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BACnetServer Utility

The BACnetServer Utility application allows you to show all defined objects and their properties and values. It also supports writing values to writable properties. Whenever a BACNetServer I/O server is defined in HSYCO, the BACnetServer Utility will appear among the applications of the manager.

Create new objects by adding them in the Objects table. These will be considered 'Static' objects, so these ones are not removed when restarting HSYCO. Objects created through Events are 'Dynamic', these can't be deleted manually, they will be removed once HSYCO restarts.

Select an object row to select that object, and the browser will show all the properties (with their value) for that object instance.

To manually update the values, simply press the Edit icon.

All writable properties (the ones highlighted in bold) can have a 'Linked Datapoint', that's just another HSYCO datapoint. Linking a BACnet property to a datapoint means that no BACnet datapoint will be created for that property, as its value is the value of the linked datapoint.

All object's properties and values for the selected I/O Server can be seen and exported using the 'Export All Objects' button.

All active Subscriptions can be seen from the 'Subscription' page, that shows all important information regarding each subscription, like when it started, its lifetime, covIncrement etc.