Nav item, placed inside a nav object.
It can be a button, a group, a divider, a spacer, or a breadcrumbs item.
Specifies the nav item type.
The default
value is: button
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
button | Default value. A button. |
group | A Group contains more items. |
header | A header used to Used to categorize or separate other items. |
hamburger | A hamburger button, used to open/close the nav. It's available only for drawer mode. |
divider | A divider. |
spacer | A spacer that takes all the space available. Space is divided equally among multiple spacers. |
breadcrumbs | Breadcrumbs. |
section | Section: for multi-level menus. Shows as a separate column or row, depending on the nav orientation. Can only be used in the root level. |
Group Type
Specifies the group type.
The default
value is: popup-menu
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
popup-menu | Default value. Popup Menu: shows the group content in a popup. |
scroller | Scroller: encloses the group content in a scrollable area that takes as much space as available. |
accordion | Accordion: expands/collapses the group content when selected. |
Specifies the button's label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Button's label. |
Specifies a description displayed below the label.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | Button's description. |
Specifies an icon to display. Its position is set with the "Icon Position" attribute.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<icon> | An icon or image. |
Icon Color
Specifies the icon's color.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<html color> | Color in any html accepted format. | #ff0000 |
Secondary Icon
Specifies a secondary icon to display. Its position depends on the "Icon Position" attribute.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<icon> | An icon or image. |
Secondary Icon Color
Specifies the secondary icon's color.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<html color> | Color in any html accepted format. | #ff0000 |
Specifies the text.
Specifies the item's size.
The default
value is: auto
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
auto | Default value. Auto. |
<int> | Size in pixels. |
Specifies the action performed when clicked/tapped.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
[empty] | Default value. No action. |
link | Changes page, shows a popup or opens a URL. |
command | Sends a command to the server, with the specified name and parameter. |
datapoint | Toggles a datapoint. |
download | Fires a download file request that generates a specific command. A server-side userCommand script must intercept the command. If the content to be downloaded is an existing file, it should return a full pathname of the file to be downloaded, or a JSON object such as {"path":"pathname", "filename":"filename", "delete":true} , where path is the full pathname of the file to be downloaded and filename is the name of the file to be saved on the client. Delete is optional. When present and set to true, the file is deleted as soon as the download is initiated from the client.If the returned pathname is a valid and accessible file under the HSYCO main directory, the download will be initiated. It is also possible to generate the binary content to be downloaded directly from the userCommand script. In this case userCommand should return a JSON object like {"data":"&<Base64-encoded data&>", "filename":"filename"} where data is a Base64-encoded string of the binary data to be downloaded. |
upload | Shows the upload file popup. A server-side uiSet (not a scope uiSet) must be executed to allow the upload and specify the upload path: uiSet("<object ID>", "path", "<upload path>") * name: the object ID * upload path: the path where the uploaded files are saved, relative to the HSYCO main directory When the upload is completed, a command is generated with: * name: the object ID * parameter: the uploaded file name, including the extension. |
submit | Sends the values of all the fields within the button's container to the server. If not in a container, it submits all fields from the page. In overlay pages, if the button is not inside a container, it submits fields from the current page as well. Fields inside nested containers are included in the submissions. When submitting, if a field is not valid, it will be focused and the action will be canceled. |
timer | Opens a timer's details. |
tab | Shows a specified container and hides the other of the same group. |
camera-link | Opens a page with the specified camera address. |
docs-link | Opens the documentation page with the specified root and path. |
slider | Opens a slider popup. |
menu | Opens a popup menu. |
logout | Immediately logs out the user. |
coordinates | Sends a command to the server, with the specified name and the cursor position as parameter (x,y). |
Specifies a page, navigation command or external URL to follow.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<Page ID> | The page ID. | |
<URL> | A url starting with "http://", "https://", "ftp://" or "www.". | |
back | Navigate backward in browsing history. | |
forward | Navigate forward in browsing history. | |
close | Closes the last opened popup. | |
close-all | Closes all open popups. | |
<comma-separated list> | Consequently opens a list of links. Useful for example to open multiple modals in sequence, or to open a page and then a popup. | close-all,mymodal |
Link Target
Specifies where to open the linked URL. Available only for URL links.
The default
value is: _self
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
_self | Default value. Opens the linked URL in the same window or tab. |
_blank | Opens the linked URL in a new window or tab. |
<string> | Opens the linked URL in a named window or tab. Use this to open multiple links in the same window or tab. |
Specifies a datapoint, to display and control its status.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
[datapoint address] | The datapoint address. | dummy.dimmer.1 |
Specifies the command name that is sent to the server.
If the name starts with $, then the server will automatically set a variable with the same name as the command, containing the command's parameter.
The default
value is: =id
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | A command name. | |
$[variable name] | A command name that sets a variable. | $myvar |
$[variable name]! | A command name that sets a persistent variable. | $myvar! |
Specifies the command parameter that is sent to the server.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A command parameter. |
If enabled, the command will be repeated every second. Instead of a single command on the button press event, multiple commands are sent with the following suffixes:
<command name>/down
: on mouse down or touch down events<command name>/repeat
: if the button is still pressed, a repeat command is sent every second<command name>/up
: on mouse up or touch up events, for a short press (less than a second, so no repeat commands have been sent yet)<command name>/stop
: on mouse up or touch up events, for a long press (more than a second, so at least a repeat command has been sent)
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Repeat mode is disabled. |
true | Repeat mode is enabled. |
Specifies the path where uploaded files are saved. If this attribute is not set, the upload has no effect (no files saved on the server).
