support the value attribute, as an alias of label .Object IDs can contain uppercase letters and other characters that are not allowed in the current version. |
Page Transitions
Specifies if page transitions are enabled.
The default
value is: false
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Page transitions disabled. |
true | Page transitions enabled. |
Camera List
Defines the display name of each camera. It is required when you are displaying cameras in the index.hsm file. If you need to prevent access to one or more cameras for a specific index.hsm page, you can set that camera with an empty name, “”, or the reserved words “null” or “empty”. These cameras will be skipped by the camera rolling function, or when manually going from one camera to the next.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<list> | Comma separated list of all cameras, in the same order in which the cameras' ids appear in the Cameras parameter in hsyco.ini. The names must be enclosed in double quotes. |
Camera Overlay
Defines custom overlay image masks for each camera. It is optional, and if not specified HSYCO will use the standard overlays.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<list> | Comma separated list of the types of overlay for each defined camera. The possible types are: "default": default overlay for the PTZ cameras "": default overlay for the PTZ cameras "null": no overlay "filename.png": customized file, in the www/<project's name>/img or www/img directory. |
Camera Grid List
Defines the display name of each camera grid. It is required when you are including camera grids in the project.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<list> | Comma separated list of the cameras grids’ names, listed in order starting from 1, as they appear in the parameters in hsyco.ini. The names must be enclosed in double quotes. |
Toast Position
Specifies the position of the toast messages.
The default
value is: top-right
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
top-left | Top left. |
top-center | Top center. |
top-right | Default value. Top right. |
bottom-left | Bottom left. |
bottom-center | Bottom center. |
bottom-right | Bottom right. |
Toast Position Portrait
Specifies the position of the toast messages when in portrait orientation.
The default
value is: top-center
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
top-left | Top left. |
top-center | Default value. Top center. |
top-right | Top right. |
bottom-left | Bottom left. |
bottom-center | Bottom center. |
bottom-right | Bottom right. |
Displays a toast message. Value is a JSON object with the following properties:
- message: the message to display
- type: the type of the message (optional) - can be "info", "warning", "error", "success"
- duration: the duration of the message in milliseconds (optional) - default is 4000. 0 means no timeout, needs to be dismissed by the user
- close: if true, removes a toast with the same message before displaying the new one (optional) - default is false
- duplicate: if true, allows multiple toasts with the same message (optional) - default is false
{ "message": "<message>", "type": "<type>", "duration": <duration>, "duplicate": true }
{ "message": "<message>", "close": true }
Value can also be a JSON array of toast messages, to display multiple toasts at the same time.
[ { "message": "<message1>", "type": "<type1>", "duration": <duration1> }, { "message": "<message2>", "type": "<type2>", "duration": <duration2> }, ... ]
This attribute is live
. It can't be set from the Project Editor, it needs to be set dynamically with a UISet.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<json> | Toast message. | { "message": "hello!" } |
Enables a screensaver mode triggered by inactivity.
Minimum value is 0.
The default
value is: 0
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
0 | Default value. Disables screensaver mode. |
[seconds] | Enters screensaver mode after the specified seconds of inactivity. |
Screensaver Image
Specifies a screensaver image.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
[full url (http://...)] | Set the image source. |
[path relative to the project's img/ path] | . |
[empty string] | No screensaver image. |
Screensaver Image Size
Specifies the resize mode of the screensaver image.
The default
value is: fit
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
fit | Default value. The image is fully contained in the interface. |
crop | The image covers the interface. |
Sets the debug mode for the project.
In debug a mode, a debug popup will be displayed.
Value can be either true/false or a timestamp of the time until the debug mode is active.
This attribute is automatically set from the Project Editor options.
Otherwise it works only if it's received from the server, not if set locally on the client.
This attribute is live
. It can't be set from the Project Editor, it needs to be set dynamically with a UISet.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Debug mode enabled. |
false | Debug mode disabled. |
<timestamp> | Debug mode enabled until the specified timestamp. |
Specifies a comment, visible only in the Project Editor. It can be used to add a note or a tag to the object. The filter in the object's SELECT panel applies to the comment as well.
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Excludes the object from the UI. Useful to temporarily hide an object without deleting it. Different from the "Visible" attribute, which hides the object in the UI but keeps it in the project, allowing it to be shown again with a UISet.
The default
value is: false
This attribute is static
. Its value can't be changed dynamically with a uiSet command or with a value binding.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Object is included in the UI. |
true | Object is excluded from the UI. |