For security reasons, this UISET must be executed on the server-side code (EVENTS, JavaScript or Java). A client-side UISET would be ignored.
This attribute is live
. It can't be set from the Project Editor, it needs to be set dynamically with a UISet.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Path. | .tmp |
Specifies wether multiple files can be selected.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Single file selection. |
true | Multiple file selection. |
Specifies the types of files that the server accepts.
The default
value is: [any]
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
[empty] | No restrictions. | |
<comma-separated list> | File extensions. | .jpg,.png,.gif |
Specifies wether a preview step is displayed.
The default
value is: false
This attribute is experimental
. It might not work properly and it might be modified or removed in a future release.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. No preview. |
true | Preview. |
Specifies a camera, to display its live video stream.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<camera address> | The camera address. | |
Target Camera
Specifies a target camera object, to display the camera live video stream.
If not specified, a default camera object is displayed in a popup.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
[empty string] | The camera is displayed in a popup. | |
<Container ID> | The container object's ID. | mycontainer |
Docs Target
Specifies a target docs object, to display the documentation.
If not specified, a default docs object is displayed in a popup.
The default
value is: default
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
default | Default value. The documentation is displayed in a popup. | |
<Docs ID> | The docs object's ID. | mydocs |
Doc Type
Specifies the type of documentation.
The default
value is: project
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
project | Default value. Project documentation. |
hsyco | HSYCO documentation. |
projects | All projects documentation. |
objects | Custom objects documentation. |
Docs Root Path
Root path of the documentation.
If left empty it loads all the project documentation.
If a path is specified it loads the documentation from that path.
The path is relative to the project docs directory: www/projects/<project id>/docs
The contents of the docs directory are merged with the common docs directory: www/docs
The common docs should include documentation that is shared among multiple projects, while project-specific docs should be placed in the project's docs directory.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Path. | my/sub/dir |
Docs Path
Current path of the docs file displayed, following the same directory structure as the root path.
Can contain an anchor to a specific section of the document, using the format path#anchor
Each heading in the document has an anchor with an id equal to the heading text in lowercase, with no spaces.
E.g. My Heading
becomes #myheading
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | Path. | projects/home |
Specifies wether the index is displayed.
The default
value is: toggle
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Visible. |
false | Hidden. |
toggle | Default value. User can toggle visibility. |
toggle-false | User can toggle visibility, but it's hidden by default. |
Specifies wether the table of contents is displayed.
The default
value is: toggle
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Visible. |
false | Hidden. |
toggle | Default value. User can toggle visibility. |
toggle-false | User can toggle visibility, but it's hidden by default. |
Specifies wether the breadcrumbs are displayed.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Hidden. |
true | Default value. Visible. |
Specifies a timer, to display its details and command it.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<timer address> | The timer address. | dummy.timer.1 |
Target Container
Specifies a target container, to display its content.
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<container ID> | The container ID. | dummy.container.1 |
Tab Group
Specifies the tab group to which the tab belongs.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | The tab group name. |
Slider Action
Specifies the action to perform when the slider is moved.
The default
value is: none
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
none | Default value. No action. |
command | Sends a command. |
datapoint | Sets a datapoint value. |
dmx | Sets a DMX value. |
Slider Orientation
Specifies the orientation of the slider.
The default
value is: horizontal
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
horizontal | Default value. Horizontal. |
vertical | Vertical. |
Slider Display Value
Specifies if the slider value is displayed.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. The slider value is not displayed. |
true | The slider value is displayed. |
Slider Name
Specifies the name of the command to send.
The default
value is: =id
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A command name. |
Slider Address
Specifies the address of the DMX to set.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<string> | A DMX address. |
Slider Datapoint
Specifies the datapoint to set.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<datapoint address> | A datapoint address. |
Menu Items
Specifies the menu items.
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
<json> | Menu item. |
If feedback is enabled, when the action is performed, a loader is displayed until the server responds.
Also the action can't be performed again until the server responds.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. Feedback is disabled. |
true | Feedback is enabled. |
Requires a confirmation before performing the action.
The default
value is: false
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
false | Default value. No confirmation, the action is performed right away. |
doubleclick | A second click (or touch or enter key) is required to confirm the action. |
popup | A popup is displayed to ask for confirmation. |
Confirm Message
The confirmation message to be displayed if the "confirm" attribute is set to "popup".
Attribute Values
Value | Description | Example |
<string> | The message to be displayed in the confirm popup. | Are you sure? |
Sets the object's visibility.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Visible. |
false | Hidden. |
Specifies if the object is enabled or disabled. A disabled object appears as grayed out and can't be interacted with.
The default
value is: true
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
true | Default value. Enabled. |
false | Disabled. |
Sets the object's opacity. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an object is hidden.
The default
value is: 1.0
Attribute Values
Value | Description |
0 | The object is fully transparent. |
>0.0, <1.0 | The object is translucent (content behind the element can be seen). |
1.0 | Default value. The object is fully opaque. |